Learning (2/4)

"Just remain focused." The goddess said while her face was covered with one of her hands.

She was disappointed about something.


I'm sorry, alright? This lady does not know anything okay?


Immediately, I gather my attention from thinking about crazy stuffs to focus at the external Qi around me. This should be okay, right?


As I focus myself at the cold Qi around me, the external Qi around me began moving around me, forming a gust of cold wind around me.

It was as if I am surrounded by a typhoon.

After the external Qi around me formed a gust of cold winds, these gusts then began scattering around, forming small white mists around me

These small mists were encircling me as if they were attracted to me.

"Calm yourself." The goddess, who had noticed my irregular hear beat and breathing, tells me to calm down.

Indeed, I was scared of something and thus, I could not calm down.

I am scared of losing this small mist that is continuously encircling me.

After hearing the goddess, I calm myself down. However, because of that, the miss that has been forming around me immediately disappears.


What happened?


"You failed because your breathing and heart beat rhythm changed." The goddess explained why the small mist that is forming around me changed.


You told me that I should calm myself down, right?

"Yes." The goddess plainly said as she looks at my eye. Even though her yes were covered by a thick white veil, I can clearly sense the goddess' eyes directly looking at my eyes.

Though I feel scared at the goddess looking at me directly, I do not feel any malicious intents from within.



"Try again." The goddess said, telling me to focus at the external Qi around me.

Once again, I focus my attention at the cold Qi around me. Likewise, the external cold Qi around me once again, forms a gust of wind.

However, this gust of wind was twice the size of the previous gust of wind that I created earlier.


Is it because I calmed myself down?

Who knows?

As the gust of cold wind forms around me, they suddenly scatter around me and forms a white mists which is also twice the size of the previous gust earlier on.

These mists then began encircling me, forming streaks of white clouds as they finish a rotation.

"Channel your inner Qi to the mists." The goddess said to me while I was looking at the white mist in front of me. She was telling me that I should channel my Qi.

Gently, I channel my Qi to the mists, only to find out the the mists had dispersed at the moment I changed my focus.


I look at the goddess with a curious expression. How come the mists dispersed after I channel my Qi to the mists?

"Think of the mist as a water in a cup." The goddess, who had read my mind, explains something. "If you abruptly pour water into the cup, wouldn't be the water inside the cup spill out in return?" The goddess continued.


I don't get what you mean by that, master haha…

I'm sorry.

"Just remain focused." The goddess did not bother explaining anymore and just told me to remain focused.

"Clone." The goddess calls out the clone.

The clone, who had heard the goddess, performs the same skill again, with this time slower than the usual.

Indeed. I can see the mists forming around the clone very slowly.

I narrow my vision to see what do the goddess meant by pouring water in a cup.

As I narrow my vision, I see streaks of blue Qi escaping from the clone's body. As these Qi escapes from the clone, these Qi then gently blends with the mists around the clone, thus forming a small white cloud which is made of fog.

The clone, who notices that the mists turned into a cloud made out of fog, stops using the skill, causing the small fog to scatter around her.


Is that it?


"Your turn." The clone said to me while pointing her fingers to me.

Clones can talk?


I nod at the pointing clone and once again, gather my focus at the external cold Qi around me.

Once again, these cold Qi around me began forming mists which in turn, began swirling around me.

"Channel your Qi slowly and gently." The goddess said as she sees huge streaks of mists around me.

Internally, I nod at the goddess. After nodding, I slowly channel my Qi to the mist around me, hoping that the mists will turn to a small cloud of fog.

It was still a failure.

"Haa…" The goddess sighs. "You keep channeling your Qi abruptly." The goddess said, explaining the reason why I failed.


I don't know anything about Qi ya know?

"Try again." The goddess said, ordering me to focus myself once again.

I nod. After nodding, I take a deep breath as I calm myself down. Please, Je*us, Bud*ah, Al*ah, and other gods from heaven or hell, please help me on this one.

I pray to the gods before focusing my attention at the external Qi around me. Please, lend me your power once again, divine gods.

Inside my head, I see Je*us gesturing a sign of a cross while Bu*dha prays calmly. As for Al*ah, he was simply nodding at me with his eyes closed. Err..

Does that mean that you had lent your powers to this lady?!


Thank you, great gods!

I smile at them. Heh, this lady will not fail you, three gods! I will succeed!


Or am I?

Nah, who cares, right?



Once again, I gather my attention to the cold Qi around me. As I focus my attention to them, the cold Qi around me began forming around to a thick white mist which in turn, circles my body.

Now, this should be the part where I should pour my Qi, right?


Calm down Xiare. Calm down.

Gently, I channel my Qi to the mist around me. This time, I gather my attention at my Qi, hoping that this time, I will succeed learning the fog scattering skill.

As I let out my Qi from my body. The mists devours them, blending the two of them to one entity.

After devouring the Qi that I let out earlier, the mists suddenly became thicker and thicker, forming a sudden mutation.

The mist finally turns to a pure white cloud.

It was a success.

Heh, I told you that I would succeed, divine gods.

Now, should I compare myself to another OP character? Hmm…

Nah, I shouldn't. I would lose focus if I detach myself again from reality.



Should I stop channeling now? My Qi is being depleted, ya know?

"Don't stop until I say so." The goddess immediately said, preventing me to stop using my Qi.

I nod at the goddess. As I nod at the goddess, the clouds circling around me becomes bigger and bigger until it forms to a thick streams of clouds.

"Stop." The goddess suddenly said as she sees the heavy clouds around me.

I stop channeling my Qi. In turn, the clouds suddenly scatters, forming a thick layer of fog around me.

It was so thick that I can't see anyone or anything around me except the white mist.

"Release the fog around you." The goddess said to me, ordering me to release the fog around me.

Release? What's that?

"Change your breathing rhythm." The goddess explained.


Should I?


Well then, here goes.

Gently, I change my breathing rhythm by breathing deeply. Err… this should do it, right?

As soon as I change my breathing rhythm, my vision suddenly changes. I am now looking at the scattering fog from above.

Indeed. My vision became like that of an eagle.

This should be the goddess' work, right?

"Now that you have performed the scattering fog, do it again." I heard the voice of the goddess ringing in my mind. She was talking to me telepathically.


I should do it again?


I look at the scattering fog below me. It was so thick that I could not see my body, the clone, and the goddess from here.


Should I wait?

Yeah, I should wait.

After waiting for a minute, my vision suddenly changes once again, reverting back to a first person view as the fog around me dispersed.

"Try it again with this time faster than the previous one." The goddess said, ordering me to use the skill once again.


You do know that my Qi is now deple— eh?

I narrow my focus at the streams of silver Qi flowing around my body. Err…

How come I did not lose any Qi?

Indeed. I did not lose any Qi even though I had channeled huge amount of Qi.


Very very weird.

"That's because my bloodline regenerates Qi thousand times the strongest mortal's Qi regeneration rate." The goddess said while shrugging. Err…

F*ck. I forgot that the goddess is a narcissist.

"And so, even if you completely wear yourself out, your stamina and Qi will regenerate to the point that you will regain your stamina and Qi in just a matter of seconds." The goddess continued as she shrugs at me.

Wait a second…

No! Stop thinking about that!

Foolish Xiare! Fool!

Ehem. Sorry for that sudden thoughts. Since it's kinda inappropriate, I won't tell you what I thought earlier, right?


Once again, I take a deep breath before focusing my attention at the cold Qi around me. After that, the cold Qi around me then forms into white mists which then began moving around me in a circle.


I focus my attention from the mist to the my Qi. As I let out my Qi, the swirling mist around me devours my Qi, thus resulting the mist to undergo a mutation.

Once again, I succeed creating a thick layer of clouds.

For several seconds after the appearance of each clouds, I continue channeling my Qi to the clouds before completely stopping my Qi from going out.

In turn, the clouds scatters, forming thick layer of fog around me. Err…

This should be the time where I change my breathing rhythm, right?


I nod at myself. Heh, this lady now knows how to create a fog! I am one step away from becoming an OP character hehe…

Looking at the fog around me, I change my breathing rhythm by breathing deeply, resulting the fogs around me to scatter like a bunch of waves.

Indeed. I have performed the scattering fog skill.

After waiting for a minute, the fog finally dispersed, revealing the goddess and the clone.

Heh, I am now faster than the usual, right?

"Yes." The goddess smiles and nods at me. "Now, repeat the skill for a thousand times." The goddess said, impaling me with a big burden.
