Trial of the Storm Pt. 1

The first three people got through the opening in the water barrier without a problem, but the next person was suddenly hit by blast of wind, throwing him several hundred meters back. Wincing, I looked around to see everyone shaking their heads. The youth hung his head in shame, scurrying away before anyone could speak to him.

Confused, I walked over to a particularly chatty man. He was rotund, with a genial smile and the crafty eye of a merchant. One look, and you knew he was the type that loved gossip.

"Hey, do you know what that was about?" I asked, pointing in the direction of the departed youth.

"Someone new!" He proclaimed in excitement while rubbing his hands together in glee, "I wrote the book on this trial, I know everything about it! For the low price of 25 silvers you'll have a step up on the competition!" He was gesticulating his arms wildly, spittle flying from his mouth.

Backing up to avoid the danger zone, I said, "I don't have any money, I just wanted to know why that guy got thrown out."

The excitement on the merchant's face disappeared instantly turning into a sad pout, I almost felt like I'd kicked a dog. Sighing he said, "Read the fine print on the rock", then turned around while grumbling about broke people wasting his time...

Still confused, I turned back just in time to see another man attacked by the water barrier. Before I could blink, he'd been pulverized, all his bones broken with blood flying everywhere.

"OOOOOO" Everyone in the crowd yelled while clapping as if they'd just seen something entertaining. I could barely hold my stomach down, my face paling instantly. Someone seemed to have noticed, because he approached me with a friendly smile on his face.

"First time?" the man asked.

I nodded, still unable to talk.

"A bit gory isn't it?" He said, turning back to watch as more people entered the trial. "That's the punishment for liars, this trial is specifically for those under the age of 18. There's another trial that allows anyone to participate, but it's much more difficult. That one," he pointed at the gory mess, "must've been too old."

Still nauseous, but finally able to speak I asked, "What about that guy that got thrown out?" I asked, still trying to figure that one out.

"You have to have at least high level affinities in Air and Lightning. Also, they don't accept anyone that's started training yet, I'm not sure why."

"Thanks, I'm Sam." I said, holding out my hand in invitation. Wincing as another person was shot out by the barrier test.

"No problem, I'm Mike." He shook my hand warmly, and I smiled happy to have met someone I could talk too here.

"You have any information on what the trial is about?" I asked him, hopefully.

"Nope!" He grinned my way, "Everything we know is written on the rock, just it's hard to read sometimes. No one's ever come out, look the barrier's about to close."

I didn't stop to say thanks, just took off running at the barrier diving through the opening just before it closed. As I went through the opening, I felt the elements rushing at me. It was just like the test at the academy, just they only tested Air and Lightning this time. Then, I felt someone staring at me. It was as if whatever it was looked past my flesh to my bones where I felt a prickling sensation. Apparently, I passed because the sensation went away just as quickly as it came, and I found myself stumbling forwards into a clearing.

Out of the nearly 300 people that'd tried to get through the barrier, 86 had left after the one had died, and another 100 didn't make it through. Leaving only 114 teens grouped up around the stone. Taking the time to observe the group, I realized that cliques were already forming. The vast majority of them fell into what I like to call the 'Young Master' group. Filled with people in silk robes, carrying expensive looking magic weapons and pouches that probably held pills and more weapons. The second group, consisting of nearly 20 people I classified as natives. They wore rough linen clothing, and one even carried a hoe as a weapon. The final group consisted of the loners, and they were the most interesting to me.

A nearly 7 foot tall teenager with arms thicker than my head stood to one side, wearing a kilt and nothing else. He carried a massive iron club and radiated an intense bloodlust as he stared at the young masters.

Another person, who was dressed similarly to the young masters, stood alone with a cold and disdainful expression on his face. He obviously thought he was better than everyone else here.

A young girl, maybe 12, was off to the side talking to a bear that stood nearly 12 feet tall. Finally, I realized that one of the people here was wearing the exact same outfit I was. He was a bit shorter than me, and stocky. On his back he carried a bow, and several shafts were sticking up over his left shoulder.

I walked over to introduce myself since he was likely from Earth, "Hi, I'm Sam. Did you get a" I pointed at my head, probably looking like a total crazy person if you didn't know about the implants, "too?"

"Hey, I'm Matt and yea. My dad works for the company who made the uhh... thing so I got mine early! How'd you manage to get yours so early?" He asked, looking interested

"The creator is an alumni of my school, so we got early access."

"Wait, you go to Gifted?" At my look of surprise, he said, "Sweet! I'm transferring in next week, I got a scholarship offer after my results came back and it was too good to resist."

"Well damn, we're probably going to be in the same class then" I said, surprised that Gifted was giving out scholarships to kids not in our school.

"What do you mean?" He asked

"I'm in the advanced class, it's where they're putting everyone who gets a scholarship now." I said, smiling big before saying, "Really nice to meet you then, but don't be surprised if classes get canceled next week. Last I check we've already had 2 feet of snow."

We kept on chatting while everyone was milling about, waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly, I wondered, "What happens to the people here when they die?" I didn't even realize I was asking the question out loud until Matt answered me.

"Apparently, this plane was originally created over a thousand years ago in order to capture the souls of powerful or important people and creatures, allowing them to be reborn. I'm not exactly sure why it's been turned into MSE now, but my dad told me about it before I came through the portal."

"Interesting, so their souls get recaptured and they are reborn again?" I asked, but before he could respond a resounding *GONG* filled the air.

A middle aged man appeared out of no where in a blinding flash of light. A hum of high-voltage electricity filled the air, thunder boomed, and several people fell down as a powerful wind blew through the clearing.

"Welcome to the Trial of the Storm!" His voice boomed, echoing even louder than the thunder. A bit quieter he continued on, "The first trial is quite simple." With a wave of his hands, several scrolls appeared before flying into each of our hands. "This is the first level of the Storm Tyrant Body Refinement Manual, your goal is to complete the first level within 6 days while staying alive! Those of you who manage to survive but don't complete the first level of training will become servants or die."

Then, with an echoing boom he disappeared in a flash of light. Not two seconds later, each of us vanished in our own flashes of light.

When I regained my bearings, I was standing on top of a cliff several hundred meters above the area with the stone in it. "Mike" I called out, turning to look for him. Behind me, a massive forest appeared with Pine Trees towering over 100 feet tall, an ominous darkness spreading from it.

As if responding to my voice, a bush to the left started to shake. Taking out my staff, I turned just in time see a panther pouncing into the bush. A crunching sound came, and the panther reemerged with a fox in it's mouth. Leaping onto a branch, it disappeared back into the forest.

"Well, shit."