Learning (1/4)

"Stupid disciple." The goddess….


Calls my name out?

Why am I being called as a stupid disciple rather than just a normal disciple?

Bad luck.


"Yes, master?" I ask the goddess as I look at her face.

"Do you remember what I have told you earlier?" She said, looking at me while tilting her head. She was curious about something.



Sorry. I do not remember.

"I thought so." The goddess sighs before muttering under her breath. She had given up the thought that I had remembered what she said to me earlier.

Well, this lady is truly sorry okay? I didn't mean to have such poor brain capacity ya know?

"Here." The goddess said to me while handing out something.

I look at the goddess' hand and sees a white card with a portrait of a fog around the moon on it.


What am I going to do with that?


Should I eat it? Hmm…

Nah, we already ate at the dining hall earlier. Heh, this lady is full of energy and does not need to eat right now!

Hahaha! I'm going to be an OP character now!

Since I have eaten the yin fish earlier, my Qi would become much more thicker, right? Then if my Qi is thicker than ever, then that means I could freely pass the third stage of the second realm and advance up to the third realm right?

Heh, I knew I would rise up from the ashes like a phoenix.

Somehow, I recall that certain OP main character from some novel that was severely crippled from the start. Although he was crippled, a sudden voodoo strange magic was bestowed upon him by some plot armor god. Ever since then, he also rose up from a cripple to a hell of an OP character.


If you compare him to me, then that means…

We should be the same! Oh! I knew it! I'm an OP character as well! Oh!


Now I just need some foolish naive cute boys and rich master as my underlings and I'll become like that another female OP character from another novel.


*Pluck!* I heard a sound of something being flicked.

It was my forehead once again, being flicked by the goddess. Sigh…

I detached myself from reality huh…


Very weird.

"You'll die if you keep doing that, stupid disciple." The goddess said while patting my poor forehead. Err…

I'm sorry. I will never do it again.


Looking at the white card on the goddess' right hand, I nod at the goddess in return before taking the card away from her. The goddess also nods back while patting my forehead.


Master, can you please take a look around us and see that everyone here is looking at us with weird expressions…

Oh right, I forgot to tell you where are we, right? Haha…

No, I did not forget to tell you where are we right now. Shhh….


Currently, both me and the goddess are located at some beach at the southern region of the Moonlight Sword Sect continent. Heh, I never thought that we are at the southern region until someone I knew calls me out.

Looking at some cultivators wearing nothing but shorts and bikini, I think that even though the water and air is cold enough to shiver someone, these cultivators are tougher and will fight any cold just to attract attention from anyone with their model-like bodies.


That's what I think, I guess?


Here we are, attracting attention from everyone.


Currently, me and the goddess are sitting on some wooden seat facing each other. The goddess, who kept patting my head ever since we got here, attracted more and more attention from others until someone finally drew a portrait of the goddess patting this lady.

Urgh it's so embarrassing…



I look at the card I'm holding with my hand. There were nothing here but just a portrait of a moon being surrounded by a white fog.

"Channel your Qi to the card." The goddess said while patting my head. She was ordering me to channel my Qi to the card.

"Un." I nod back before I channel my Qi to the card. Err…

As I channel my Qi to the card, the whole area around me changes, from a beach to some sort of celestial galaxy.

I look around and see planets, stars, galaxies and even black holes far away from me. Err…

After looking around, I look at—



As I my heart nearly stops from beating, I calm myself down to relax my beating heart. F*ck, just how many heart attack simulator floors are there?! D*rn it!


"Stupid disciple." A voice of a female rang throughout my mind. It was the goddess.

I look around, seeing nothing but a bunch of planets and other stuff.


Where's the goddess?

"Turn around." The goddess said telepathically. She was ordering me to turn around.

In response, I turn around, revealing the goddess being a hundred or so times larger than me. She was currently standing in front of the small me.

Also, her outfit was very different. She was wearing a pure white gown with intricate designs and details.

It was as if she's going to be wed at someone.

There were also multiple adornment on her body, most notably her head.

At her head lies multiple crowns hovering just a centimeters away from her hair. Also, at her side fringes lies a sharp wings that reaches out from her face to her ears.




Behind her head lies a series of pure white crystals floating around her. They were like a bunch of wisps floating around the goddess to dance.

At her hand lies a long white gloves that reaches up to her elbows. As I had already talked about her white gown, I will not say repeat it again, okay?

Now, since the goddess' gown covers her whole body except for her face and arms, I did not see her chest, thighs, legs and feet.

After looking at the gown, I narrow my vision at the goddess' face. As usual, she was still wearing a thick white veil. However, the veil this time completely covers half of her face except her mouth.


I wonder….

Is this the goddess' real form? Is this her real power? Hmm…

"Stupid disciple, this is nothing but a billionth of my power." Said by the goddes who have been reading my mind from the start.

"Now then…" The goddess stops for a second as she reverts back to her small form before saying, "I'm going to teach you the basics of Infinite Moonlight Haze Dream Illusionist."


Isn't that the weird profession I got from you, master?

"Don't call it weird, stupid disciple." The goddess instantly refuted as she reads my mind.

I'm sorry. I really am.

"Let's start, shall we?" The goddess said as she walks to where I am.

While she was walking, she instantly vanishes to sight and suddenly appears in front of me, patting my head.

I look at the goddess. She was slightly taller than me now. Err…

"Since you didn't say anything, I'll take it as a yes, my stupid disciple." The goddess said before stepping back. She was getting ready for something.


You do know that I am a second realm cultivator right?

"Yes." The goddess instantly responds.


And also you do know that second realm cultivators cannot handle external Qi and internal Qi yet, right?

"Yes." Once again, the goddess said yes.

Then why are you teaching me basic skills right now? They can be only learned at the third realm ya know?


I can't believe this.

"Your bloodline is the same as my bloodline, stupid disciple." The goddess said before sitting on a magically summoned couch as soon as she sits down mid-air.


How is my bloodline and that skill related to each other?! Are you kidding me perhaps?!

"Retard." The goddess said, mocking me for being a re*ard. Please, no curses master please. This is a family-friendly scene.

No need to curse out ya know?

"You know that I'm the only one that have the profession of Infinite Moonlight Haze Dream Illusionist right?" The goddess said while laying her body on the summoned couch.

As soon as she lays down of the couch, the goddess' clothes, crystals and crown became suddenly became transparent. She was changing in front of this lady.

Looking at her vanishing crown and gown, I immediately narrow my vision to see her cute buns.


Just as the gown vanished to thin air, another set of clothing replaced the gown, with this time a casual clothing. F*ck! I was too slow!


This time, the goddess was wearing a simple clothing while wearing a skirt, completely exposing her fair white thighs and her feet with white socks covering her feet up to her knees.

"This feels refreshing." The goddess sighs in relief after muttering something. "You also know that some professions are related to their bloodline, right?" The goddess continued, asking me about something.


Ah! I forgot about that certain another OP male character that got a jewel out of nowhere! Because of that, he became a jewel master right?! F*ck!


If I compare that OP character to me, then that does mean that….


That OP character's profession came from a jewel while mine is from some weird strange talks about the god— argh!

*Pluck!* A loud sound of something flicking resounded throughout the entire galaxy.

It was my poor forehead being flicked by…. eh?

The goddess, who was supposedly the one that would flick my forehead, wasn't the one that flicked my forehead. Instead, the goddess also was just casually lying on the couch, waiting for my answer.

"It's one of my other hand that flicked you. Don't worry because I can flick you anytime I want, stupid disciple." The goddess said while calmly looking at me.

Somehow, I feel both scared and amazed at the goddess…



"Since you had my bloodline, you can freely use any of the moonlight skills and mantras, stupid disciple." The goddess, who had grown tired of just plainly looking at me waiting for me to answer, said to me.


Wai— hold on…

Did the goddess….

No… it can't be, right?


I really am going to be an OP character now right? Heh…

Ahahahahahahah! I am an extremely OP character! Hahahahaha!

Fear me, foolish little sweets as this lady is now on the verge of OPness waiting to rise up from the ashes! Hahaha!

Heh, since I can control any moonlight skills and use them to my will, then does that mean that I am now the master of moonlight?

Haha… I really am broken.


I wonder…

If I'm going to write my own story, should I call the title of my story as the "OP Xiare?" Or just a simple title like "Cute Sweets Unite?" Hmmm….

This is troubling.

Really really troubling.

"Though because you had the same bloodline as mine, you can only use my skills and profession." The goddess continued up, breaking away my hopes of becoming an OP character.



I can only have one weird profession?


I'm really really f*cked.

Err, you don't get what I am saying? Let me simplify it for you…

I can only have one profession in my entire lifetime.


"Well." The goddess, who had broken my hopes of becoming an OP character, shrugs before saying, "I only have one profession, deal with it."

F*ck me.

"Also…" The goddess stops for a second before continuing, "If you are thinking about how I managed to create another profession, the eclipse goddess helped me out on that one."


I didn't ask for that.


"Anyways." The goddess said to me, stealing my anyways. "Let's get to the basics of Infinite Moonlight Haze Dream Illusionist profession, okay?" The goddess continued as she summons a clone of herself between me and the goddess.

The clone of the goddess was the same as the goddess, yet their clothing is different. The clone was wearing a traditional robe while the goddess was wearing a simple clothing.

"Look at my clone, not me." The goddess, who sees my gaze lingering at her, tells me to look at her clone instead of her.

I look at the clone, only to see white fog appearing and slowly moving around the clone.


What am I watching?

As the fog circles the clone around, the fog immediately scatters to every direction, bringing wave of fog around us.

The whole area became filled with thick fog.

I look around, only to see thick white fog around me. Errr….

"This is the basics of the fog scattering skill, stupid disciple." I heard the goddess voice everywhere. It was as if the goddess came from every direction.

As I did not feel that I am threatened, I decided stand around as I wait for the fog to end.

For a while, the fog continues to linger around be before finally scattering around, finally unveiling the clone and the goddess. They also did not move around and waited for the fog to disperse.


How can I even learn that with my impure Qi and think Qi streams? Sigh…

I am a second realm cultivator ya know?

"Your impurities is being burned by my bloodline, stupid disciple." The goddess said to me. "As for your Qi streams, they are continuously getting bigger and bigger but since you're stupid than the rest, you did not feel that your Qi stream is getting bigger and bigger." The goddess continued, mocking me for being senseless.


Since there's nothing to retaliate about, I decided to shut myself up and focus at the Qi around my body. It's true that they are moving around but my Qi streams? I did not even feel anything.


"Enough of that." The goddess said. "Focus on the Qi around you, stupid disciple." The goddess continued, ordering me to focus at the external cold Qi around me.


Shouldn't be third realms and above the only ones that can control external Qi to their will?

As I was thinking about the third realm cultivators, the goddess places one of her hands on her face before shaking her head.
