Target - Taixi Faction

"Don't stop me. Is the Taixi Faction so f*cking powerful?! I can deal with ten of them!" Mr. Fang, who had been beaten senseless in the cultivation rooms for a long time, yelled wildly.

"You can deal with ten of their disciples? But they have 100 or even 1,000 elite disciples!" They pointed out the flaw in Mr. Fang reasoning without mercy.

"How do you know that I can't deal with 100 or 1,000 of them?!"

"Xiaoyue, come and stop your boss!"

A group of people surrounded Mr. Fang, cutting off all the paths.

"Can you tell us why you must go and raze the Taixi Faction to the ground?" Nalan Hongwu asked solemnly, "Kid Fang, waging war isn't a game. If you are not careful, people will die. Explain yourself first. I, an old man who has lived long enough, don't mind going with you on a wild mission, but you can't lead others into danger, right?"