I immediately opened up the entertainment section. Typing Modern Sorcery and Energy in the search box, I was amazed at it's cost. "My god, it costs $1,000 just to buy the game! What the actual fuck?"

Then, I read the games description and it made more sense, 'Created using formations with the collaboration of several high level cultivators, MSE is an actual separate dimension where only spiritual entities can enter or leave.'

Shrugging, I clicked on the download option, and was gratified to see a loading screen pop up.

'Thankfully MSE is included in the school scholarship' I thought to myself, 'I guess those who didn't get a scholarship would have to buy it. The proverbs weren't kidding, cultivation is expensive!'

Painfully, my soul was ripped from my body as I passed through a gate to another dimension. A blue screen popped up in front of me while I was travelling through it.

*Welcome to Modern Sorcery and Energy. This is an alternate dimension created specifically for training the next generation of cultivators on Earth. When you die in MSE your body doesn't die, however your soul usually takes damage. Your implant will keep track of the state of your soul, and will not allow you to reconnect until it has recovered. Certain techniques can cause permanent, or long lasting soul damage. The use of these techniques is banned in MSE, and your implant will immediately alert the appropriate authorities if you use one of these techniques while inside MSE.*

*Do you wish to enter the game?*

After thinking yes, another screen popped up.

*It is possible to alter your facial appearance, do you wish to do so?*

I really wanted to, but because we'd be using MSE for school we were told not to alter our appearances. After thinking, 'No' the blue screens disappeared and I appeared standing on top of a massive map with the header, "Choose your starting area" A blinking message notification in the top left of my vision caught my attention.

Clicking it, an invitation to a group chat appeared from Connor, accepting I heard my friends bickering about where to go. "But I have to start in Rathfa, it's the home of the Barbarians!" Beth's whining voice came through the channel as I turned my attention to the map. Clicking on Rathfa, information flooded my vision.

*Rathfa, Capital of the Natu' kingdom. A mountain stronghold, it's the home of the barbarians. Only the strong can possibly survive here. Recommended for Earth affinity and heavy weapon users.*

Clicking around, I found that none of the possible starting locations suited all of us. "I have to start in the Holy City," Rick's said, "my trainer said that's the only place I can learn how to use Holy energy."

As I looked around the map, I came across a small temple sitting atop the tallest mountain, clicking on it, I knew where I was starting.

*Storm's Refuge. On top of the tallest peak of the tallest mountain, built by the Storm Tyrant and his disciples. Highly recommend for Air, Lightning, and Mindscape cultivators.*

"I'm starting at Storm's Refuge," I said, not even giving it a second thought before clicking on it. "I checked out the map, and nowhere is suitable for all of us at the same time. Connor needs to start at the Pure Sword Sect, and that's halfway around the world. Don't worry about it, we'll meetup soon enough."

"I agree," said Connor, "Just remember we only have 9 days to reach level 10. Usually, that'd be nothing but I'm getting the feeling that this won't be like other games."

"Got it!" I stopped paying attention, switching the chat from voice mode to text and leaving it scrolling on the left side of my vision as I hit accept on Storm's Refuge.

Vanishing in a flashed, I reappeared in a rundown village at the bottom of the mountain. I was struck immediately by how clean the air tasted. The freshness combined with what could only be a spiritual feeling... I gasped in ecstasy as I immediately sat down, meditating in the middle of a busy road. I could feel them, I could feel the happy, excited Air, and the energizing lightning, I even felt something new it felt cold and slippery, must be water? Doesn't matter, this is AWESOME!!!! I can cultivate in the game!

I probably would've started cultivating right there and then if someone didn't yell at me, "GET YOUR ASS OUT OF THE ROAD!" Sheepishly, I stood up and moved aside as a man pulling a giant cart full of vegetables glared at me as he walked right were I was sitting.

Looking around, I was surprised by how busy the place was. For a village with maybe 15 buildings, there seemed to be more than a thousand people wondering around. Several villagers had setup stands and were hawking wears, while the sounds of people yelling and hammers smashing nails came from a street over. Wondering by, I saw that several new buildings were being built.

Something must've changed here, so I headed towards the only inn in town to ask around. Entering the crowded space, I managed to find a place to sit. Checking myself out, I realized that I didn't have anything to buy food or drink with. I was wearing a rough linen robe, with my staff holstered on my back in a special carrier designed for staffs. I didn't have anything else, damn this game is hardcore!

Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long to get the information I needed. A man rushed into the inn proclaiming, "It's open! The immortals opened the mountain!" Everyone rushed out of the inn as quickly as they could. Following along, I suddenly stopped and stared in awe at the sight in front of me. A curtain of rain seemed to be slowly opening, like someone was standing at the top and using a long knife to divert the flow of water. When the opening was finally finished, a massive stone with words engraved on it came into view.

Trial of the Storm - Succeed or Die!


*Faction Change Trial Discovered*

*Mission Automatically generated - Unleash the storm*

*For nearly 200 years the Storm Faction has been searching for a suitable disciple, prove yourself worthy*

*Rewards (Hidden)*

Without a second thought, I stepped forwards while sending a message into the group chat. "Hey guys, I'm about to start my first mission!" Putting up a screen pic of my mission, I knew Connor at least would be jealous. Unfortunately, I'd forgotten that I'd muted the chat and had been too busy marveling at my surroundings to check the records so I was caught completely by surprise when Beth's voice echoed through the channel when I turned the volume back on.

"KILL THEM ALL!!!!" Beth shouted, scrolling up I realized I'd missed her joining a trial by combat to join some barbarian temple...

*Faction Change Trial Discovered*

*Mission Automatically Generated - KILL THEM ALL!!!!*

*Ratfa is recruiting, prove yourself worthy!*

*Rewards: (Hidden)*

*Hint: KILL THEM ALL!!!!*

"MUHAHAHAHA, DIE, DIE, DIE." Beth was still screaming as I read the trial info she'd posted to our group chat. I couldn't help but be amazed at her luck, this is exactly what she wanted to be. Also, she seems to have have started a live stream of her fighting in a giant Colosseum. She's in the middle of a 100 man free for all having the time of her life... Oww, she just kicked a guy in the balls then hacked his arm off!

Hastily, I closed the live stream having seen enough carnage for now. After muting Beth, I asked, "How's everyone else doing?"

Connor's voice came through the chat not much later, "Great, I got a mission like that too." He posted his trial's info.

*Faction Change Trial Discovered*

*Mission Automatically Generated - One with the Sword*

*The Pure Sword sect is one of the most powerful sects in the world, prove yourself worthy and gain admittance.*

*Rewards: Dependent on results*

"Awesome, good luck man!" I said

Then, Rick came on the line bitching, "I got automatically placed into the holy faction! I didn't even get a choice. Instead, I got a mission."


*You have been blessed since you were baptized over 17 years go, it's time to figure out who, what and why*

*Hint: Kneel and pray to every statue in the Holy City, every possible higher power affiliated with the light is represented.*

"Instead of fighting or cultivating, I'm being lead around by a bunch of prelates. Forced to kneel before statue after statue of old dudes. It wouldn't be that bad if I got to stare up at a beautiful goddess, but I'm not that lucky. It's just a matter of time before my kneecaps break!"

"Hahaha" Connor and I were laughing at him, then I got a notice as I was about to enter the trial area.

*All Implant functions except log off will be disabled during the trial, good luck!*

"Gotta go guys, missions about to start."