Cloud Gathering Palace (3/3)

As I saw the statue of my master, my back suddenly became cold. I suddenly became nervous at the thought of seeing the goddess once again.

Why is there a statue of my master in heaven? Is the goddess following me from the very beginning when I woke up from this room?

Tell me, why?

Am I really that unlucky?

Ugh… my head hurts...

While thinking about the goddess and the statue and paintings of hers, my head suddenly aches once again, making me unable to focus on my two shaking legs.


I fall down on the floor as my two weak legs crumble once again. It hurts.

While on the ground, I grit my teeth as I hold back the urge to scream at the pain I'm currently experiencing. Even if the pain is unbearable for me to handle, I won't scream as I do not like gathering attention.

Huu… Bear with me now, legs. Please hold on a little longer. Please...

I took a slow breath as I prepare myself to stand up once again. Please, don't die on me, my pitiful legs.

I know that you two are aching right now but I really have to go out and see where am I in heaven. After that, you two can do anything you want, okay?

Slowly, I turn my back against the wall as I stand up. As I slowly stand up, my legs shake once again, making me once again, fall down.

Too hopeless. I'm too hopeless.


Looking at my legs, I ask myself, "How did I become so weak that I can't even use my legs normally?" Uu…

I look at my pitiful body by looking down. There were no bruises or anything. Also, there were no cuts or anything weird. So, how?

My hair falls down to my face as I look on my body, blocking my view. Since my hand aches when I use them, I decided not to brush my hair away from blocking the view in front of me.

Deeply, I sigh as I look at my broken body.

"Umm…" I hear a female's voice near me. Her voice was soft that it sounded more like she's whispering at me.

"Lady… Everheart?" She continued, calling out my last name. What do you want?

"Hmm?" I said back to her. As my hair blocks me from looking at her, I did not see her face nor appearance. Instead, I only see my hair.

Fairly obvious, isn't it? Haha…

"Your master said that you should rest and do not go out unless she said so." Said by the girl, talking about my master.

While listening to her words, I suddenly became angry as I look at the goddess within my memories.

"Agh!" I suddenly scream in my mind as my head once again aches. Uuh… I forgot that I should not become angry at times like these.

Instantly, I calm myself down from being angry at the goddess. Although I'm angry at her, I should first calm myself down.

"Please." The girl picks my broken body up and slowly, we head back to the bed I woke up earlier.

"S.." I said back. As I can't talk right now, I grit my teeth and speaks one letter.

The girl, who picked my body up, immediately stops and says, "Yes, lady Everheart?"

Thank god you heard my letter.

Immediately, I once again grit the pain and while saying, "Ta…ke…"

Just by the word take, my body immediately becomes weary as the force I used to speak the word take is like the same as one running at full force.

I quickly began inhaling and exhaling air as I try to recover my breath. Huff... huff... it's tiresome…

"Take?" The girl said, curiously wondering why I said take.

"Ma…s…te…r" I said back to her as I pressure myself to say the word master.

"Take… master?" The girl curiously thinks the two words inside her head as she mutters the two words I said earlier. Come on, are you really that serious?

Even a toddler would know what I meant by the two words I said earlier. And for you to think about it like an obstacle course, are you kidding yourself?

Sigh… I can't believe this.

For a while, the girl thinks about the two words I said earlier while carrying my broken body like a princess.

Yes, she holds the back of my two knees and my back and thus, I am being carried away like a princess.

Imagine what you want to imagine at my posture, sigh…

Although it's kind of embarrassing to be carried in such a position, I do not care about it anymore as my body is aching.

Also, since my hair still blocks my view, I can't see the girl carrying me as we head back to the bed.

"Oh!" Suddenly, the girl shouted, ending the awkward silence over us. So, have you understood my words?

"Lady Everheart, are you saying that you want me to take you to the place where your master is at?" The girl brightly spoke at me. She was eagerly speaking at me like some sort of someone being interested at something.

Slowly, I nod at the girl. That's what I intended to ask you from the very beginning.

"Haha…" The girl awkwardly laughs before continuing, "I'm sorry for not understanding your words earlier. I am a bit slow when learning something so I am sorry for letting you wait at my slow self haha…" The girl said to me as she continues laughing awkwardly.

Since you admit that you are slow when thinking such things, there's nothing for me to say.

Also, don't make yourself down. It's bad. Having negative thoughts about yourself will only make you miserable in the long term.

While thinking about the girl's negative opinion about herself, the girl carrying me turns around and head to the door.

I slowly move my hand and brush away the hair blocking my view. I want to see the halls and the scenery around me.

As I brush my hair off from my head, I look at the surroundings around me. There were large pillars supporting the marble white ceiling from above. Also, there are some pieces of furniture like couches and tables being placed everywhere.

The hall we are right now is becoming like those halls from rich lords' houses except that this hall is larger and more beautiful than theirs.

Looking at the ceiling above me, I see multiple chandeliers and intricate paintings of man, a devil, a man with wings and also, devils with wings fighting above. They were fighting over the seemingly endless temple covered with clouds.

They were painted on the ceiling making anyone in awe as they look at the paintings of the four different races above.

"That's the battle of Gathering Cloud faction and the Green Moon faction." The girl, who notices my gaze looking at the ceiling, suddenly spoke at me.

I look at the girl. She was a girl with a cute small rabbit pin on her head. Her face was devoid of any freckles or makeup, making her face all natural.

However, even though she did not wear any make-up, she was pretty. However, because of her bangs and her thick hair, she looks more of a rag rat rather than a pretty cultivator.

Somehow, I felt pity just by looking at her. Her body was thin, almost becoming like the body of the malnourished people suffering from lack of food.

Even so, her smile towards me was cute. Very cute. Her smile could not be compared to anyone else except Eumi and the other abnormal persons in the entire world.

Inside my head, I grit my teeth as I both pity her current state and her cute smile. Tch, anyone who hasn't seen her cute smile must be punis— ugh!

Once again, my head aches like hell, making me stop thinking.

On the outside, I tilt my head while looking at the girl while in the inside, I was screaming as the pain was too unbearable for me to hold down.

The girl, who saw my tilting head, suddenly gleams with excitement as she speaks, "You know, lady Everheart, the battle of the two factions are so epic that it was published by the News Order!"

As she suddenly shouts at me, the other maids and the men carrying stuff look at us with curious eyes. They were curious as to why did the girl suddenly shouted.

Facing the gazes of others, the girl immediately notices what she has done and immediately, she looks down in shame. Her face was not blushing but instead, she was guilty was she had done.

She was the opposite of the seemingly energetic Eumi.

I look at her with no expressions showing on my face. You shouldn't be ashamed of yourself but rather, be confident at yourself ya know?

Awkwardly, both I and the girl look at each other while she carries me as she walks to where is my master currently at.

I don't want to do any staring competition right now okay? I'm sorry.

Immediately, I retract my gaze at her and look at the scenery outside. There were clouds everywhere, making my heart throb at the sight of the seemingly endless clouds.

For a while, the girl walks across the seemingly endless hall until we reach a stair made from marble.

Also, like the floor, the floor part of the stairs are made from marble and are also covered by a thick glass.

As the girl goes up, I look at the stairs. Below the thick glass lies the symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect in every step of the stairs. The symbol of the Moonlight Sword Sect was placed in the middle part of each step, making the step look like a sacred place.

While speaking about the stairs, the girl carrying me is now on the top floor from where I woke up from earlier. Since I do not know which floor I currently am, I will just name this floor "Second floor."

Though it's only temporary.

Likewise the first floor where I woke up, there were also pillars and balusters on the edges of the hall. However, the difference is that the hall here is that there were bookshelves being placed down on the hall by some men and women.

Is this the library floor of heaven? Cool.

The bookshelves have a height of a staggering five meters tall. Although they are large, they are still short compared to the height of the hall— eight meters.

Yes, eight meters. Tall enough to fit so many items.

Also, the floor below us also has a height of eight meters.

I narrow my vision to a random bookshelf. Like those bookshelves in the place where I nearly died, the bookshelf I am seeing right now have the same texture, colors and most notably, shape and height.

The shape of the bookshelf is like usual bookshelves on libraries; rectangular. As for its height, it was kinda irregular considering its height.

Though there are much much more gigantic bookshelves all across the sect.

Silently, I waited for the girl to finally go to where my master is currently at. Why is this taking so long? Seriously? Just how far are we from my master's room?

While waiting, I subconsciously went back to deep thinking and forgot where I currently am.

F*ck. Why am I so dumb? Waaa!

Ehem. Forgive me for that.


I gently shake my head to keep myself in touch in reality. Although it somewhat stings like hell to shake my head, it's worth it.

Well yeah, If you put yourself to my shoes, surely you would shake your head too, right?

After shaking my head, I notice something.

We are now in front of the stairs leading up to another floor. Finally!

Once again, the girl steps on the marble stairs and began heading upwards to another floor. Sigh…

I think to myself, "I would die from pain just by walking to where my master is at."

Indeed. With this much of a distance to go to where my master is and my current state being similar to that of a dead weight, it would be surely my end to go to this kind of hellish journey.


Deep inside my heart, I thanked the girl for carrying me. I'm not too fat to carry, right?

Unlike the two halls, this one is also different. This time, the halls have gigantic statues carrying the ceiling instead of the usual pillars.

Also, there were no balusters between each statue but rather, balconies are placed between the gigantic statues.

Rather than a normal floor, The floor of each balcony is made out of thick glass instead of those usual stone floor. Also, jade white marbles are instead used as a handrail instead of a floor of each balcony.

This is a luxurious place if you ask me.

After looking at the balcony, I look in the middle of the hall, revealing a set of furniture with the four hidden masters, Eumi, Lux, the fox girl, the sect master and most notably, the goddess sitting on the couches playing cards.


Why are they also in heaven?