Four Guardians, Hidden Passageway, And The Hidden Temple (6/6)

"Miss Eumi." Yue Shin looks at Eumi before continuing, "May I ask you where is the place where fairy Hyuxia is getting wed?

"Blue Moon Palace." Almost instantly, Eumi replied just a second after Yue Shin ends his words. She was happily answering questions regarding her idol, elder fairy Hyuxia.

After all, she's a fanatic when it comes to these things.

"I see." Yue Shin goes back to silence after that. Although he could be technically called being silent because he is quiet, he is using telepathy instead of talking using mouth.

"Looks like we're heading Blue Moon Palace after miss Xiare's ritual ends, Hanbai." He said happily to Hanbai.

"Yeah." Hanbai replied, unsure of what to say. He was afraid that his sister has forgotten him.

Well, since no one have seen Hyuxia's older brother for over four hundred years, who knows if someone can recall him from their memory, right?

Obviously, you would be afraid to meet someone you left for over four centuries.

"We're here." Eumi looks at Hanbai, Eidenweiss, and Fira in front of us. Yep, we are now in front of them.

As the scary giant lowers its lower palms to the ground, Eumi bows to the scary giant before stepping on the ground and began bowing to the three hidden masters.

"True Wielder master." She bows first to Eidenweiss. Eidenweiss nods back in return, implying that he accepts her bow.

"Eyewatcher master." After bowing to Eidenweiss, she bows to Fira. Fira nods back like Eidenweiss.

Finally, after bowing to Eidenweiss and Fira, Eumi bows to Hanbai, saying, "Exorcist master."

Hanbai responds with a nod. He was slightly tilting his head as he smiles over Eumi.

"I have been contacted by the True Wielder that someone needs help over the hidden passage." Fira looks at Eumi then at me.

"Yes, Eyewatcher master." Said by Eumi, looking at the hooded Fira. Compared to Eumi, Fira is much taller than Eumi. Eumi was looking up to see Fira's face.

Does Fira have the bloodline of a phoenix perhaps? She's taller than the average human you know?

If I compare my height to hers, I can only reach up to her shoulders. Tall right?

"Tell me little one, what do you seek at the hidden temple?" Fira said to Eumi as she looks directly at Eumi's eyes.

"This lady only seeks her master cultivating in the Moon Goddess' temple the True Wielder spoke of." Eumi said back to Fira.

Fira looks at Eidenweiss. Eidenweiss responds, "This one has seen a man going to this area. However, this one is not sure if that man lady Eumi spoke of is heading to the Moon Goddess' temple."

"I have not seen such man you spoke of at the southern temple, little lady." Hanbai spoke after Eidenweiss. He then continues after a few seconds as he recalls the events over the last few decades or centuries, "It is possible that the man head to the eastern temple as I have not seen any living beings scouting the area except the two of you young ladies."

"This mere Sword Summoner also have not seen such man on the eastern temple." Yue Shin comments on Hanbai's words. "If that man you seek of is someone important to the Moonlight Sword Sect, then it may be possible that this man you seek of is cultivating at the Moon Goddess' temple."

Tell me, why are you all talking to yourselves in third person? Are you really that old to begin with?

"I see now." Fira stops talking as she looks over Eumi. "So, you seeketh of your mentor, little lady?"

"Yes, Eyewatcher master." Eumi replies to the asking Fira.

"Very well." Fira nods at Eumi.

After Fira nods back to Eumi's answer, she turns her body behind as she conjures a portal similar to the lady at the shrine. Although there were no swords beside Fira, she was using her hands instead of using swords.

I look at the scary giant and bows to it before stepping on the land below to see the spell. The giant, in turn, nods back at my bow.

As soon as I step on the white snow on the ground, I look at Fira. The scenery in front of her became blurry. It was as if my vision became so bad that I need glasses.

Eidenweiss and Hanbai step back as they soon as they saw the blurry scenery in front of Fira. The blurred scenery was so large that they need to step back in order to not get affected by the spell Fira was conjuring.

Soon after they step back, the blurred area in front of Fira began forming a large stone door with two giant hooded statues beside the giant stone door. It was a giant portal gate.

What's the size of the portal you ask? About fifteen meters in height and nine meters in length. It was so large that even the nearby trees began to feel smaller and smaller.

"This is the hidden passageway, little lady." Hanbai looks at Eumi before saying those words.

He then continues his words, saying, "This portal can only be seen if someone with an elemental power the same as the Eyewatcher master conjures a spell that makes the portal reveal itself. If someone tries to reveal the portal with different elemental power, that someone will be killed by the two giant statues that guard the portal."

Instantly, Eumi felt shivers. She was afraid that if she opens the portal by herself, she will be killed by the two hooded figures.

Also, it looks like the elemental power of Eumi's master is moonlight, right? Oh, it rhymes.

"Miss Eumi." Yue Shin walks over from the scary giant's palms to her front. "May I ask if you have a weapon?"

"Weapon? What for? Are we going to kill someone perhaps?"I thought inside my head.

"Yes, I do have one." She said as she pulls something in her sleeves. It was a fan with cherry blossoms woven on it. Also, if one looks closely, one could see pointed edges at the fan.

"I see." Yue Shin nods back then goes into silence. "How about you, miss?" Yue Shin turns his body and walks in front of me.

"What for?" I asked. Oops, I rudely ask Yue Shin in front of Eumi. I am truly sorry about it okay?

I tilt my head as I don't know the reason why am I going to equip a weapon. Well yeah, I am pretty sure that there will be no fighting in this mission right? Right?

However, Yue Shin shatters my hope of no fighting as he says, "There will be some hostile statues and monsters living in the passageway. It's inevitable to not fight them head-on."

Are you kidding me? This lady is just a second realm first stage cultivator ya know? How could I equip such weapons when I don't have the ability to become a strong cultivator?

Like a mind reader, Yue Shin nods at me even if I did not speak to him. Thank god I did not have to speak as I really don't want to talk about my cultivation realm level in front of Eumi and the four of you.

Although all of you already knew my cultivation realm level from the start.

Also, your mind-reading abilities is quite scary you know? It's terrifying when I think of someone knowing what you think.

"Here." Yue Shin hands me a blue dagger after he pulling it out inside his robe.

Gently, I take the dagger on his palm and bows afterward. "Thank you, Sword Summoner master." I said to him.

"No worries, miss." He said, nodding to my bow.

I look at the blue dagger in my hand. It was a dagger with a blue scabbard and a black hilt with a carving of a white circle on it. Is the white circle the representation of the full moon perhaps?

Slowly, I pull out the dagger in the scabbard, slowly revealing the dagger's blade. As I unveil the dagger, light enters my eyes. Quickly, I close my eyes and sheathes the dagger back to the scabbard as the light reflected by the dagger is making my eyes blind.

"Use your external cold Qi." Hanbai telepathically said to me. Although he was not looking at me and instead of looking at the portal slowly revealing itself, He knew what just happened.

"But I don't have any external cold Qi." I said back telepathically. What is the external cold Qi Hanbai is talking about? Is it the Qi on my skin perhaps?

"External cold Qi is a Qi that is a type of Qi that lingers around your body. For example, the air around you ." He replies back, explaining what is the external Cold Qi.

"How do I use it?" I ask. Seriously, I don't have any master to talk about it you know?

"Just use your Breathing of the Moon Goddess skill. That breathing pattern can help you control the external cold Qi around you." Hanbai said, trying to make me use the dangerous breathing pattern.

"How did you know?" I ask. In the first place, how did Hanbai knew that I practiced that dangerous skill?

"Judging from the external Qi around you. Once you mastered that breathing pattern, the external Qi around you forms into multiple cold crystals that either protect you and fight with you or help you cultivate faster." Hanbai explains about him knowing my breathing pattern and other stuff regarding the breathing pattern.

"But I will die, senior." I said senior to Hanbai. It's rude not to say senior right?

Although I'm not the one to talk about it since I rarely call someone a senior.

"Once you practiced the Breathing of the Moon Goddess, your odds of survival will increase drastically. About ninety-five percent I think. Well, ask Eidenweiss about the breathing pattern. He knows more about it." Hanbai looks at Eidenweiss. As Eidenweiss knows our conversation, he also spoke about the breathing pattern.

"Just concentrate properly. After you concentrate, the cold Qi around you will begin forming around you, creating an external cold Qi layer around your skin. This layer of cold Qi will prevent the dagger from shining up as the cold Qi suppresses the dagger's light." Eidenweiss properly explains.

I nod back in return. Eidenweiss nods back despite not looking at me. It was as if he has a third eye on his back.

Slowly, I calm myself down and began recalling the pattern the scary giant did as it meditates. It was breathing not too fast nor slow.

I copy everything I remembered the scary giant did. Soon after, my mind became clearer and clearer as I once again, transcend into a state of nirvana. My vision becomes more and more clearer as I practice the Breathing of the Moon Goddess. It was as if this breathing is perfectly suited for me.

As I practice the breathing pattern, I can see tiny wisps dancing on the air around me. They were absolute white, devoid of darkness and impurities. I touch one of them. The wisp I touched was so cold that my hand nearly freezes despite the fact that I have the cold resistance pill swallowed earlier.

I quickly pull my finger out from the wisp. My hand almost got frozen by the wisp.

"Don't stop cultivating the breathing pattern until we get to the other world." Said by Hanbai.

Eh? Am I going to practice this dangerous breathing pattern for a while?

"Just treat the breathing pattern as a normal breathing and you'll be fine." Eidenweiss said.

"Okay?" Although it's a little unusual, I could deal with it.

"And now, the hidden passageway is safe to enter." Fira turns her body in front of us and said those words.

I look at the giant portal once again. On the other side of the portal lies a cliff that leads to an edifice. It was a giant edifice with multiple floating pagodas over the edifice. Also, one could see eternal snow falling from the skies, despite the fact that there were no clouds in the sky.

I gulp as soon as I saw the edifice on the other side of the portal. There were multiple frost giants ranging from a height to fifteen meters to thirty meters roaming around. Also, there were a group of flying dragons patrolling the area.

As I look further at the edifice, I was shocked by what I saw at the highest part of the edifice.

It was a giant statue of a woman with a veil on her head. Also, the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect can be seen floating on her back, implying that this edifice is the main grounds of the Moonlight Sword Sect.

The woman was smiling over us.