Four Guardians, Hidden Passageway, And The Hidden Temple (4/6)

As I was overwhelmed by my emotions of being one of those overpowered character living on this world, the Sword Summoner laughs once again.

"Hahaha…" He laughs over and over again, causing my head to ring like a bell.

Why are you laughing? There's nothing to laugh at though?

I look around to see why is he laughing like a madman. There was nothing here that can make him funny. Everything around us is just plain forest and snow.

Is it my face perhaps?

As I was curiously trying to figure out why the Sword Summoner is laughing telepathically, he changes his tone and once again, he talks to me as if he was talking about something important.

"Actually, I lied about you having such a crystal. Hahahaha…." He said to me, shattering my hopes of becoming an overpowered character.

In an instant, my mood became angry. Although I could shout at the Sword Summoner and curse him, I am still too weak to fight him.

Also, I do know my limits of becoming an average cultivator. Me being an elite over the Moonlight Sword Sect? Nahh, that's not happening.

Even if I became one of that so-called elite ten within the sect, I'm sure I'm the weakest of them all. Right? Haha…

I acknowledged my power and place in this world ever since the day I accidentally learned Eumi's realm while I was practicing in the middle of the night. At first, it hurts a lot for being weak but as the day passes, I overcame my insecurities of becoming weak and thus, here I am today…

An average cultivator enjoying her life fully. Makes sense right? Haha…

I eat what I want to, whenever I want and wherever I want. Ahh… the joy of eating sweets is like that one could ever dream of becoming a legend just like in the stories in their entire lifetime.

So, I wasn't truly surprised considering his jokingly mannerisms and my low expectations of him saying the truth.

Though I am still angry about him lying to this lady.

Slowly, I calm myself down. Once I was finally calmed down, I asked the Sword Summoner, "What's my real elemental power then?

The Sword Summoner in front of me did not reply instantly. He was silent for a few seconds before saying, "It's a secret. Hahaha…" He laughs then became silent once again.

Errr… you do know that I will personally find out my elemental power once I became a third realm cultivator right? Why bother hiding it?

Silently, I end my telepathy with the Sword Summoner and look at the plain scenery around us. There was nothing but pure devoid of life here. Well, except for us and the trees, that is.

Trees are also a living being ya know? Did your teacher never teach you that?

As I was looking at the surroundings around us, I felt my heart being stabbed. I could not breathe while being stabbed. What's happening?!

"He—" I asked for help. However, just as when I was going to spout my words, my heart once again goes back to normal. My breathing also goes back to normal. It was as if nothing happened.

"What did you say?" Eumi looks at me.

"Ah. Nothing. Ahaha…" I said back, smiling at Eumi.

Eumi checks me for a bit before saying, "Oh okay" before going back to look at the scenery around us.

"What just happened?" I said in my head. Is this the side-effect of the breathing pattern I copied from the scary giant earlier?

I look at the scary giant carrying us on its palms as it walks to the east. The scary giant is not even looking at me. It was looking straight ahead to its destination.

Strange. The scary giant would have known right about this sudden strange scene right?

After I look at the scary giant's scary face, I look at the masked man lying around. He was silent.

"What do you want?" He asked telepathically.

"My heart felt like it was stabbed recently." I said back as I look down on my chest.

"Oh? Tell me more." He said back.

"I felt my heart being stabbed and I could not breathe earlier. I do not know what happened."

After finishing my words, the Sword Summoner became quiet for several seconds before saying, "That could be the symptom of your Qi overflowing."

"Qi overflowing? What's that?" I asked the Sword Summoner. Although I do know what Qi is, I do not know what is this Qi overflowing.

"It's a symptom where one leaks out their Qi on their body. Possibly because their body can't handle the amount of Qi they currently have or because the body is not suitable for such Qi to begin with." He explained.

"I see. Is it harmful?" I look at the mask of the Sword Summoner. His mask only covers half of his face. As for the other half, his mouth can be clearly seen.

"Not really. Just take a breather and the stabbing sensation will be gone. Also, you have already experienced it earlier."

"Experienced it earlier?" While I was asking about experiencing the Qi overflow earlier, I suddenly thought of my meditation earlier. I also could not breathe when I was in the middle of meditation.

"When you were cultivating earlier. Your Qi was overflowing earlier so I left miss Eumi earlier in the fire temple to see who's Qi is overflowing. Turns out it was you practicing the Breathing of the Moon Goddess."

I recall my past memories of me meeting him when I was meditating on the scary giant's palm. I see! That summarizes up everything!

But why did you have to lie at Eumi though? You could have just told her the truth.

"Miss Xiare. You should use the Breathing of the Moon Goddess every day when you have the time and chance. Although the Breathing of the Moon Goddess is quite dangerous to use as a cultivation technique, this skill will be beneficial to you, Miss Xiare." Yue Shin said to me.

"Beneficial? How is such a dangerous breathing pattern that can kill me can be beneficial to me?" I ask him with doubts in my eyes. Seriously, that kind of skill can instantly send me to heaven you know?

Are you trying to kill me without using your hands and instead use my own stupidity to kill myself perhaps? I'm sorry but I am not that kind of idiot you are mistaking for. Heck, even a fool do know what kind of plot you are doing ya know?

This lady does want to live for a very long time before ascending to heaven.

"The Breathing of the Moon Goddess is a skill that can make the speed of your breakthroughs twice as fast than those rare breathing patterns. Also, not only that, you could control any cold Qi one meter around you and either make them a weapon or use them as an external power or external Qi pool." Yue Shin took a breath before continuing, "So, if it is currently nighttime, you're basically pretty much twice or even ten times stronger than what you are, miss Xiare."

"Ah?" I ask in shock. How come such a breathing pattern could be so powerful? Isn't it just called cheating in broad daylight?

"Well, this breathing pattern is basically one of the Moon Goddess' basic skills, miss Xiare." Yue Shin once again read my mind and said these things.

"But I will die once I use this skill right?" I ask Yue Shin. Yep, even if it's a cheat skill, no one could use this skill as this skill is basically saying: You use me, you die.

"Err… about that." Yue Shin moves his head and looks at the front before continuing, "Once you learned this breathing pattern, you cannot switch to any other breathing patterns as this pattern will render other breathing patterns you use useless."

I look at him dumbfounded. What?


I cannot use anything except this double-sword edge pattern that mercilessly kills anyone? F*ck this lady! Arghhh!!!!

While I was very calm outside, my brain cells were fighting against each other. Please, this lady's poor brain is unable to handle such issues.

This isn't a joke, right? Right?

Can anyone tell me that this is not a joke?

"Oh, we're here." Said by Eumi who was pointing her hand in the front.

Err… that's not what I want to hear.

"Oh… I see that you have met all three of them, miss Eumi and miss Xiare." Said by Yue Shin. He was not using telepathy this time.

"About that, me and sister Xiare only have met the Exorcist master and the True wielder master. As for the Eyewatcher Master, we have not met it yet." Eumi remarked.

They're not really statues Eumi. They're living beings pretending to be a statue.

"I see." Yue Shin replied as he looks at the three statues faraway. He was waving his hand to the three statues.

For quite a while, we waited for the scary giant to reach the location where the three statues are. Although it wasn't too slow, it wasn't too fast either. The scary giant was walking fast enough to ensure that we won't fall from its hands or get bored.

Soon after, I can finally see the three statues more clearly. One of the statues has a weird pointed hat with a strange weapon on its hands. It was the guy that made us go to where Yue Shin is.

Also, I see the statue from the southern temple earlier beside the pointed hat guy. The statue was wearing a traditional robe. There were also multiple white talismans floating around the statue.

As for the last statue, it was a statue wearing a hood. Also, there were a bow and multiple quivers filled with arrows on its back.

Also, I can see two medium-size bumps on its chest part. It looks like this statue is a woman huh…

"Where are you looking at?" A voice resounded into my head. It was a female's voice.

"Eh?" I said back, dumbfounded. What do you mean where I'm looking at? I'm looking at the medium-size bumps of that statue.

"Haha… don't scare our little miss Xiare, Fira." Another voice resounded in my head. It was Yue Shin's voice.

How come I hear two voices at the same time? Is my mind a gathering place for telepathic talks perhaps?

"Haha. I know I know, Yue." The so-called Fira spoke. She was laughing softly.

"Although my size is bigger than hers haha…" She once again spoke. Suddenly, I felt being mocked by this so-called Fira. Is this the so-called sixth sense?

"Ehem." Yue Shin clears his throat before continuing, "Miss Xiare, the female voice you heard right now is the voice of the Eyewatcher master, Fira Arkane."

"Hello there, young lady. My name's Fira Arkane. My other name is called Heart Stopper. Nice to meet you." Fira greets me through telepathy. Thank god she did not exclaim her voice or my head will explode.

"My name is Xiare. As for my other name, I have forgotten it." I introduce myself back to Fira.

"Well then, let's get straight to the discussion." Yue Shin said before continuing, "It's about your elemental crystal."

Elemental crystal again. Sigh… When will this kind of talk end?

"Please tell me the truth this time, Yue Shin." I said to him. Can you please be serious this time?"

"I see now why you want me to check lady Xiare, Yue." Fira said back. Although I don't know what they are talking about, I suddenly feel cold as the Eyewatcher master can check my body even though she's far away from me.

I suddenly think of something as I feel my back becomes colder and colder— She's dangerous.

"You don't need to be scared miss Xiare. In fact, Fira js not someone who just kills without any reasons. Also, Fira is just like you from the beginning, having like that elemental crystal of yours. Haha.." Yue Shin said to me as I feel my back sweating with cold.

"Ehem." Fira coughs before continuing, "Pardon me for inspecting your body without your permission. I truly am." She apologizes to me.

I nod back, thinking that she can see me nodding at her despite the distance.

"Now." Suddenly, Yue Shin straightens his tone, "As for the condition of your crystal miss Xiare."

"Yeah?" I said back, waiting for his words.

"Your elemental crystal is full of cracks." He solemnly changes his tone to a sad one as he said those words

Suddenly, I feel that my inner peace is shattering bit by bit as the world around me changes and collapses into nothing.