A New Day

"Xiare! Xiare!" A familiar voice calls out my name. It was my friend, Eumi.

She was using telepathy to communicate with the sleeping me.

Huh? What does she want?

"What is it?" I respond lazily.

I couldn't be bothered with her right now. I'm too busy sleeping.

"There's someone calling you outside! Come here!" She says, shouting.


"Huh? Who is it?"

"Just come outside you stupid!"

Abruptly, I open my eyes and clench my teeth as she shouts.

'Did you just called me an stupid?! I'm going to smack your head once I get there idiot!'


I haven't introduced myself yet did I? Name's Xiare. Xiare Everheart. There's not that much stuff to talk about me except being a cultivator at the revered "Moonlight Sword Sect."

Yep, the sect that everyone's been and always been talking about in the mortal world.

Eh? You don't know about Moonlight Sword Sect? You dummy, this big sister of yours will tell you about it okay?

You see, the Moonlight Sword Sect is a sect that focuses on harnessing the power of moonlight.

Yep, that's about it.



That's what I know okay? I'm fairly new to the sect ya know?


Somehow, I feel proud when I'm talking about which sect I am from hahaha…

Oh right!

As you can see, this friend of mine used a telepathy to contact me earlier. However, instead of talking normally like a sane person, she shouted like a goddamn idiot which made my head rang in pain.

And since telepathy is pretty much the same as normal conversation, if someone shouts like an idiot near you, won't your ears also ring in pain?


I feel like my head is continuously ringing like a bell damn it.

Enough talk about that. I'm going outside to see the one who's calling me and smack someone's head for waking me up.

Gently, I rise up from my bed and begin cleaning up the bed cover. Well, gotta clean up first right? Gotta clean them all first hmm hmm...

"Hey! will you just come here! The poor man beside me is waiting for you to appear you know?!" Eumi telepathically yells to me, shouting once more.

"Alright! alright!" I replied back, shouting. Hopefully, that will teach her not to shout telepathically.

This lady will not tolerate such abuse and will retaliate back if needed.


Even though I want to stop using telepathy and block this friend of mine from communicating with me again, I could not do it as I live on the second floor of the disciples' building. If I block her, she will shout like a madman outside the building which will then attract and irritate other cultivators who are sleeping peacefully or those who just woke up.

It's irritating, right?

And so, it's either I keep the telepathy with my friend on or stop using telepathy at all.

There's not that much of a choice right? Both choices are irritating. Sigh...

After I tidy up the bed cover, I gently leave my room and head downwards to go where my friend is. While stepping down the stairs, I see some disciples idling around. Some were brewing coffee and some were just chatting with each others, gossiping about something.

After looking at them, I simply took a glance at my dress and saw myself wearing a simple short pants and shirt.

I couldn't be bothered changing myself right now.

Unless I feel like being too cute, that is.


By the time I head to where my friend is, I was greeted with the sight of my friend waving at me and a—


Is that an imperial knight?!

Damn it!

Yes, it was an Imperial knight waiting for me. He is currently standing beside my friend, silently waiting for my stupid self to appear.

Donning in black-plated armor, having the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect in his chest, and having a face of a saint, there's no way this is not an imperial knight standing before Eumi.

But wait...

Why is there an Imperial knight here?

I quicken up my pace. Why? Well, that's because that's an imperial knight! An Imperial Knight! The same knights that are responsible for protecting the higher-ups and the entire sect as a whole!

Even the elites of the elites within the sect have to greet them in time you know? They are just that important!

My friend looks at me before talking to the knight, saying, "I'm truly sorry for my friend being this slow. It's very unusual to see her late. I'm sorry Mr. Knight."

She then bows in front of the Imperial Knight after apologizing on my late appearance.

In turn, the knight nods back and waves his hands, gesturing that there's no need to use such formalities.

Although she's an idiot, my friend does care about others which is nice to see.

It's warming to have a friend like her, right?

"It's alright. Everyone's gotta take their time. Besides, I'm not really in a hurry so don't worry about it haha.." The knight replied while waving his hands.

Somehow, I feel my heart being stabbed by Mr. Knight's calm words. And face too.

Oh right! Did I forget to tell you about the appearance of Mr. Knight? All right then! This lady will tell you about his appearance!

You see, unlike most knights who had their hairs cut down to look presentable, Mr. Knight is the opposite. He has a long wavy dark brown hair that almost reaches his shoulders.

Also, despite the fact that his hair is long, his hairstyle suited him to be exact.

Yep, this lady is not kidding.

As for his face...


He looks like those characters I read from some novels. Rich, young and most important of all— cute.


I'm not saying that in a perverted way okay? His face was just cute and that.


While walking to where my friend and where Mr. Knight is, I suddenly remember something.

'Wait… Why is there an Imperial Knight waiting for me?'

I mean, it's quite unreasonable, right?

If someone knocks on your door only to find out a stranger wearing a luxurious suit, wouldn't you notice something off?


What's the reason for such imperial knight to be here? Hmm...

Truly a conspiracy.

Wait a minute... conspirac—


Hold on for a second…

If there's an Imperial knight waiting for me out….

Then that means….!

I feel my back sweating with cold as I realize why Mr. Imperial Knight came here.

Noo! I don't want to be kicked out from this sect! Nooo!

Darn it! Darn it! Darn it!

Is it because my cultivation is very low at my current age? Or is it because my cultivation being stuck at "Beyond Mortal realm?" Darn it!

Eh? You don't get what I mean by the Beyond Mortal realm?


To simplify, my current realm is the second realm, just below the first realm or so-called the weakest realm.

"Mr. Knight, can I take a look at your— eh? Why is your head sweating Xiare?" My friend looks at me with curiosity within her eyes. Now's not the time to ask that you fool!

I quickly wipe off my forehead with my hand and pretend to act like I am brushing my hair off.

Haaa.... Thank god this friend of mine quickly noticed the sweat on my forehead. I will now pardon you for shouting at me like an idiot.

I look at Mr. Knight. Thank god he did not notice that my forehead is sweating.

Fortunately, while I was brushing off my sweat, Mr. Knight looked onto his waist and took something from his pouch hanging on his waist. It looks like Mr. Knight is too rich to buy such expensive items like pouches that can store a huge amount of items.

Should I marry Mr. Knight?


While I am thinking about marrying him, I see Mr. Knight pulling a scroll inside his pouch.

Eh? It looks like…. Oh no! My fear of being expelled out from the sect is becoming true!

The scroll Mr. Knight was pulling out is a unique scroll, having a crystal dragon as a rod with a red parchment rather than the usual white one.

Darn it! Darn it! Darn it!

Why am I so nervous right now you ask? Well, that's THE SECT MASTER'S SCROLL! The scroll that can make one bow with respect just by looking at the scroll!

Even those who aren't from the sect acknowledge the fact that this scroll can indeed make one bow ya know?!

And with respect too!

Typically, only those who received an attention or order from the sect master will be given such a scroll. However, in other cases, those who were within the sect master's "watch list" will also be given such scroll, with the contents being the receiver being kicked out instead!

Does this mean that I am in the sect master's watch list a long time ago?!

Darn it!

As Mr. Knight opens the scroll he's holding, he carefully recites the contents inside, saying, "Uhh…. Greetings cultivator Xiare, I, the sect master, Jin Luna of the Moonlight Sword Sect, have some favor to ask of you. Meet me in the hall where the moon shines brightly. A reward will be given if as soon as you complete the favor I ask of you."



Wait a minute...

Hold on...

What did I just heard?

Wait… It's not a scroll where one gets expelled?

Hahahahahaha! My worries are all for nothing then hahahaha!

Instantly, my mood changes from worried to a happy one. Ahhh, such a wonderful morning… Except for the part where you get waken up by some idiot shouting through telepathy.

But still, that doesn't change the fact that this morning is wonderful, right? Haa...

Inside my head, I sighed. False alarm! Haha! Sucks for you bad luck! Not today! Not today.

After all, being a disciple of this sect is the only thing I'm proud of.

"I have been tasked to escort you to go to the place where the sect master resides. Please, follow me, Ms. Xiare." Mr. Knight said to me as he put the scroll back in his pouch.

"Please lead the way, Mr. Knight." I eagerly replied back. Ohohohoho, hello there sweet rewards, Sa*ta is coming to you ohohoho.

"Umm… Xiare.." My friend looks at Mr. Knight first then at me. Oh please, this Sa*ta here is not sharing any loot ohohoho. This good old Sa*ta is not giving away any gifts this time.

My friend walks closer at me and whispers something in my ear, saying, "Your appearance… and your hair…"



Ah! I forgot about my appearance! I don't want to act as a careless and messy girl in front of the sect master! Naive me! How could I be some careless doofus!

Argh! Why am I so stupid!

I take a glance at Mr. Knight. Instead of him being disgusted at me being messy, he was instead smiling at me as if he did not care about my appearance. Ughhh I feel embarrassed at myself.

I blush afterwards. Sigh….

Well, I gotta clean myself first… right?

Oh, I also forgot to greet Mr. Knight.