Four Guardians, Hidden Passageway, And The Hidden Temple (5/6)

"Wha….." I said back with an unfinished word of "what"

Having a broken elemental crystal means that you cannot cultivate above the fourth realm right?

Even if one pushes through the fifth realm with a cracked elemental crystal, that one will have their life reduced to a year. Even if you have the greatest luck on this rotten world, your lifetime will not increase as those shitty gods curse you with an unbreakable curse that cannot be dispelled by any means.

Haha… It means I'm fucked right? Haha… ahahahaha!

Why? Why is this happening to me?! I did nothing wrong right? Right? Right? Right?

Hey, tell me. What did I do to be punished like this? Tell me, how did this happen? Am I cursed by the gods? Or is it because of my stupid bad luck?

Are you stupid gods fucking kidding with me perhaps? Are you all so ignorant that you can't basically fix your jobs properly?

I see now why those shitty masters within the sect did not take me as their disciple. I see now why everyone is just pretending to smile at me. I see!

It all makes sense! Haha... I get it now. Everything makes sense.

I now see why Yue Shin went silent when I asked about my elemental crystal earlier. I see now why those shitty friends of mine did not look at me the same way from before when they got to the third realm. Haha…

Truly, I am a fool when it comes to such obvious reasons.

As my view of the world goes into a monochrome state, I cover my eyes with my robe's sleeve in order to hide my tears away from Eumi. Silently, I let my tears go down as I now realize the truth.

This is too hard for me to accept. Why?

"Retard." I hear a male voice inside my head as I cry silently. It was not Yue Shin's voice.

"You're really bad at words, idiot Yue." Another voice resounded in my head. It was the voice of the statue we went earlier at the southern temple.

"You're the idiot one, ignorant Hanbai." Said by Yue Shin. He was not shouting as if will cause headaches to others.

Without noticing it, my mind has become like those of a gathering among others. I weep away my tears as I continue listening to their talks.

"This is why we never made you as our spokesperson and representative to our Order, Yue." Fira said to Yue.

"Ah? Are you really siding up with them, fairy Fira?" Yue Shin said back to Fira.

"Well, yeah. After all, you're the one with the lowest brain cells in our squad." Fira mocks Yue Shin for being ignorant.

"Umm.. can you please not talk bad things about me in front of our new member?" Yue said to Fira while scratching his hair.

"No way, idiot Yue." The statue from the southern temple once again spoke, mocking Yue Shin for his stupidity.

"Retard Yue Shin." Once again, the same male voice from earlier resounded in my head. He too was mocking Yue Shin.

"Sigh… whatever…" Yue Shin said as they mock him. He looks like he lost in an argument or something.

"Ehem." Fira clears her throat. As she clears her throat, the others became silent. Soon after clearing her throat, Fira continues her words, "lady Xiare, forgive this retard member of ours. He's a fool who don't understand basic communications."

"It's okay. I do know my limitations haha…" I said to them as I weep my falling tears continuously. Somehow, my tears won't stop falling.

"Umm... I—" Halfway through Yue Shin's speech, he was interrupted by the statue of the southern temple, saying, "Like you lady Xiare, we too also have the same crystals like yours from the beginning."

His voice was gentle. It was as if he was innocent to all things around the world.

"And because of this retard, we missed the chance to perfectly introduce ourselves. Good job idiot." Said by the unknown male voice from earlier. His voice was neither too strong or soft. His voice was like a gentleman's voice.

"Sigh… I'm sor—" Once again, Yue Shin's voice was interrupted halfway by the southern temple statue, saying, "I suppose thou have seen me, yes?"

"Y-yes." I answer back. He was the southern temple guardian.

"This exorcist's name is called Hanbai Soferi. Brother of Hyuxia Soferi. I am also the hidden master of the exorcist profession." Hanbai introduces himself.

I see Hanbai gently bowing to where am I.

"This one's name is Eidenweiss Dreiseigen Kin Greae Aroxus. I am the hidden master of the True Wielder profession." Said by the unknown voice. It looks like his name is Eidenweiss.

Like Hanbai, Eidenweiss also too bows to where am I.

"Err… you already know my name right, lady Xiare?" Fira said.

"Just bow already." Said by Eidenweiss.

Like Hanbai and Eidenweiss, Fira also bows to our direction.

"Eh? Why are the three masters bowing to us?" Said by Eumi as she looks to Hanbai, Eidenwess, and Fira.

"They are welcoming us, miss Eumi." Yue Shin answers Eumi's question with a lie.

"Oh, I see." Eumi responds back as she stares at the three masters with astonishment on her eyes.

"Now, back to the main topic." Eidenweiss straightens himself up before continuing, "As Hanbai said earlier, we also have a cracked crystal from the beginning."

"Then how?" I asked them. How did they get over the fourth realm of death without having their life reduced to one year?

Judging from their auras alone, they should be around the tenth realm, right? How did they manage to break the fifth realm curse?

"I suppose that you are asking us about how we became a high realm cultivator right?" Eidenweiss asks me.

"Un." I reply with a nod.

"Through the ritual of the moonlight."

"Ritual of the moonlight?" I asked Eidenwess. I did not ask because I was ignorant. I asked because I did not know what is that ritual all about.

"The ritual of the moonlight is a ritual in which one can change his or her elemental crystal's element to a moonlight element. If someone with a cracked elemental crystal like you, lady Xiare, performs the ritual, then your cracked crystal will recover and will have the element of the moonlight." Eidenweiss explains the ritual. It was a method in which one can change one's element to a moonlight element, having the powers of a moonlight.

Also, if someone with a cracked crystal like me performs the ritual, my crystal will recover and have the properties of the moonlight on it.

"However, the ritual can be only performed when a blue or red moon appears on the sky. Also, the ritual can only be held in the hall of illuminating lights where the light of the moon is concentrated at." Fira said to further explain the ritual.

I see. However, the problem is that the blue moon and the red moon is rare right?


Wait a second there.




I look at Eumi. She was casually looking around, patiently waiting for the deva to come to the three masters far away from us.

Eumi probably knows something...

Might as well ask her, right?

"Miss Eumi." Yue Shin looks at Eumi before saying, "Do you know what moon will appear at the other side?"

Yue Shin was one step ahead of me. I was going to ask Eumi when Yue Shin asks her first.

Suddenly, as if there were stars on her eyes, Eumi actively replied to Yue Shin, "According to the elders at the sect, tonight's moon will be a blue moon, perfect for fairy Hyuxia's wedding. Does it look cool when someone like fairy Hyuxia's wedding also happens to be when the blue moon appears? Neh? It looks cool right Sword Summoner master?" Eumi once again endlessly talks about her favorite idol, fairy Hyuxia.

"Uncle Hanbai." Said by Eidenweiss with a happy tone.

"Uncle Hanbai, congratulations to you." Said by Fira as she congratulates Hanbai from becoming a brother-in-law.

"Uncle Hanbai congrats haha.. although I do curse you a lot, I still respect you as my senior." Yue Shin speaks to Hanbai.

Err… what should I say? Should I congratulate Hanbai or not?

"Congratulations." I said to Hanbai.

"Sigh… this one did not even notice this one's younger sister is getting married today huh. I really am a failure of a brother." Hanbai said solemnly as he recalls his past memories.

"Hanbai." Eidenweiss calls out Hanbai's name before continuing, "Should we go to your younger sister's wedding?"

After Eidenweiss said those words, silence follows afterward. They were waiting for Hanbai's answer.

"Sure. After all, this one hasn't visited his younger sister for the last four hundred years."

Wait.. four hundred years? What?

Did you just stand in the middle of nowhere for four hundred years? That's a lot of patience you got there.

"After we perform the ritual." Hanbai continued. The others nod back afterward.

"Lady, Xiare?" Fira calls me out.

"Yes?" I replied, waiting for her words.

"Say, do you want to become like us?" She asks me.

"One of us?" I ask her.

However, instead of her answering me, it was Yue Shin who answers my question.

"Hidden Order."

"Hidden Order?" I ask Yue Shin.

"A group or order of hidden masters within the sect. It's basically a master of a profession that no one or a few only knows. So, do you want to join our order?"

"But why me?" I ask. There's gotta be someone out there right?

"Only those who have or will have their element be a moonlight element can be a part of this hidden order. No else can join unless their element is a moonlight one." Said by Eidenweiss.

After Eidenweiss ends his words, silence once again fills my head. They were waiting for my answer.

Gently, I unravel my face before them as I finally saw a new dawn of light before me.

"I want to join." I said to them, willingly.

"Well then, welcome to the order, lady Xiare." Said by Yue Shin as he looks at me while opening his arms.

"Un." I reply back and nod at Yue Shin.