Yura (1/2)

Facing the others playing cards, Eumi, who was initially looking at the others as they play, immediately notice me and the girl heading towards them.

"Eh? You're awake?" She said to me as she looks at me with shock.

Yes, I am awake. Very obvious, isn't it?

I slowly nod at Eumi. After nodding, I see the others began taking glances at me. They too are shocked to see that I am awake.


Tell me, why are you all looking at me as if a miracle had happened? Do you all really want me to close my eyes forever?

Sigh... I really could not understand the thoughts of others.

I look at the girl who's carrying me. She had her face down, wanting to hide from everyone's gazes.

It's a pity that you are a cute girl, miss…

I forgot that I haven't asked her name yet.

While I was looking at the face of the girl, Eumi, who was looking at me, began running towards me. She was excited to see me.

"Argh!" I scream inside my head as Eumi hugs both me and the girl, making the three of us fall down on the floor as the girl was struck by the running Eumi.

I grit my teeth as I hold back the pain. If I could curse you right now, I would curse at you without end, Eumi.

Shh… I need to calm myself down. Nothing's gonna change even if I curse at her.

Even though the pain was unbearable to handle, I calm myself down as I look at Eumi who's hugging the floor.


"I really thought you were going to die wuwu…" Eumi, who was hugging the floor, spoke.

That's not me, Eumi. You are hugging the floor not me.

Sig— wait...

Oh yeah, that is me, Eumi. That's me. Ignore this blabbering lady and focus at what you are doing.

Since your hugs are so tight that it can break bones, please don't hug me and instead, hug the floor. Thank you.

If you hug me right now, I will surely die as you break my bones one by one.

But still, what do you mean I'm going to die? Aren't I on heaven right now?

Foolish Eumi, you don't even notice that you also died and came on heaven.

"It's truly a miracle." Said by Hanbai, muttering as he looks at me with his snake-like eyes.

What miracle? Miracle that I am on heaven rather than hell?

Hah! This lad— ugh! Headache again.

I really should stop doing that.

As soon as my headache once again appears out of nowhere, the goddess instantly appears before me, holding my right hand as she looks at my face.

"You should recover within an hour or so." She said as she checks over me. Although she was the one who caused all of this, her face was filled with worries.

Why are you worried? You did all of this, right? Then how come you are worried? Shouldn't be that you should be laughing right now as you look at my broken body?

Tch, don't look at me as if you are worried about me, I do not want your pity.

"Sigh… now my little disciple is misunderstanding the situation…" The goddess, who was looking at me, sighs as she reads over my angry mind.

You are the one who caused all of this. If you haven't done anything, I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place.

"Stupid." The goddess, who heard my words in my mind, suddenly calls me as a stupid person. You're the one stupid!

Foolish go— Argh!

Okay, okay. I'm sorry for exclaiming my words.

"Your Qi inside your body became unstable earlier because you were thinking stupid things while using my breathing pattern." The goddess then flicks my forehead after speaking.

Eh? What do you mean?

"What I mean is that you are stupid." The goddess once again calls me out as a stupid person.


I had enough… I should not raise my voice or my head will trigger another headache.

"Umm…" The girl, who carried me earlier, fixes herself up after colliding with Eumi. She was fixing her black and white robe.

She was looking at us as if we are one of those weird people. Well, you're not wrong. We are, in fact, more crazier than this.

"Don't be afraid, little one." The goddess looks at the seemingly scared girl and smiles at her.

The goddess' smile was a gentle smile. However, from the perspective of the girl…

She was scared. Both at the smile of the goddess and the goddess' mind reading ability.

"Wa! How did you read my mind!" She said, shocked as the goddess reads her mind. Yeah, what I fear has suddenly come out true.

The goddess shamelessly reads the mind of others as if it was her usual hobby. Sigh, I'll give my prayers to you cute girl.

"Ehh?" The goddess changes her mouth expression from a smile to a sad expression. "I did not read your mind though?" She said, denying the fact that she has read the mind of the girl.

Please, don't even pretend about it. Sigh...

Inside my mind, I facepalm myself a thousand times as the goddess shows her shameless side.

"Fellow disciple Yura." I heard a voice of a male calling out Yura.

Err… how did a man suddenly shows up out of nowhere? And also, who's the Yura guy you are calling out, man…?

Ugh... I should stop making puns. It's terrible.

But still, how did another character suddenly appears from nowhere?

Probably a conspiracy. Hmm.

As the voice resounded across the hall, the girl looks behind. Likewise, the others also look at the direction of the voice, revealing a young man wearing the same clothing as the girl who carried me.

"Umm…" The boy, who was being awkwardly gazed at by more than ten people, looks down in return. He was obviously felt pressured by the gazes of OP characters.

Excluding me, that is.

Immediately, the boy bow in front of us before saying, "Greetings to the sect master and the higher ups!"

He was bowing formally at us as we were being recognized by him as those higher-ups within the sect.

After the boy greets us up formally, the girl immediately notices something and stands up very quickly before saying, "Greetings to the sect master and the higher ups!"

She was shaking as she bows in front of us. It's clear that she was nervous since she was rudely talking to one of the higher-ups.

No, you should not be ashamed. This master of mine should BE the one ashamed of her actions.


A loud sound of something flicking resounded across the silent hall. It was my master flicking my head once again.

This time, it was much stronger and made my forehead red.

Since my body was aching nonstop, the flick did not even make me flinch nor hurt me in the process.

My body aching is a blessing in disguise I guess?

I look at the goddess. She was smiling as she flicks my forehead. She was obviously teasing me.

"Please, drop down the formalities." Said by the sect master who was drinking tea. Err… aren't you tired of drinking tea?

Nah, who cares. It's not my decision anyway.

"Yes!" Both the boy and the girl said in unison as they heard the sect master's words.

Immediately, the two straighten themselves before us. However, they were shaking both in fear and pressure among the others.

I look at the four masters and the fox girl playing cards against each other. Which part of them are supposed to be scary?

Immediately, Yue Shin smiles over me as I think about him and the three masters playing cards along with the fox girl

Crap. I forgot that you too can read my mind.

I retract my gaze at the smiling Yue Shin and look at Lux who was casually reading a book about something.

Although I don't know what he is currently reading, judging from the fact that the cover of the book is a man sitting on a lotus position with elemental crystal all over him, I suppose that he is reading about meditation or something.

It's probably something different from my guess but it's just my guess.

And as for the sect master, he was casually sipping tea with one of his legs on top of his other leg. He looks like a professional in that position. Is the sect master connoisseur of tea perhaps?

I will never know.

And as for Eumi…

Don't even think about her. She's a fool.

And finally, this shameless goddess.

This is the only person you should be worried about. Other than the shameless goddess who continuously reads my mind without end, there's no one across the hall the two of you should be worried about.

While the sect master drinks his tea, two couches suddenly appear behind the two. Instantly, the two was shocked by the fact that a couch suddenly appears behind them.

Ah yes, the fine works of sect master. Surprising.

Yes, I do use sarcasm.

"Please, sit down." The sect master told the two to sit down on the couches behind them.

Although they were nervous about it, the two nod and look at each other before sitting down on the soft couch.

And here I am, sitting on a floor with the goddess continuously flicking my head while Eumi is on the floor hugging it without no particular reason. Great.

My forehead should be red right now. Sigh…

"My little disciple, how could you be so retarded ahh…" The goddess said while flicking my head. Although her voice was gentle and felt like she was indeed sad, her face was smiling, implying that she enjoys flicking my forehead.

I wonder, when will I escape from this current scenario?