Intermission: A Mission

"I really need to hurry." Said by a female as she leaps buildings to buildings. She was nervous as if she was being hunted by someone.

Her figure was slim, typical model body for every lady. Also, she was wearing a unique dress, comparable to a captain's clothes within the Moonlight Sword Sect.

She was wearing a captain's long coat, having the color of white with a color of red within the sleeves and button part of the coat.

Also, at her thighs lies multiple guns being tied by a thick strip of linen. With that, she could be seen as that of a gunner profession.

To summarize, it could be said that this female is one of the captains within the gunner profession.

While she was leaping across each buildings, her long, silky violet hair with a some strips of pink hair was freely flowing on the air, free from any forms of being tied up.

She was Alkadia Vulschimasten, the hidden master of the gunner profession.

Currently, she is leaping from one buildings to another as she heads to the northern direction.

She was in a hurry.

Despite the fact that she was leaping, her footsteps did not made any sound or noise at all. It was as if she was a ghost or she was walking on mid-air.

"Why did I even got assigned to go there." Said by Alkadia, biting her lips as she thought of the reason why her higher-ups wants her to go to a certain place.

Indeed. She was asked by a some higher-ups to go to a certain area and do something there.

"They could just ask someone instead of me…" Alkadia thought inside her head. She was thinking about her higher-ups choosing someone instead of her to go to a certain place.

Alkadia, who was looking ahead, looks above and sees the blue skies with clouds hanging. She was checking the time, the weather and most important of all— cultivators flying around.

"Nope. No signs of anyone heading to the tower." She said, muttering under her breath.

After looking above, she looks at the surroundings before her while leaping. She sees cultivators bustling around and some magical beast being trained by some cultivators. She also sees several cultivators fighting around like a bunch of gangs fighting on the street.

"Troublesome." She said while looking at the two different group of cultivators fighting together.

Alkadia, in turn, quickly draw one of her guns on her waist and began shooting the two different groups.

Despite the fact that she only used one gun to shoot someone, her Qi acts as the bullet and thus, the gun was shooting rapidly like some sort of monster spouting small spheres of Qi.

As soon as the Qi bullets hits the head of each cultivators fighting around, they suddenly loses their own strength before sleeping on the middle of a street like a beggar with no home to live to.

Because of that, the dispute between the two different groups immediately comes to a halt as the two groups were both paralyzed and exhausted by Alkadia's bullets.

Some cultivators, who saw the entire scene, was both baffled and shocked by the sudden event. They did not know what to do and thus, they called some cultivators to pick the two groups up from the cold ground.

However, some cultivators did not called the others and instead preyed the pockets of the two fallen groups like a group of scavengers hunting for food. They were smirking as they pick up the loots of their thievery.

Alkadia, who saw the entire scene going weird, just took a glance at them before retracting her gaze and look ahead.

Looking ahead of her, she sees a vast area with trees and small flying beasts roaming around. There were also some cultivators walking around with their fellow cultivators and there were also…

"Doing that in broad daylight…" Alkadia said as she looks over some cultivators. She rolls her blue eyes in disgust of seeing some cultivators doing some things in broad daylight.

After looking at the surroundings around her, she leaps to the last building ahead of her before leaping again, with this time on air.

She was now leaping while on mid-air.

As she leaps over and over again, she quickly draws another gun before turning her back around, making her look behind instead of looking ahead.

She was going to do something.

"Burst." Said by Alkadia as she aims her two guns at the town behind her. After aiming at zero degrees straight, she channels her Qi at her two guns before shooting them.

*Bang!* A loud sound of a gun roaring was heard across the forest, startling everyone as they heard the sudden roar of a gun.

It was Alkadia, who was channeled her Qi for several seconds that the two guns had no choice but to release the huge amount of Qi being channeled bt Alkadia.

Because of that, the two guns had recoiled to the point where Alkadia had been abruptly moved by the two guns faster than the speed of a high-speed flying sword.

However, it was Alkadia's main goal. She had intended to gain a momentum of speed by channeling the two guns to the point that her body recoils back faster.

She was now moving rapidly in mid-air without leaping nor doing anything. She was just continuously channeling her Qi at the two guns on her hands which in turn, gave the two guns power to shoot another huge amount of Qi.

Alkadia was going faster and faster while shooting rounds of heavily-compressed Qi.

"Starburst." Alkadia said under her breath. In turn, the two guns suddenly stops shooting begin charging up a huge amount of Qi.

*Bsssshhhhh!!!!* A loud, buzzing roar of something was heard across the entire forest. It was so loud that the leaves of each trees began swaying rapidly.

The sound came from Alkadia's guns, the Starguns.

Indeed, Alkadia's guns had a name. It's name was derived from the meteorite that landed on the western region.

It was also that this meteorite had laid a path for Alkadia's guns to be created using the meteorite's metals.

In short, Alkadia's guns were created from a meteorite called Starfrost.

The two guns that Alkadia is holding had created a huge blue-violet blast that it caused everything around the two guns to be entirely wiped out.

Everything except Alkadia's legs in front of these two guns had reduced to a state of sand.

However, in turn, that burst gave Alkadia a huge amount of speed that she broke the sound barrier, causing everything around her to be blurry with huge streaks of gust left behind as she breaks apart the wind around her.

Despite that being said, Alkadia's vision was not blurred at all. She was instead chilling around, watching the town behind her goes smaller and smaller.

"I felt strange there…" Alkadia mutters as she recalls something. Her face was filled with unease and fear.

She was recalling the events where she greeted the sacred moon goddess of the sect and her disciple.

While recalling that event, she put her two guns back to her thighs before tying them up with the thick strip of linen.

After placing the two guns back to their former position, Alkadia looks at her chest while thinking something.

"My heart felt that it was being grabbed by someone…" She thought inside her head. She was scared at the fact that her heart was being gripped by someone.

Alkadia places her left arm on her beating chest. She was confirming something.

"There's no sign of me having an illness." She said after checking her beating chest.

But even so, her fear of her heart being gripped apart to the point that it would explode still lingers within her brain and thoughts.

"Could it be the sacred goddess?" Alkadia said as she thinks of the goddess' gentle reaction from earlier.

Indeed. When she have greeted the goddess earlier, her heart suddenly felt being grabbed by multiple cold hands. She was scared to the point that she could not even hid it anymore and thus, she ran outside the Hidden Order's southern halls.

"It couldn't be, right?" Alkadia said before flicking her forehead off. "The sacred moon goddess isn't that kind of person, right?" She said to herself.

After all, the goddess she had learned off when she was a kid is a venerable and kind to others, giving hope in the darkness.

Once again, Alkadia flicks her forehead off before smiling.

"Fool. There's no way the goddess would do that." Alkadia said to herself while smiling.

After that, Alkadia looks at her beating chest one last time before turning her body once again as she dives to the air.


"Finally, I'm here." Alkadia said to herself before landing on the meadows below.

While landing, she looks above, only to see a gigantic clock tower before her. It was so gigantic that it reaches the clouds above the sky, causing awe to everyone.

At the bottom of the clock tower lies eight gigantic statues with the height of ten meters beside each large doors leading to the insides of the clock tower. These statues were then covered with thick armor with a vanguard and a sword on its hands. It was as if they were the guardians of this place.

At the top of the clock tower lies a pointed roof made of glass. It was so transparent that the sunlight directly passes the thick glass.

Just a couple of floors below the top floor lies a gigantic glass of circle with a golden clock gears inside the thick round glass. This floor is the floor where the clock faces and gears are located at.

Also, at the middle part of each part of the tower's walls lies gigantic banners which have the symbol the Moonlight Sword Sect on it. They were waving around as the wind blows over them.

*Pam.* Alkadia safely landed on the meadows. She wasn't hurt or anything like that but rather, she was perfectly fine.

After landing, she walks across the meadows to the clock tower.

As she walks over to the walls of the clock tower, she sees that the clock tower is built near a cliff.

"Woooa…" Alkadia said as she looks at the bottom of the cliff. She was thinking about the cliff's height so high that it could be said that this cliff is a mountain.

"I can see the Blue Moon Hall from here." She said as she narrow her vision at the small castle in front of her.

Despite the fact that it was so far away from her position, she can clearly see the white walls of the castle and the floating islands near the castle. It was magnificent to look at.

"That's the place where senior Hyuxia and the emperor of some mortal empire's wedding will be at, right?" She mutters as she looks at the castle. She was thinking about her senior Hyuxia and the emperor of some empire.

"But that's not my care." She paused for a second before continuing, "I just want to see the sacred goddess for myself." She grins as she thought of the goddess eating with her.

While grinning, she subconsciously looks at the clock of the clock tower. At the clock of the clock tower lies gigantic mechanisms and gears that runs the clock of the clock tower.

"My mission is to create a portal at the top floor of the clock tower and link it to the Blue Moon Hall right?" She asks herself, thinking if her mission was to create a portal at the clock tower and the Blue Moon Hall, linking the two together.

Alkadia, in turn, nods in herself while clenching her right fist in agreement with her question earlier.

Quickly, Alkadia runs over from the meadows to the walls of the clock tower before running vertically as she heads to the top floor of the clock tower where she will create a portal in accordance to her mission.

She was heading to the top floor directly using walls as a platform for running vertically to the top floor instead of going up using stairs to go to the top floor.

"I guess that the top floor of the clock tower will be the place where the soon-to-be-wed couples would spend their night, right?" Alkadia said under her breath while running vertically.

"Very well." Alkadia said, grinning. "I will place the portal at the clockwork gear floor so that if anyone goes to the floor while you two are doing something disturbing at the top floor, you two can have the time to fix yourselves before inviting the incoming random visitor." She continued while thinking about something.