What Did We Find? a Smirk Face Emoji That Is All Alone

At this moment, Mr. Fang was dueling the Ancient Golem (Blue Buff) and explaining to the viewers what Square Jungling was.

Mr. Fang controlled the mantis with the magic mini-map showing his eyes. The map also appeared in the bottom-right corner of the screen. "We've connected our top and bottom jungle areas with our enemy's top and bottom jungle areas. You can see, it's a perfect square, and this is the jungling path that we'll take."

"Ugh…? So simple?" The large group of viewers in the lounge areas stared at the big screens intently, and the others were watching it on their communication jades.

In a group of elves, Sala asked curiously, "Then, we'll have a fixed route? What if someone ambushes us?"

Mr. Fang continued to explain, "Some of you might ask, 'Mr. Fang, you'll have a fixed jungling path, right? What if someone ambushes you?' I can tell you that it's impossible."