
"You're both too late." Said by Fira who was attacking the Abomination.

"Idiot Hanbai." Yue Shin mocks Hanbai.

"Idiot Yue." Hanbai mocks Yue Shin in return.

"Stop it both of you." Eidenweiss tells them to stop mocking each other as he looks at the gigantic abomination in front of him. The Abomination was clearly copying Eidenweiss' body.

"Ah right, I forgot." Yue Shin stops an incoming Abomination's hand before continuing, "How did this one heck of a monster clone you?"

While I'm currently stabbing the crystals in the neck part of the Abomination, I still paid close attention to them, hoping that Eidenweiss' answer will clarify everything.

"I don't know." Eidenweiss stops as he recalls something. "When we were separated from one another, I just roamed around and destroyed some moving statues." He said.


"I see now." Fira responded as if she had a eureka about the situation. Can you please enlighten us?

"Hmm? What's your conclusion, Fira?" Yue Shin said as he flies around the gigantic Abomination while keeping the hands of the Abomination far away from us. He was relaxed despite the fact that multiple gigantic waves of hands are hunting him down.

"It looks like Eidenweiss angered the goddess by destroying her statues." She concluded.

I take a quick glance at the curious Eidenweiss while destroying the remaining crystals in the neck part of the Abomination. He was standing beside Hanbai, wondering how did this scenario happen.

Weird. Is the goddess really that narcissistic?

Sigh… this lady really can't understand everyone's minds and ideas.

"Another one." Fira quickly said as she once again exposed an opening within the gigantic Abomination. It was at the back part of the Abomination.

"I'll take care of it." Said by Hanbai as he happily walks mid-air.

As he walks towards the gigantic Abomination, a thousand talismans suddenly appear near him, covering him from any blood spilled across the entire room. Like a star, all of the talisman Hanbai had suddenly glowed, making the entire room filled with light.

Both me and Eumi had to stop as the light grows brighter and brighter. However, instead of slowing down, the Abomination quickly became faster and faster. It was enraged by the sudden brightness.

Quickly, I descended as multiple Eidenweiss reaches out near me. It wasn't because I'm scared of the Abomination holding me out but rather, the Abomination was going to explode like a balloon popping out.

"Dragon." Hanbai spoke out of nowhere. His voice was calm like a wave silently moving across the ocean.

Suddenly, the light vanished. I look at Hanbai and instantly, my mind was in the state of shock.

"Wha-what is this" I said in my head as I look at the changing light around Hanbai.

Subconsciously, I let my mouth open up a little bit as I look at Hanbai.

The light suddenly became dragons instead of a usual light that one saw earlier.

Yes, dragons. This lady is not kidding about it.

Ten colorful dragons made from thunder suddenly appeared out of nowhere. They were like those of a sage dragon, brimming with intelligence as they roam the highest of skies. Just by looking at them makes one shiver.

They were luminescent, giving light to everyone. Their lights were colorful like those of a myriad gem, having multiple colors as they reach out the sunlight.

As I look at these ten sage-like dragons, the dragons suddenly move across the room like a bunch of snakes. They were eating out every part of the Abomination as they crush everything in their path. None were spared at the chaotic destruction the dragons made.

I look with fear at these dangerous dragons. They were creating gigantic holes in the Abomination, unveiling multiple crystals within the Abomination.

With more and more holes being opened, the Abomination quickly loses a huge amount of dark blood, making a mess across the room. Dark blood and inner organs spill out from the Abomination, making this scene look like a torture from hell itself.

In short, it was chaotic.

"This is a rank A monster with F attack." Yue Shin said as he looks at the insides of the Abomination. He was ranking the Abomination's class and attack power.

"Eidenweiss." Fira suddenly calls out Eidenweiss as she watches the scene. She was looking at it as if she was used to it.

"Ah." Eidenweiss responds back as he dashes towards the Abomination. As he dashes himself at the Abomination, his longsword and rapier became violet. There was thunder around Eidenweiss, implying that he is charged up and ready to kill the Abomination.

"Lady Eumi and lady Xiare." Fira calls both me and Eumi's name before continuing, "Jump from the greatsword you two are standing on." She said.

I immediately jump out as I know that Eidenweiss is going to make the Abomination explode. Eumi, on the other hand, jumps to mid-air.

As we jump to mid-air, a set of talismans around Hanbai immediately forms a sphere and swallows both me and Eumi in. Although it could be said that the talisman swallowed both of us, it could be technically said that the talismans catch us from falling.

Slowly, the talismans began descending to the floor. Like a bubble, the talismans around me pops out and returns back to Hanbai as they finally completed their tasks of helping us to descend safely.

I look at the dashing Eidenweiss. He was completely surrounded by violet thunder as if he became one with the thunder. Also, one could notice that his weapon also changed as the thunder surrounds them.

Instead of Eidenweiss weapons being a longsword and a rapier chained together, his weapon was now a pointed spear with a sign of a cross at its end. His spear was jade white with golden dragons crawling on the spear, implying that this is a legendary weapon or greater.

Is this Eidenweiss' true weapon perhaps?

I see now why Eidenweiss is called a "True Wielder."

"Burst." Eidenweiss said as he throws out his weapon to the heart of the Abomination.

As soon as the tip of the spear touches the chest of the Abomination, everything around the Abomination exploded. From its body to the floating bookshelves, everything exploded like fireworks. Blood and flesh were burnt and scattered everywhere in the process.

The Abomination was no more. It was completely killed by Eidenweiss' weapon of death. The spear was just lying on the ground, waiting for someone to pull the spear out from the floor.

I look around to see the aftermath of the explosion. Woods, stones and most noticeably, blood were everywhere. It was as if some painter decided to put a small bomb inside a paint.

Also, the ceiling above us was totally destroyed, revealing multiple floors above us.

As for the floor however…

The floor that we're standing on did not collapse. Instead, it was simply burned down to the core, revealing black spots of something burning everywhere.

It's kinda weird when you look at it right? How come only the ceilings above us were the only ones that have been destroyed?

Weird. It's truly weird when you think of it.

"Aaand…. sigh…." Yue Shin said as he softly sighs. He was looking at the destroyed ceilings above us.

"The sect master will repair the damage done by Eidenweiss." Hanbai said as he touches the burned floor.

Eidenweiss, who caused everything including wrecking everything around, bows and said, "Forgive me lunar goddess as this one is too reckless that this one had accidentally destroyed your peaceful abode."

F*ck! Just how shameless one could be to sincerely apologize to the one who got their entire house wrecked because of that shameless person? F*ck me!

Do you really think that the house owner would simply forgive you and said, "Haha don't worry about it?" F*ck!

Even the kindest of person wouldn't just simply let it go, you know?

"Tell your stupid sect master to come here. We will talk about it." A gentle voice suddenly responds out of nowhere to Eidenweiss. WHAT THE F*CK?!

Without anyone moving, a lady with a white gown suddenly appears out nowhere in front of us. She was about the same height as me, having the same breathing pattern as my breathing pattern and most notably, she is wearing a thick white veil. She was the moon goddess of this dimension.


As soon as the goddess appears out of nowhere, the temperature suddenly became cold. Even the four masters had been affected by the extreme cold. They were shivering.

The goddess, who was looking at us, suddenly teleports to a floating bookshelf. She then sits down on the bookshelf before saying, "Tell me, what is your purpose for coming here? Are you tired of living?"

She was obviously, pissed off by the fact that someone destroyed her abode. However, she was obviously trying to cover the fact that she was angry with her gentle voice.

"We were sent here by the sect master, Moonlight Goddess." Eumi said in return while bowing in front of the sitting goddess. She was shivering at the intense cold.

"Hmmm? For what reason?" The goddess asked. Although I could not see her eyes, I could sense that she was looking at Eumi.

"For my master, Lux Exquivale Luna." She said.

So Eumi's master's name is Lux huh… also, Eumi's master also has the same surname as the sect master, Jin Luna. Could they be a relative perhaps? Hmm…

"I see." The goddess paused for a while before saying, "Tell your stupid sect master to come here."

Err… but how? We're too far away from the hall of illuminating lights ya know?

The goddess, who instantly notices me thinking such things, instantly said, "Use the blood moon shard your stupid sect master gave to the both of you."

Eh? How did you read my mind? Arghhhh!!!! Another mind reader! F*ck!

Wait a minute… how did the goddess know the fact that the sect master gave us the moon shards?

And also, how do we even summon the sect master using this block of shard? Weird…

"Just throw it. The sect master will instantly notice the fact that the crystal has been shattered." The goddess said as she looks at me with a smile. That smile again! That creepy smile!

I take out the crystal shard in my pocket. It was a palm-sized red shard. Since the Moon Goddess said it, I shall now throw out the shard.

*Crash!* A sound of something fragile shattering was heard across the hall. It was the crystal I threw.

As the crystal shatters in front of me, a small black circle suddenly appears out of nowhere. After appearing, the small black circle quickly began growing bigger and bigger until it reaches the size of seven meters.

After finally reaching its max size, the black circle suddenly began changing colors until it reveals something. The circle was a portal. Portal to where?

On the other side of the portal lies the sect master wearing a white coat and a fox girl wearing traditional shrine priestess robes. They were waiting for the portal to stabilize itself.

"I have been summoned." The sect master walks over the portal and looks at us. He was looking at the surroundings.

The fox girl then follows suit. As soon as she walks over to us, she instantly felt that the temperature here was cold. Like us, her body also began shivering.

Well, it's very cold here ya know?

"Nice cross-dressing there, Crescent Blood Moon." The goddess said to the sect master.

"What do you mean?" The sect master looks at the goddess in return and furrows his eyebrows. Sh— he was curious what the goddess meant.

"Nothing. Just a greeting of mine." The goddess said as she waves her hands while smiling at the sect master. You liar. That's not a greeting.

"I see." The sect master nods in return. What?! How come the sect master did not notice that he was being mocked by the goddess?!

"Shh…" The goddess telepathically said to me. I forgot that the goddess can read minds. Sigh…

"So, what do you want?" The sect master looks at the destroyed ceilings above. Obviously, he already knew why I called the sect master here.

The goddess stops talking for a while. She was thinking about something. "Full repair and also, I want you to place a portal connecting both this room and this girl's room." She then points me out as she talks about a deal.

F*ck! How did I get the goddess' attention?! Are you kidding me?!

"Not happening." The sect master instantly replied as he summons a set of floating tea set.

"I can help you recover." The goddess said to the sect master.

The sect master, who was initially brewing tea in this cold hall, suddenly stops as he thinks about the deal.

As he thinks more and more about it, he suddenly smiles as if he had an idea about something. "Deal." He said as he smiles at the goddess.

The goddess nods back in return. She was glad that the sect master agrees to her deal.

"Your disciple is currently cultivating alongside my sister." The goddess said as she summons a paper.

Eh? There is another moon goddess? Err…. weird…

The goddess then summons a pen and wrote something on the paper. After writing something on the paper, she then passes the paper to the sect master.

The sect master then catches the floating paper and reads it carefully. He was making sure that the deal is fair.

Soon after, the sect master summons a pen and writes something on it. After that, he clones the paper into two. He picks up one of the paper and passes the other one to the goddess. The goddess picks the paper up and put it in her pocket.

"Bloom." The goddess said as she claps her hands.

After clapping, a large oval mirror appears in front of us. It was reflecting on ourselves. What about it?

The mirror in front of us suddenly changes, revealing a room with two figures currently cultivating alongside each other.

One of the figures is a woman wearing yukata with a black veil on her head and the other is a male with hair of pure silver and also, the man had ears of a fox, implying that the man is a half-fox and half-man

"Lux." The sect master looks at the mirror and calls out his disciple's name.

As soon as he said his disciple's name, the man with a white hair opens his eyes and look at us. He was tilting his head. Just like the sect master, his face was cute. Cute enough to become a girl.

I wonder if they could cross-dress? Hmm…

Ehem, I did not mean it. I was just thinking about it.

Sorry about that.

"Master?" Lux responds back to the sect master. He was curious why is the sect master here.

"Your disciple." The sect master said, looking at Eumi.

Lux then looks at Eumi before nodding. "I see." He said as he rose up to greet the blushing Eumi.

As soon as he goes near Eumi, Lux then pats Eumi's head before saying, "This master of yours is truly sorry for leaving you for a year." He then continues, "I will teach you everything I know as an atonement for my lack of presence."

Err… why am I thinking about cliche dialogue here?

Lux then steps back before bowing to Eumi. He was going to introduce himself to Eumi.

"This master of yours is called Lux. Lux Exquivale. Also known as Illuminating Moon."


- Jin Exquivale's POV -

"Finally, I could leave the task of being a sect master to the Moon Goddess as I can now finally go to my soon-to-be wife without someone stopping me. What a perfect deal it is."

Silently, I give a thumbs-up to the naive Moon Goddess. Take care of the sect for me, okay? Hahahahahaha!

You cannot hold me down this time old man Lu as this one is already one step ahead of your plans.