
"This stupid disciple of mine haaa…." The goddess said before sighing.

After flicking my poor forehead, the goddess once again, pats my forehead. Err…

While the goddess pats my forehead with her gentle hand, I look around. Indeed, there were no people left except us.


I look outside the shack, only to find out the the sky is turning dark already.


How come?

Did I slept for too long?!

Quickly, I force my head to go up as I prepare to stand up. F*ck me! The sweet auction! F*ck! F*ck!

Indeed. I was waiting for an event called sweet auction.

Eh? You don't know about that? Let your big sister tell you about it, okay?

Hmm… where do we start…

You see, sweet auction is a kind of auction that only sell sweets right?

Come on, it's very obvious.

However, instead of the usual sweets, the sweets that were getting auctioned are those typical rare sweets that can be only found through dark markets and auction houses. Yep, sweets can be sold for an extremely high price.

And because this lady will soon be rich after I sell the useless items the sect master gave me, I can now enter such grandiose auctions and buy every sweets right?


Because of my stupidity, I had unknowingly slept throughout the entire quarter of a day, thus making me miss both the auction and selling the useless items the sect master gave me for a high price.


"Foolish." The goddess, who had read my intentions of getting up and also read my mind, said as she stops me from standing up.


I look at the goddess' face. She too was looking at me.

However, her eyes were closed.

"Stupid disciple." The goddess calls… my name out. Sigh… "You sure do have a bunch of stalkers spying on you huh…" She continued, telling me that I have some stalkers?


What do you mean?

This lady doesn't have any stalkers ya know?

How could I have attracted so many stalkers? Haha right? Haha…

Immediately, my mind began working together as I think about me having so many stalkers. Err..

This lady doesn't have any money with me, okay? How come?

Are they preying on a poor lady? Sigh… pitiful stalkers.

"You don't need to worry about that, my stupid disciple." The goddess said as she pats my forehead. "I already took care of them." She continued.

Although the goddess said it plainly, I can feel something sinister behind her words.


Nah, who cares, right?



After talking, the goddess gently let me go as she rose up from the wooden seat. In turn, I also rose up from the goddess' lap as I prepare to stand up. Finally!

While standing up, I brush off my hair, only to find out that my hair has been dyed to brown.


I look at the goddess who simply just looks at me as she stands up.

"While you were unconscious earlier, I changed your bland black hair to a brown one." She said, explaining the reason why the color of my hair changed.


I hold a piece of my hair and began looking at it. My hair was now shinier than ever and more importantly, there's no split-end on my hair.


Cool I guess?

Though I don't really care how I look.

Unless I like being cute, that is.


After looking at my hair on my hand, I let go of it and began combing my hair with my hand. My hair was silky and smooth enough to let my hand comb my hair without any struggle.

Indeed. Unlike my previous messy hair which randomly stops my comb from combing my hair as there were too many split-ends, this current hairstyle of mine is kinda the opposite of that.


As I comb my hair, I notice that the hairsticks the goddess placed on the back of my head were now gone. Err…

What happened earlier?

Did I fought something while asleep and accidentally lose my hairsticks?



"Stupid disciple." The goddess calls me out.

I turn my body around and face the goddess. The goddess, in turn, hands me some candies wrapped in green paper.

"Take it." The goddess said as she hands me the candies on her hand.

While combing my hair with my right hand, I nod at the goddess before taking the candies from her hand. After taking the candies from her hand, I put the candies to one of my pockets and take out one candy after.

I look at the candy I'm holding with my left hand. It was a candy shaped like a pill which is wrapped on a green paper.


This is a luxury sweet, ya know?

How did I know this? That's because of the green paper.

It's not technically green but rather, it's an aquamarine with golden polka dots on it.

Also, there is a brand name on the sweet. So yeah, this kind of sweet isn't sold from just normal markets and stalls.

I look at the goddess who was casually eating the candy. Err…

Should I say that the goddess is rich to the point where she treats everything as a casual life of hers?


Though the main reason why she's rich is because of the sect master's money. Sigh…

I give you my advance condolences, sect master's money. I really am.

After praying to the sect master's money, I gently unwrap the paper, revealing a yellow candy.

I place the candy in my mouth and began licking it with my tongue. Although the taste is kind of a normal one considering that I ate something better than this, most candies within the sect usually helps a cultivator to become strong ya know?

For example, there's this candy that not only tastes good, it also provides temporary increased alertness ya know?

That's what I heard, I guess?


"Let's go to your former home, stupid disciple." The goddess said, reminding me of something.


Is it the disciple's abode or my mortal home? Hmm…

"Disciple's abode." The goddess replied as she takes another candy from her pocket.

"What are we going to do there?" I said to the goddess, asking about what's the reason to go there.

"To pick up your things." The goddess answers as she swallows the candy from her hand.


What do you mean by picking up my belongings? I don't have any home other than the disciple's abode ya know?

"You will be living under the Cloud Gathering Palace." The goddess immediately shoots down my reasoning.


After the goddess answered my question, I go out from the shack to look around. There I saw some houses and buildings lit up as the night rises.

Indeed. It is now nighttime.

Looking at the cultivators playing tag across the sand, I retract my gaze away from them and look at the goddess who is beside me. She too was looking around.

"This is the southern region huh…" She said under her breath.

"Yes, master." I said back to her, agreeing to her statement earlier.

"Last time I visited this place over a couple of centuries ago, I only see nothing but trees and the silent beach." The goddess said as she recalls her past.

I look around, seeing stalls, buildings and posts being lit up by electricity. Well yeah, after the thousand years war, the world has shifted so much that you can barely see the past.

More and more cultivators became lax as the whole world once again goes back to peace.

In short, this is the golden age of the world, reforming and transforming the whole world into a new place.

Though the old customs and technologies of the mortal world below is still the same.

Yes, this lady is not kidding about it. The mortal world is greatly behind than the cultivation world' technology and customs.

"Hold my hand." The goddess said as she lends her hand.

I look at the goddess before holding her hand. After holding her hand, my vision suddenly changes once again, with this time I'm now in front of the gate which leads to the disciple's abode.

Facing the cultivators training around in front of us, I suddenly blush as the cultivators near us look at us with weird expressions.

Hey! Don't take the goddess as my lover or something like that okay?! I'm just holding her hand because the goddess told me to!

"Xiare." A cultivator calls out my name. The cultivator was a female.

"Yes?" I said back while quickly letting go of the goddess' hand. Hey! Don't think weird things okay?!

"Senior brother Arpen came here a while ago and asked if you were here." The cultivator said, talking about Arpen.


There's really no reason to hide about it, right?

So yeah, Arpen is my senior and also the role model for some cultivators aspiring to be a genius like him.


That's about it.


"What did he said while I was gone?" I asked the female cultivator.

The cultivator, in turn, said, "Senior brother Arpen said that if you wanted to go with him to the wedding of the elder fairy Hyuxia and the emperor of the mortal world."

That wedding again.


"But since you're not here earlier, senior brother Arpen had no choice but to leave the disciple's abode." The cultivator said as she scratches her head.


"Fellow sister Xiare." The cultivator once again calls me out. "Who's the fellow cultivator beside you?" She asked as she points out the goddess beside me.

"A higher-up." The goddess immediately responded, lying about her real identity.

"I'm sorry for talking about you rudely, venerable higher-up!" The cultivator, who had heard the goddess' words, immediately bows in front of her with formalities.

Because of her shouting in nervousness, the other cultivators which heard her and began bowing to the goddess, saying "Greetings to the venerable higher-up!" In unison.

She's not really a higher-up though…

In turn, the goddess looks at everyone before nodding. She was accepting the greetings of the cultivators.

"My dear disciple." The goddess said, calling me out as a dear disciple instead of a stupid one.



Ahahahahaha! Finally!

My stupid status has been changed to a dear one! Hahahaha!

"Yes, master?" I said to the goddess, asking about the reason why she called me out.

After asking the goddess, I grin both in my mind and the real world. Heh, this lady is now a dear disciple not a stupid one!

"Let's go pick up your belongings." The goddess said as she walks to the disciple's abode.

"Un." I said to the goddess, agreeing to her words.

I look at the disciple's abode. Almost all of the room inside the abode was all lit up, implying that most of the cultivators are inside their own rooms, doing something or studying arts and spells.

After walking for a minute, me and the goddess finally reaches the front of the abode. There were some cultivators calmly sitting on some benches while some are playing board games.


Yep, board games are popular across the Moonlight Sword Sect. Mostly tactical and conquering board games.

Looking at the board game, I see the map of the Moonlight Sword Sect with some mini figurines of some higher-ups on the board. The cultivators were playing them as their character, conquering and pillaging everything on the board.

Indeed. Moonlight Sword Sect board games are a thing here. Well, considering that there are some factions and Orders fighting each other for a plot of land, it could be said that this board game is extremely useful for them.

Think about planning and tactics being played on the board. Isn't that the same as those tactics that being played out by some factions and Orders?



After looking at the board, I gently enter the lobby of the disciple's abode. There were some cultivators trading something and some reading books with each other.

It was a lively place.

Also, since electricity runs this place over, there's really no need to worry about light within this place.

"Where's your room, my stupid disciple?" The goddess telepathically said, calling me once again as a stupid disciple.


"Upstairs." I replied telepathically to the goddess. Well yeah, my room in upstairs ya know?

"I see." The goddess simply nodded before continuing to walk across the lobby.

After walking across the lobby, we see and use the stairs which leads to the second floor. After heading to the second floor, we once again walk across the floor until I finally see a door which leads to my room.

The door was locked, implying that no one entered the room for a period of time.


I forgot that Eumi have the keys to the room.


"Here." The goddess said, handing me a bronze key.

I look at the goddess. She was just standing behind me, waiting for me to take the bronze key on her hands.

"Your friend gave me this while you were asleep." The goddess said, explaining how she got the key.

I see…

After hearing the goddess' answer, I take the key from her hands before unlocking to door.

*Klack.* It was a success. The door has been unlocked.

Gently, I open the room, revealing an unlit room with windows open.


Eumi, you careless girl.

Quickly, I walk across the room and began sliding up the windows as I close the windows down.

Thankfully, there's no pests within this altitude, right?

Well yeah, considering how cold and how high this mountain is, there's probably little to no pests living here.


After sliding up the windows, I clap my hands together, causing the whole room to be lit up.

Yes, with just a simple clap, you can turn on or off the light.

As the whole room quickly lights up, the whole room unveils itself, revealing some table, beds, wardrobes, posters and most importantly— Eumi's mirror.

Indeed. It was the same mirror that Eumi used earlier.

After looking around the room, I quickly head to my wardrobe and take out everything, causing the wardrobe to be empty at the time I finally take out my belongings.

I look at my belongings lying on the bed. There were some worn dress, robes, pants and simple shorts. Also, there were some err…

Undergarments lying around.

Quickly, I sit on the bed as I fold each of them one by one. The goddess, in turn, also helps me out as her invisible hands folds my undergarments and robes.

For a while, we repeat the same thing over and over again until everything is finally folded neatly. Cool and good, right?

Looking at my folded dress and outfits, I began feeling nostalgia.

Indeed. I recall the time that I first entered this room. There were nothing but one bed, wardrobe, and table just for me. Although it was quite lonely at the start, I managed to live without someone to take care of me.


Until I met Eumi though. Heh.

Though initially, Eumi's room was initially far away from here. However, because of my intellect, I had changed Eumi's designated room to here.

And that's how my life quickly changed from a bland one to a crazy one.

Don't ya think?


After that, the goddess quickly opens a portal and place my folded dress to the portal. I also helped the goddess place my folded dress to the other side of the portal. Well yeah, since there's nothing for me to do, might as well help the goddess, right?


With now my belongings are on the other side of the portal, the goddess leaves the room and wait for me on the outside.


I look at my room one last time. So much memories and so much craziness…


I clap my hands together as I look at my room. In turn, the whole room became dark once again, leaving nothing but pure darkness.

Farewell, my old home.