The Sect Master Of The Moonlight Sword Sect (Part 1/2)

"Ahh…. What a beautiful day, isn't it?"

I smile at myself as I draw the curtains near me open. Although I can ask a few maids or fellow cultivators to open the curtains, I want to take care of them myself as it's like a simple hobby of mine.

Who am I you ask? I am the current sect master of the Moonlight Sword Sect, Jin Exquivale Luna. I am currently doing my favorite hobby— opening curtains.

Yes. Beside tea drinking, my other hobby is opening curtains.

This simple hobby of mine is something that even my fellow cultivators and even maids know about. They're not really bothered by it so there's no harm about it. Besides, this greatly reduces their workload and thus, they will instead focus on other things which is nice to see.

As the sunlight brightens up my face after opening a curtain, I simply close my eyes and let my body soak with the illuminating light.

Although this may sound very weird, just by soaking myself at the light, I can convert that light as a source to which can be used as an extra energy when performing such tasks. And oh! Absorbing light can make one be filled with energy despite not eating anything! You can basically become like a solar power in that case.

After a while, I open my eyes again and began opening the other curtains. And do the same thing again. Yes, soaking myself again, this time, in a shorter time than before.

One by one, as I draw the curtains up and look outside, I see my fellow Moonlight Sword Sect cultivators bustling around from afar, practicing Moonlight Sword arts or just talking around with each other. What a wonderful sight it is.

By far I mean like over multiple mountains to where I currently am.

How could I see them from afar you say? Well, that's because of me being in the thirteenth realm or should I say, "Immortal Emperor Realm." Yes, that realm where one could even see a very very small detail from afar.

Oh right! I did not explain how realms work haven't I? Silly me.

Wait, let me explain it to you in a nutshell about how these realms work.

You see, these realms are the levels where the cultivators are currently at. This affects how strong a cultivator is. Pretty simple right? Now, for example, if I fight a cultivator with a lower realm, I will surely win easily because of me being stronger than the latter but that surely will be called as a bullying which is very inappropriate.

Currently, there are over twenty realms known, with the first realm being called "First Step Realm" which is very, very low and almost the same as the mortals and the highest being called as "Void Deity Realm" which is pretty far from my realm and more so from the first realm.

Some of the ex-sect masters of the Moonlight Sword Sect are currently at the twentieth realm, which is truly amazing to be exact

Although it hurts being lower than those old farts, the tribulations those old farts fought are way far more than being serious: It would be called "living in hell literally."

I personally experienced such tribulations recently and oh boy, I swear that I almost did not make it out alive.

Why am I not recuperating you say? In fact, I am currently recuperating in some place hidden away, with my real body, that is.

Well, the one I'm using right now is my another body called "persona." Basically lifeless, this persona provides another body to the user if the user uses skills such as parallel thinking or splitting their souls in half. After that, the persona then can act as a clone or a doppelganger in case the user wants to go to some place but can't do it or ever worse— attack someone.

In my case, I'm using this persona as a substitute.

Although personas can only contain thirty of my true power, which is fair enough, considering that I am mostly stronger than most sect masters in every sect.

Oh how I would love to teach someone about personas but that will take too long so I'm going to stop talking about it. Even my personal disciple often criticize me for talking forever and even worse, he just sleeps around as I talk my way through each and everything each cultivator want to learn for their entire lifetime.

Sigh… this stupid disciple of mine.

As I continue opening the remaining curtains, I think of something.

When will the next meeting happen? In a year? A century? Or maybe in a millennium. I wonder if there's some new sect rising up?

I would really love it to see that sect grow stronger.

I can even take my disciple and the others with me as we go to the place where the meeting is going to be held at. Except for that old fart of course.

That old man always ruins everything.

By old man, I mean "old man Lu." He's too dense that whenever I make a move to pursue my soon-to-be wife, he would always follow me like a dog!

After thinking about it, Except for the old man, I would love to take some of the Moonlight Sword Sect cultivators with me to the meeting.

Everything is set then!

I begin humming as I finish thinking about the meeting.

What's the meeting I'm thinking of you ask? Well, it's just an event about talking stuff and engaging friendly fights among sects. That all about it. Really.

With every curtain opened up, I head back to the place where I should be at— the hall's throne.

As I sit on the throne, I open up my left palm and began drawing a circle on it using my right hand's finger.

After drawing a circle on my left palm, a faint glow appears in the shape of a circle on my palm. The circle continuously becomes brighter and brighter as it floats and eventually becomes a sphere.

Without doing anything, the sphere's light envelops everything until it suddenly disappears. However, instead of the light being gone by now, it only intensifies until everything across the hall lit up.

The whole place became like a waterfall of light. Pillars, floors, walls, and even the ceiling could not escape being lit up by the illuminating light.

As the light illuminates the entire area, the entire place changed from a mere hall to the hall being above the sky, with the floor serving as the view for the land below, pillars and walls serving the clouds floating around and the ceiling representing as the space above itself. Except for the throne where I sit, everything inside the hall all vanished.

It was as if the whole hall shifted from a normal hall to a hall with transparent windows and ceilings.

Although the surroundings have gone invisible and feel like it vanished, a clear wall will appear if someone accidentally hit a pillar or a wall or even strangely, the ceiling.

Yes, hitting the ceiling is a thing. Someone really flew up and hit the ceiling.

I'm not even joking.

Unlike pretty much else, the floor is something different. Just by looking downwards, one can see the hall I am currently at and even the surrounding mountains and cultivation grounds below.

With such sight, I wonder how my little disciple will react to it. I look forward to his reaction hehe~...

Somehow, I pity those people who felt scared walking on the floor, thinking that they will fall down and die.

Some even thought that the whole hall is filled with traps and if they carelessly walk on the wrong area, they will fall down and also die.


But enough of that.

Just a scenery of the entire area brings my mood to joy. Especially at the part when the sun falls over the horizon.

The entire hall becomes something that is truly otherworldly. Simply magnificent.

Yes, this hall depicts everything that has been happening outside the hall. Be it raining or some old man facing a tribulation, I can see it inside the hall without doing anything.

Oh how marvelous this is.

Even as time passes, my heart and soul will never get bored at the scenery I'm seeing.

Such sight is something that even I, will never forget for a lifetime.

"I think it's about time." I say to myself, thinking about something.

While thinking, I used my scoping ability to see if there is someone approaching the hall. As I examine the surroundings, I notice two entities riding a flying beast. They should be the one I've been expecting. One male and one female. Perfect.

As the two entities saw the hall where I am currently staying at, the male pats the head of the flying beast.

The beast, in return, slows itself down and began descending slowly.

Although I recognize the male one… who's the other one? Strange.

I began inspecting the girl beside the male one.

Hmmm… a second realm cultivator.

Although she's just a little bit stronger than average mortals, I think she will be a good wife for Luke.



Oh! So this is why Luke and the girl beside Luke are coming here!

I get it!

Well then, let me prepare myself and act as a priest!

But still.

I wonder where can I get such an outfit...


Ah right! That old man's pouch! Maybe I can borrow his clothes since he's not using it anyways.

Though he'll nag at me as soon as he sees his pouch missing something.

But who cares about that right now.

What's important is Luke's wedding.

While they were preparing to land, I quickly pull out something from thin air with my right hand. As soon as I grab something from thin air, I quickly pull it out, revealing a pouch made from unknown materials on my right hand.

"This should be it." I think to myself. Surely that old fart won't notice his robe has been taken right?

Looking at the pouch I hold on my right hand, I place down the pouch on my left palm. With now the pouch at my palm, I began chanting a series of runes to disable the security layers on the pouch, hoping that the pouch can be safely opened.

"Lux in tenebris quasi luna militat."

*Kzzk* The pouch made a sound similar to a cloth being torn apart, implying that my chanting failed.

Sigh... If only that old man wouldn't be too greedy, that would be great.


Since there's no other choice but to directly break the seal, I began drawing something above the pouch on my left palm.

This time, the shape I'm drawing is not a circle but rather, the shape of a waning crescent moon.