Temple Of The Moon Goddess (7/7)

Looking at the fight between the two hidden masters and the gigantic abomination, I thought to myself, "Why is that abomination only consists of multiple Eidenweiss?

It's kinda weird when you think of it, right? This kind of scenario wouldn't happen unless someone purposely sets up the entire situation.

Wait…. No, it can't be.

Eidenweiss is not the mastermind behind this, right? Hmmmm…

Weird. It's really weird if you look at this scenario from a different angle.

Though this lady does not mind it anyways. I am just a bystander woo hoo~… Don't mind me…

*Crash!* A set of bookshelves crashes to one another as the gigantic abomination waves its hands to attack Fira. Although its hand was gigantic, it was fast enough to hit Fira. However, despite the fact that its hands were fast, Fira still evaded it by leaping backward.

As she leaps into the air, she quickly takes her bow on her back and fires countless arrows to the abomination's body, causing multiple Eidenweiss to explode. Scary!

Oh right! I haven't told you yet about the abomination's hand right? Well then, let me simplify it for you— Its hands were compromised of multiple bloodied Eidenweiss. That's about it.

Also, this abomination has more than two hands. If I count all of its hands, it would total to the amount of how many tentacles an octopus has— Eight. Yep, this lady is not kidding.

"Order!" Yue Shin shouts as he attacks the insides of the abomination after Fira reveals the Abomination's insides by exploding the outer layer of the Abomination.

A myriad of swords suddenly appears behind Yue Shin. As Yue Shin points out the exposed part of the Abomination, those myriads of swords behind Yue Shin became like guided rockets and attacks the inner part of the Abomination, causing the Abomination to scream in pain.

"Arghhhh!!!" The Eidenweiss shouts as the Abomination shout in agony. It was like a thousand of souls screaming from hell itself.

As they scream like a tortured souls, I stop for a while and covers my ear due to the intense noise the Eidenweiss creates. Eumi also stops as she covers her ears from the loud noise.

Except for both Eumi and I, Fira and Yue Shin continues to attack the exposed part of the Abomination as if they did not hear a single thing. Eh? Are you deaf already? How come you two did not even consider to cover your ears?


While both Fira and Yue Shin continues to attack the Abomination, the Abomination screams louder and louder, making both me and Eumi dizzy as we cannot handle the noise the Abomination is creating.

"Retarded" I hear Fira cursing. Cursing to whom?

"Ah! I forgot!" Yue Shin stops attacking for and began dashing towards us. "I forgot to give the two of you this." He continued.

Yue Shin then takes out a small pill bottle with several brown pills inside. After taking the pill bottle out from his pocket, he opens it and takes out two pills as he opens my mouth and began making me swallow the pill forcibly.

I admit, even though it was a brown pill, it was kinda sweet like sugar. I wonder where I could buy that kind of pill?

It's sweet enough to make me treasure it as my inheritance to the future generations. Hmm….

Wait… I don't want to become a wife! There's no need for such inheritance! I will eat it whenever I like to!

While I was thinking about buying such a pill, Yue Shin also did the same to Eumi before leaving us as he continues fighting the Abomination.

Suddenly, my hearing became still as if there my senses became numb. I look at Eumi who is also wondering why she can't hear anything anymore.

"Relax." Fira telepathically said. "The pill Sword Summoner gave you protects the both of you to such situations like this." She continued.

I look at the Abomination once again. Although all of the Eidenweiss had their mouths open, I could not hear what they are saying. It was as if they were a blob of fish underwater.

In short, it was awkward.

While the Abomination screams in pain, its eight arms wriggle around as it destroys everything in its path. It was acting as a defense mechanism to Fira and Yue Shin's barrage of attacks.

I continue leaping to each bookshelf to go near the Abomination. Eumi also did the same.

Like a warrior ready to fight to the bitter end, I strongly grasp the silver sword Yue Shin gave me as I prepare myself for this battle.

"Only destroy the cores of the Moonlight Shadow." Fira reminded us telepathically as she looks in front of the screaming Abomination. She was not attacking but rather, she was just standing, waiting for the Abomination's move to end.

"Cores?" I ask. Well, you did not explain to us what are these cores you are talking about.

"Crystals inside the Moonlight Shadows body." Fira responds back. "They may vary in shapes or sizes, from big to small or square to a sphere." She continued.

I see… Like magical beasts, this Abomination also has a crystal core in its body. I get it.

As I finally reach where both Fira and Yue Shin at, I look at the fast-moving abomination. Its hands were still moving around, breaking anything to pieces.

Eumi also catches up after a few seconds. After finally catching up, she had her eyes locked on to the head of the abomination. Its head was a giant Eidenweiss made out of Eindenweiss. Weird.

"Now." Fira suddenly spoke as she dashes in front of the Abomination. She then prepares both of her swords as she attacks the lower part of the Abomination.

Naturally, the Abomination quickly notices her movements and began moving its arms once again and began attacking Fira. However, it was up to no avail as Fira was nimble enough to evade the Abomination's punches.

Fira then began continuously attacking the lower part of the Abomination, causing more and more Eidenweiss to be severely cut as Fira continuously slash them like some sort of butcher.

As such, the inner layer of the lower part of the Abomination slowly reveals itself, revealing several small silver crystals on the lower part of the Abomination.

"I will lure out the Abomination and create another opening, you two attack the cores while Yue distracts the Moonlight Shadow's arms." She said, commanding us like a leader.

All of us understood her message and began doing our positions, with me and Eumi acting as a core destroyer while Yue Shin acts as a disruptor.

Aren't we some sort of a team? Right? Haha…

Quickly, the three of us began making our moves. Under Yue Shin's plan of disrupting any hands attacking us, we safely made it to the exposed part of the Abominations.

I take a quick glance at the severed bodies of Eidenweiss. Their inner organs were exposed in the naked eye. Although it was gruesome, I decided not to bother with them any longer as I will only regret looking at them in the future.

One by one, I stab the crystals in the Abomination's exposed part. As it was hellish as it may seem due to the fact that multiple Eidenweiss are reaching out for us, this was pretty normal in the world where you fight much more scarier creatures than this.

Obviously, I have seen much more terrifying than this. Even the souls from hell won't match to the one I have seen before— God.

Well yeah, technically, I have seen a god back then. However, as soon as that god appeared, it was hunted down by some cultivators and brought it to its last breath. The hunt and the battle took months before conclusion so yeah, it's pretty normal.

"Another opening." Fira telepathically once again said to us as she points out the left armpit part of the Abomination.

"Order." Yue Shin once again summons multiple swords behind his back. However, these swords were not from the norms but instead, they were bulking in sizes. They were greatswords with a length of three meters.

As he summons these hulking swords from nowhere, he immediately orders these swords to attack and stab the Abomination from the left armpit of the Abomination to the lower part of the Abomination.

He was creating a stair made out of hulking swords for us.

Immediately, I step on one of the hulking swords. They were not moving at all despite the fact that the Eidenweiss these sword stabbed is constantly wriggling to get out of the sword.

I began heading to the left armpit of the Abomination, hoping to end it all.

As I quicken up my pace, two gigantic hands suddenly appear before me as these two hands prepare to slap me like a fly.

Yue Shin, who was luring the attention of each hand of the Abomination, quickly notices the two gigantic hands and began summoning two gigantic swords. As he summons the two swords, he immediately orders the two swords to impale the two hands to the ground.

Like a knight who loyally follows his king, the two gigantic swords quickly intercepted the two hands as the two swords impale the hands of the Abomination on the ground. The Abomination had lost two of its eight hands.

I continue ascending towards the left armpit. Along the way, there were some hands tightly grasping my feet to stop me from getting any closer to the Abomination's armpit.

However, despite their futile resistance, I merely cut their hands off before continuing my path to the armpit.

"Another one." Fira once again exploits another opening. This time, it was the chest part of the Abomination, not too far from me.

I look at the exposed chest. Although it was closer to me, the exposed armpit was my goal.

I ignored the chest part as I hurriedly go to the armpit. Hopefully, Eumi will take care of this, right?

Step by step, more and more hands keeps holding me back. Piss off, will ya? I'm getting annoyed by your resistance.

Like a butcher, I mercilessly cut down the hands and wrists of the other Eidenweiss. There was blood everywhere as I cut down everything from my path. I was like some sort of a bloody queen, mercilessly cutting everything on my path.

Finally, I reach the left armpit part of the Abomination, revealing more silver crystals inside. Although it took me quite a while to get here, judging from the fact that this Abomination is over thirteen meters long with some pests holding me back, it's reasonable enough.

Quickly, I prepare the bloodied silver sword and began stabbing each crystal, shattering everything as if I destroyed my entire life over and over again.

Like stars losing its shine, the crystals shine for a while before going dark as it shatters.

As I stab the crystals inside the Abomination, the abomination once again wriggles out in pain, causing me to fall.

While falling, A large greatsword catches me in midair and began moving to where I was earlier. Thank god Yue Shin is quick to such things.

Although it was rough, I did not complain about the sword to Yue Shin as this sword was the one that made my life away from death.

Suddenly, an arrow struck my back. I look behind and sees Fira holding a bow. She was the one that attacked me. Well, makes sense considering the fact that she's the only person here who uses a bow.

Instead of feeling pain, I instead felt tranquil. It was as if I'm in some sort of healing room, free from worries.

I touch the arrow behind my back. There was no blood leaking behind my body. Weird.

Because there was no blood spilling out, I focus my vision on the armpit once again. There were still some crystals left that had not been yet shattered by the silver sword.

Nearing the gigantic sword where I was earlier, I leap from the floating sword to the gigantic sword. After leaping, I once again began stabbing the crystals with enmity. You almost had me killed, re*ard. This will be my payback.

As I was gaining more and more attention, the Abomination, in turn, uses one of its hand to slap me. Oh no ya don't, re*ard.

Quickly, I evade the incoming hand by descending to a greatsword below me. As such, the gigantic hand only manages to hit its armpit, only making a fool out of himself by self-shattering the crystals inside his armpit.

"Cut the arm." Fira quickly said to Yue Shin. She was talking about the armpit I mercilessly stabbed just now.

"Got it." Yue Shin nods back in return and summons another gigantic sword. As he summons it, he immediately orders the sword to slash the entire arm of the Abomination.

Quickly, one of the Abomination's arm falls to the ground as the gigantic sword cuts it like a piece of soft bread. Dark blood spills out in the now-destroyed armpit of the Abomination.

There was blood everywhere on the floor.

"Another one." Fira once again manages to create another opening, with not being at the neck part of the Abomination.

Because I had already shattered everything at the left armpit of the Abomination, I nod back as I patiently wait for Yue Shin to summon another set of hulking swords for me to step on.

One by one, the hulking swords stabs every part of the other Eidenweiss like a nail being pressed down by the hammer. Carnage was everywhere.

As the last greatsword nails itself near the exposed neck part of the Abomination, I quickly head there. As there were once again, hands holding me back, I gently cut it down.

More and more blood spills out, staining my robe. At the bottom and middle part of my robe now lies a dark crimson stain. It was a stain of blood.

With me now heading to the neck part of the Abomination, the Abomination once again attacks me by slapping me with its two other hands. Yue Shin once again notices the actions of the Abomination and summons other gigantic swords and impales the Abomination's hands to the ground, making four out of its seven hands impaled on the ground.

Just how many gigantic swords do you have? The heck?!

As I suddenly distracted by Yue Shin's gigantic swords, multiple hands snap me back from reality. Thank you and… I'll end you now, neh?

I sliced their hands off before continuing to the neck part of the Abomination.

Now reaching the last step to the neck part, I leap to the final sword before preparing the silver sword as I stab every crystal the Abomination has.

Though this sword I'm holding right now is a silver sword, it should be technically called a blood-stained sword right? Since there was no part of anything shiny on it. Even the grip was stained in blood.

One by one, I stab each crystal in the neck of the Abomination. As it continues to scream more and more, I did not hear it as I had my senses of hearing blocked out. Sucks for you, re*ard.

"Ehh…. How come I wasn't invited?" I heard a male voice. It was Hanbai.

"Is that…." I heard another voice. It was Eidenweiss' voice.

"Me?" He continued as he was shocked by the sight he was seeing right now.