Trees Bloom on the Battlefield

The two weeks passed on the ship rather quickly. Besides the first incident, no other disturbances came their way.

Before the sun could peek over the horizon, Zitsu and the seventeen ninjas from his team were already running towards the islands.

Because of Fuu's slow speed, Zitsu created a wood clone just to carry her on his back.

Similar scenes could be seen all around Nagi and O'uzu islands. As the ninjas ran through the early morning mist, a dense fog formed all around them.

From an aerial view, it would appear as both islands were about to be consumed by fog.

The sun began to rise but the dense fog plunged the islands into perpetual darkness.

"The sun has risen!" Zitsu's powerful voice filled the fog. "Our mission begins! Kill all ninja, don't let them retreat behind you and push them forward! Our primary goal is not to kill but to force their retreat!"

Suddenly his chakra scan covered its maximum distance. The first thing he sensed was a small village not far from the coast, but soon he began to sense clans with stronger chakra signatures.

"Emina you take eight ninjas and head towards four o'clock, Haku you take the rest and head towards ten o'clock."


"Count on me."

The ninjas dispersed, leaving Fuu and Zitsu alone.

"Come Fuu, time to show you how to herd Sheep."

"Sheep?" As Fuu tilted her head Zitsu drew Samehada from his back.

Suddenly Zitsu and the wood clone flickered forward and soon arrived at the location of a clan. There was one large mansion and over twenty smaller courtyards surrounding it. While the location of the clan was located in a clearing, behind them a thick treeline lead into a dense forest.

Zitsu grabbed Samehada with his right while simultaneously forming hand seals with his left. Suddenly his chest began to swell as he rapidly sucked air through his nose.

"Water Style: Water Dragon Barrage!" His chest began pumping rapidly as he shot water dragon after water dragon from his mouth. Every time a dragon exited his mouth, it was like thunder clapped as a million man army marched to the sound of crashing drums.

The dragons ripped through the ground as both dirt and stone were crushed in their path. The army of dragons roared fiercely as they crushed the walls of the courtyards. As they travelled forward only a bog remained in their wake.

With his massive reserve of chakra, Zitsu could shoot these water dragons like pulling grass from a field.

Screams filled the air as the ninjas and their families began to flee from their home. An old man with a long white beard and slicked back hair rushed from the mansion.

"Flee! Flee! We're under attack! Warriors! With me!"

The old man tried to give his clan some direction as those who made it out alive began to panic.

Soon his eyes landed on Zitsu. Seeing their attacker was only one man his face boiled with rage.

"Kill!" He yelled at the top of his lungs as he and fifteen of his strongest family members charged.

They all began to perform hand seals in rage. Zitsu's right eye flickered in their direction as he caught every hand seal.

"Combination Jutsu: Flame Sea Tsunami!"

The clan ninjas took a deep breath before fire began to bellow from their mouths, combining into one raging sea of flames.

Seeing the wall of fire approaching, Fuu couldn't help but tremble on the back of the wood clone. Her eyes turned towards Zitsu in fear, only to see his tranquil face.

Seeing that they chose to use a fire jutsu in front of him, Zitsu didn't know whether to be upset or calm. Clearly, they were underestimating him.

Zitsu stopped shooting water dragons as he pointed Samehada at the flames. He formed seals with his left hand while Samehada was wrapped in water.

"Water Style: Super Shark Bomb Jutsu" Zitsu thrust Samehada forward causing a lone shark to shoot from the blade.

As the small shark headed for the massive sea of fire, it felt like throwing an egg at the wall.

But right before the shark collided with the wall it opened its mouth and began sucking in all the fire. Suddenly the shark grew at a rapid speed as it absorbed all the chakra from the jutsu and continued to travel forward.

The shark grew to a massive size as it charged towards the clan ninjas.

"Run!" The old man yelled as they began fleeing with the rest of their family.

Zitsu smiled as he slowly gave chase, pushing them towards the center of the island.

This operation wasn't dangerous as the islands had no central power, just individual clans and alliances.

The whole part of the plan was to strike at lightning speed to catch the enemy unaware. With a thousand ninjas attacking simultaneously, the natives were completely overwhelmed.

Normally the five great nations wouldn't bother attacking a smaller nation as they had nothing to gain. Kirigakure was different as its lands were small and out of reach of most nations. Because the country was poor the Daimyo was supportive of this assault because it would only increase his power.

To keep them on their toes, Zitsu would occasionally chop a ninja down with Samehada.

As Fuu watched Zitsu kill ninja after ninja she was at first quite scared, but seeing the frenzied smile on his face as his sword crushed through the ninjas defense and absorbed any jutsu they tried to attack with she began to think differently. If he was smiling like that it must be fun right?

Zitsu was unaware of the smile on his face as he crushed the ninja's skull in front of him. He hadn't felt this free in a long time. In the Hidden Waterfall Village and the Leaf Village he couldn't kill all he wanted because his actions might start a war.

But here, annihilation was the goal.

[Taijutsu 53]

Filling the last bit of experience needed for his taijutsu to level, he attached Samehada to his back.

Zitsu's eyes gleamed with madness as his scan picked up the hundreds of ninjas running towards the center of the island. While it was true that this was a way for the Mist to come together and become stronger, to Zitsu that was only a side benefit.

His reason for pushing the ninjas to one location had nothing to do with stopping their escape. If they acted stealthily, killing the ninja clans before they knew what was going on would just take a bit of extra work.

The real goal was to get them all into one location to make it easier for him to kill them all. He would never get the opportunity to kill so many ninjas at once again as this was the easiest location to attack.

"It's time." Zitsu could sense it, over seven hundred ninjas and their families. While they didn't touch any of the normal towns, the ninja's families must die to prevent revenge.

All of them were gathered within 40 km, and he could even sense Haku's and Emina's team to his right and left. Taking a deep breath he began performing hand seals.

Zitsu suddenly stopped chasing the ninjas infront of him.

[Chakra 68923/121395]

"Wood Release: Deep Forest Emergence"

Zitsu slammed his palms on the ground and caused the earth to rumble. Suddenly, thick branches burst from the ground around all the enemy chakra signatures. Those who weren't directly impaled were quickly bound by limbs and vines as the massive trees rose into the air.

In a matter of seconds, towering trees appeared all over the forest as clan shinobis screamed and struggled to break free. As Zitsu rose from the ground, he couldn't help but feel excited.

[Ninjutsu 54]

[Level 37]

Everyone who saw the series had heard of the power of wood release. He had not gotten to the point where he could make a thousand armed buddha golem, but he could easily grow some trees from the ground.

As he admired his handiwork, his hands formed into the snake seal.

"Wood Release: Deep Forest Bloom"

[Chakra 55673/121395]

Massive flowers bloomed from the trees. Golden pollen fell from the petals and surrounded the ninjas, causing them to slip into unconsciousness.

Zitsu clapped his hands, causing branches as sharp as spears to pierce the ninja's bodies. As they were asleep, they weren't even able to dodge.

[Ninjutsu 56]

Seeing the massive increase in levels from killing hundreds of ninjas, Zitsu didn't waste any time. Before the Kiri ninjas on Nagi island could even regroup Zitsu and his wood clone had already teleported to O'uzu Island.

He wanted to offer his assistance so his fellow shinobi wouldn't have to suffer. He appeared next to Mangetsu's team who were in the middle of a fierce battle with the enemy.

Because O'uzu island was bigger, the battle was more intense. As Zitsu appeared with his wood clone they were surprised at first, but soon they were shocked.

As he slammed his hands onto the ground, the flat plain they were fighting on soon became a forest as wooden spears shot from the ground and bloomed into trees with ninja corpses impaled on their trunks.

[Ninjutsu 60]

[Level 38]

Hundreds died instantly, but hundreds still remained. Seeing his level increase once more, Zitsu instantly put 20 points into health, and unlocked two perks.

[Earth Nature Transformation] and [Dual Nature Casting]

As he held out his left hand, it filled with water nature chakra, and as he held out his right hand it filled with lightning nature chakra.

He moved his hands together and began forming seals.

Editor: Scarlet Goddess