Emina's Dance

It only took the ninja a couple minutes to find Emina in the back of the ship practicing with her swords. The usual playfulness was gone, replaced by a thick killing intent as she slowly swung her blades.

Her every movement looked nothing like a sword technique, but a beautiful dance of blades. Droplets of water cascaded from her left blade every time she spun, wisps of fire drifted around her right blade as it swirled around her. A dance of water and fire, but with every slash a raging thunderstorm would discharge from her blades causing her dance to seem wild and untamed.

It drawed you close to see the sight, only to strike you down for taking a look.

The ninja was mesmerized not by her beauty, but her skill with the sword. While he'd heard rumors that members of the Shichibukai couldn't become Jonin without their leader's permission, he always thought it was a joke to save face.

But if someone told him the girl in front of him was at the level of Chunin, he'd never believe them.

Emina stopped her practice as she realized the man wasn't going away. This wasn't the first time she'd been watched during this trip, and she liked being admired. Sometimes they would stare for too long and get on her nerves; everything had a limit. Hocking her swords to her waist, she turned towards the ninja with furrowed brows, intending to scare him off.

"Uhh" Seeing her adorable face all scrunched up, the ninja blanked for a moment.

"How long are you going to stand there?!? Do you have nothing else to do!?" Seeing her first plan failed, Emina lost her cool and began to yell. Her long red hair waved back and forth as she stomped closer towards the man.

"Commander Zitsu sent me here."

"Smelly guy?" Emina instantly calmed down as a smile bloomed on her face.

"If he's finally asking for my company, tell him I'm busy, and that he should come to me personally and not send lackeys, then I may give him a bit of my time."

Seeing the smug smile on her face, the ninja felt a little awkward "He doesn't want your company."

Her face instantly dropped.

"He's sending you on a mission to intercept a boat coming from the south."

"Uhhhhh" Her shoulder dropped as she heard his words. "The tyrant is back, it was a nice break while it lasted. Any details?"

"He said there is one Jonin, three Chunin, and two Genin. As for the civilians, he said to capture them if they're from Naga or O'uzu but kill them if they're from Sea country."

As he finished his words, Emina leaped from the ship and began running south after landing in the water. As she ran, she began braiding her hair at a rapid speed. When she was finished, a thick fishtail braid extended to the small of her back, three kunai were tied to the end of her braid.

As she ran, the kunai began to clank together in a clattering noise. Her breathing began to slow down as her steps became smoother. Instead of clattering noise, the kunai began to chime in a beautiful melody as her steps turned into a dance.

She drew her blades as her body began to twist and turn, skipping across the water as she performed pirouettes. Her braid began to swing madly around as the chimes became louder and louder as her movements became grander.

On a boat not far away, a tall ninja lounged on a chair. On his forehead was a headband with the symbol of a crushing wave.

"This escort mission is a piece of cake with you here boss, those pirate didn't stand a chance."

Hearing the flattery, the tall ninja couldn't help but feel smug "When you're a Jonin, you can pick the easy missions too. The Elders don't dare mistreat Jonin like they do to you Chunin and Genin."

The boat was medium sized, besides the six ninjas, there were eight crew members and fourteen passengers.

Just when he was about to speak further, his ears began to twitch. His brows furrowed as he closed his eyes to listen carefully.

Suddenly a beautiful melody entered his ears causing his entire face to drain of blood. He jumped from his seat as fast as he could, but it was already too late.

"Blade Dancer."

As the words left his mouth, the crew members, passengers, and even the two Genin directly collapsed onto the deck of the boat.

The three Chunin stumbled slightly but were able to regain their calm.

Once chunin grabbed his head as he looked towards the Jonin "Genjutsu? But wh.."

Before he could even finish his sentence, a blue and red tornado charged at him from the sea. Lightning crackled as it spun at rapid speed, instantly arriving before the Chunin.

Her body tilted at an impossible angle as her blades passed through his legs like a hot knife through butter. Before he even had time to scream she continued to spin, as the sharpest blades in the world, Kiba, cut diagonally through the ninja's body thirty-six times in but a moment.

Emina's body continued to spin, her right eye closed as her Sharingan moved rapidly. Before she had to limit her spinning as keeping track of her enemies became impossible. Since she no longer has that limitation her lethality had increased.

The Jonin quickly began to perform hand seals to try and blow her away, but Emina suddenly whipped her hair.

A beautiful melody filled the air as the jonin tried to complete his seals, but soon realized he couldn't feel his hands.

He looked down, the only thing greeting him were bloody stumps. As his eyes went wide, Emina stopped directly in front of him.

Her blades arced with lighting as she began spinning them like batons, every spin another part of the ninja's body would be sliced.

His body stiffened as every cut was filled with lightning chakra, paralyzing his body. This was the first time in his entire life he regretted neglecting his training.

"Kenjutsu: Death by a Thousand Cuts." It only took a few seconds to cut him a thousand times. Turning around she lunged at the last two terrified Chunin. "Bloom."

As her sweet voice echoed, a rose of blood erupted from the Jonin's body. He fell limply to the ground, dead.

With a quick spin, she was able to slice through the bodies of the last two Chunin. Finding the Genins on the ground she pierced her swords through their skull.

As she walked towards one of the passengers, the kunai in her hair stopped producing chimes and she sheathed her swords.

As the Genjutsu stopped, the passengers began waking up.

"You!" Emina grabbed a man by the collar "Where are you all from?!" Her nose wrinkled and her lips parted as she showed the man her clenched teeth, trying to act as menacing as possible.

"S-s-s-sea, we're from the Sea country!!" His eyes flickered to the armband tied to her upper right arm "You're from Kiri right?!? I-I-I-I can pay you!" The man stuttered horribly as liquid began running down his pants from fear.

"Are all you from Sea Country?!" Her eyes scanned the crowd. Seeing them all nod furiously as though they caught a glimpse of hope she couldn't help but sigh.

"That's too bad." Her head shook "You picked the wrong week to travel.

She began rapidly performing hand seals as she leaped off the side of the boat. In the five years Zitsu was away at the swamp, the clone decided to teach them a lot more than water jutsu after a while.

Her index finger and thumb formed a circle in front of her mouth as she took a deep breath.

"Fire Style: Grand Fireball Jutsu!" As she exhaled a giant fireball crashed into the ship. As it exploded in flames, those who weren't instantly killed were slowly roasted in the flames.

She watched the ship go up in flames as she unbraided her hair and stored the kunai.

"Stupid smelly guy sending me on these stupid missions!" As she grumbled, her eyepatch closed, hiding her Sharingan.

Turning around she began running back towards the ship.

Zitsu opened his eyes when he sensed Emina approaching him. As he turned his head he saw her nose wrinkled.

"Why are you a sensory ninja?! It's not fair, how am I supposed to sneak up on you?!"

"Well? The mission?" Completely ignoring her rant, he changed the subject without even considering answering her.

"They're dead! Send Haku next time!" Stopping her feet she turned around but suddenly paused. "Or your new toy!" Pointing at Fuu sitting in his lap, she showed a sheepish grin before walking away.

Fuu's head tilted to the side as she leaned her head back to look at Zitsu's face. "Fuu doesn't have any toys? Did you get Fuu toys?"

The corners of his lips curled as he rubbed her head "Ignore her, she's a psychopath".

Editor: Scarlet Goddess