Arc I Epilogue: A Fox's Lesson

My name is Ciel. Ciel Desari Fuegen Oris. I am a Moonlight Sword Sect cultivator, hoping to become one of the best of cultivators both at mortal and cultivation world.

I am the disciple of Nan Fue, the main treasurer of the Moonlight Sword Sect. With my master being the main treasurer, so does my position at the Moonlight Sword Sect. Yes, I too am a treasurer.

A third-floor treasurer to be exact.

You don't know that position? I see…

Let me explain it to you: The treasure hall of the Moonlight Sword Sect consists of multiple floors, consisting up to hundredth floors. Obviously, the lowest of the treasures are located on the first floor while the highest grade lies at the top.

Now, you can see my position just by thinking, right?

Although I am one of the lowest of the treasure guardians, the treasures I protect are all valuable in the eyes of every cultivator. From rare pill ingredients to rare swords, I guard them all.

Also, another reason why no one mocks me despite being at the lowest is that I am at the eighth realm fifth stage.

Wait, you don't know these terms? Sigh… you silly.

Let your older sister explain it to you kay? Let's see… where do we start…?

Oh! Let's start with the basic stuff that even a goblin can understand, neh?

Now, first of all, realms are the terms cultivators such as me use to dictate their strength. Simple, right? For example, if a mortal being is stronger than the average mortals, he would be labeled as an elite right? It's basically that.

As one gets stronger, so does the gap between the others. You get it right? Now, realms are used to see how strong one is.

That's the basic stuff. And as for the kind of difficult one...

Currently, there are over twenty realms. Yes, twenty. It's crazy, right?

Crazy or not, everything I said is the truth. There are over twenty realms.

Ehem, why am I repeating myself right? Haha…

If you get stronger and stronger, you'll jump realm by realm. Well, it's kind of obvious for me to say. Sigh…

Anyways, below the realm lies a sub-level called stages. What are those you ask? Well, stages are the factors used when one advances to another realm or not.

You don't get it? Wait… let me simplify it for you.

Imagine a red apple. If the apple becomes golden, then that's what you call a "stepping to another realm." Simple, right?

Now, if you look closely at the transformation of the red apple to become a golden apple, you can see some changes right? That's what you call a "realm stage." Or just call it "stage."

Both are fine. Really.


As one goes stronger and stronger, the stages which need to be cleared before advancing to the next realm goes higher and higher. Yes, I am not kidding about it either. The stages really go higher and higher. Why? Let me prepare another example for you.

Let's use the red apple once again as an example.

While the apple goes from red to gold, you can see the transformation right? However, if the transformation of the apple suddenly slows down, we could see the transformation of the apple going slowly.

What I mean is that when one gets stronger and stronger, the slower they reach stages to stages.

If you still don't get it then I am truly sorry about it. I am just a poor little fox and not a teacher okay?

So, if you get what I'm saying, then you basically learned a free lesson. Yay! Congrats to you!

Ehem, let's get to the main point here.

What am I saying earlier? Oh right! My cultivation realm and stage.

Being an eighth realm cultivator is already strong enough you know? For the other sects, having an eighth realm cultivator is already a blessing for them.

And as for the greater sects….

The eighth realm is just a realm where one usually can advance without having to worry about pills and items.

Yes, this fox is not kidding about it. One can usually advance up to the ninth realm without worrying about the lack of items and cultivation materials.

If you are a cultivator on one of the three great sects, that is.

Though it may seem relaxing that one can advance up to the eighth realm without worries, actually, many have died trying to advance up to the sixth realm.

Why you ask? Basically, the final stage of the sixth realm is a testament to how strong your mentality of facing tribulations are. If you cannot survive the final stage, then you die.

Even the great sects don't have a counter to that final stage of the sixth realm.

Somehow, I pity those who have died trying to cross the seventh realm. This fox is really sorry about it.

Ehem, let's not talk about that any further, shall we? It only brings back memories.

Despite me being only an eighth realm cultivator, I can still fight and win against the higher realm cultivator with just pure wits alone. Yes, this lady can really win against ninth or tenth realm cultivators.

Do you know why? Simple! I use Exorcist mantras and skills! Heheh, you should be proud of me, right? Heheh…

Er… wait… you don't know what are those terms?

Let me simplify those terms for you, okay?

Mantras are the basic foundations of a skill. A skill is one of the different ways a cultivator uses in their entire lifetime. Example, if you breathe fire then that is your skill. That's about it.

As for Exorcist however…

The Exorcist is a profession that uses both internal and external Qi to either protect the user or attack another cultivator.

Most notably, the element of an exorcist is a lightning type. Why? That's because lighting is an element with an extremely high attack, capable of offsetting the Exorcist's weakness— having little to no talismans.

Also, lighting can also hurt ghost-type monsters which are perfect for Exorcist and such.


So yeah, my profession is an Exorcist. Although my elemental power is different from the usual lightning.

Like my grandfather Shi Desari Fuegen Oris, my elemental power is a moonlight. Yes, a moonlight element! Cool right?!

Having a moonlight element is like having a legendary weapon you know that? The moonlight element is one of the greatest element according to every cultivator.

To be precise, the moonlight element is capable of harnessing Qi either at the moon or the sun.

So to simplify, I can quickly regenerate my Qi pool whenever I want too. So, coupled with the factor of having Exorcist skills and moonlight element, I am basically a juggernaut.

I am so strong that I suddenly became the first ranked elite in the elite ten of the sect. Yes, this lady is the top one of the elite ten within the sect.

Though it's called being the top ten within the sect, at the ninth realm lies another top ten. So on and so forth until the eleventh realm where fairy Hyuxia and other masters within the sect are currently at. They are basically a god in the mortal realm you know?

To simplify, I am the top one of the top ten in the eighth realm.

Ehem, I got a bit overboard saying top ten to you. Sorry about that.

Anyways, let's go with a different topic, shall we?

You know, when I go out, I always sense others looking at me. Although their gazes were nice and friendly, somehow, I feel terrified by looking at them.

Are they just simply nice to me on the outside and are actually a wolf under a skin of a sheep inside? I do not know. This poor fox does not know.

They're like "Can I help you?" or "Let me go out with you!"

Though I'm perfectly calm on the outside, I'm truly terrified in the inside. Are they planning something on me? Wuuu… this fox does not know what they are thinking...

Because I was afraid of them, I simply smile at them. Some get awkward and some get sad. I do not know. Am I really that stupid? Wuu… this poor brain of mine…

And so, I focus my attention on honing my skills. I like being alone and such okay? It's not like I don't want to be friends with everyone but rather, I just feel terrified at their hidden sides.

What if someone backstabs you? What if someone betrays you? That's what I'm thinking every time I look at everyone.

It is also because of this that I always go to the sect master whenever I had something to talk about. The sect master always listens to my talks you know? Also, he is a friend of my grandfather so I think he's can be trusted.

Like the sect master, I also trust my master Nan Fue. So does Luke and a few others.

Also, most notably, Lux. He's like me, a fox with the same mindset as me. Don't you think we're too similar together?

Ehem, anyways…

Like me, Lux also has a moonlight element. However, his profession is different from mine. Though he did not tell me his profession, judging by the fact that he uses illusions and space, his profession might be the same as the sect master— Illusionist.

Although the Illusionist profession might sound weak, it actually isn't. In fact, it was so strong that even the two other great sects had to forbid us from having that profession except for the elite of the elites or cultivators like fairy Hyuxia.

With someone using illusions wrongly, one could even alter everything the world sees so yeah, it's kind of a broken skill.

So broken that it made every sect worried about us altering the entire world. Yes, that's how the golden age of the Moonlight Sword Sect began. By altering the entire world by changing days and time.


Anyways, Lux's profession is an Illusionist. Yes, that's about it.




Hey, do you want me to tell you a secret? Shhh…. don't tell anyone about this okay?

I actually admire someone…

I want to be his loving wife. Waaa~ just the sight of it makes my heart flutter…





What? That's my secret. Don't tell anybody okay? Not even to my grandfather Shi. He is always reaching out to the sect master and asks him if I already have a lover yet.

Although it's kinda embarrassing, I am sure that my grandfather wishes me a good future.

Now, go out before I leave you behind! Arghhhh!!!! Why did I even told you my secret Argh!!!!

Fool! Fool! Fool! Waaaaaaa!!