Time to Leave?


Spell Imbue, Ice!

After mocking Morsé, Mirai again gave a shallow cut that immediately turn frozen across Morsé's back. She was surprised to found herself using the first skill effect of the blood weeper. Her slashes began to cut through Morsé's leather armor

"You think killing is fun huh? How about I teach you what's the feeling of being killed now?" Although it seems like a one sided fight the tax on Mirai's body and mind was heavy, for her weak body and low constitution she needs to force her body to move with such strength and dexterity.

From the game one point of constitution can support 1.5 points of strength or 2 points of dexterity. On Mirai's situation she only have 9 points of constitution that can support 13 points of strength. Her current strength now reached 15 points with the help of the blood weeper. Which makes her body fragile yet her blows would be enough to her opponent. If Mirai chooses to hold back with her strength those cuts on Morsé wouldn't be there. Mirai was using the full extent of her force to cut through Morsé's armor and skin.

"Ha! Little girl you think you'd won already?" Morsé was pissed, the faintly red glow from his eyes now become bloodshot. 'I am the strongest of my age and no one can defeat me!' He thought to himself, those wounds the frail girl gave him was no joke thanks for the freezing effect no blood loss will happen and her prowess shouldn't be much affected except for the fact that his speed would much likely be slower due to the chilling effect from those frozen wounds.

He was surprised by the thought of someone of his age fighting with him and even make him fall on his knees. 'That's preposterous, I am the son of Murdock the general!'

Morsé stood on his foot and prepared to engage Mirai "Come on, human!"

"Courting death?" Mirai gave out as a sigh and then smiled bitterly she knows her limit was drawing near. This is the problem each player encountered. Morsé's wild nature on fighting makes him a troublesome opponent.

I will only last for roughly five exchanges, Mirai estimated her remaining stamina on her mind. She gripped on her blood weeper and observe all the variables around her house and found that the sharp pointed debris from the wrecked door was pointing exactly up right. The bitter smile from Mirai's lips become genuine!

"Ready or not here I go!" Mirai forces her body to it's limit. Nimbly she dashed forward and meet the striking charge from Morsé's estoc, using the blood weeper Mirai veered the estoc. Flares and sparks flew from the collision!


Without second thought Mirai used her free left hand to punch Morsé's gut, which makes him flinch for a moment but still manage to hit Mirai from a tricky angle with his estoc! Blood gush out from Mirai's waist the wound was shallow but the pain was still imminent.


"Haaaa!" growling in pain, Mirai still raised her dagger and aimed for Morsé's limb! It was a success! The former's attack made a cut to the latter's right arm. It was a deep cut, blood flowed out from Morsé's arm! This time the attack was not imbued with ice. But Morsé's left arm manage to strike Mirai's gut in return!


Mirai knows Morsé's trick that he can wield a sword from both hands. Which shows Morsé's superiority with weapons but Mirai's rich experience from her past life was not to meddle with. If Luna only gave her a much stronger body Mirai can kill this dark elf before her with just a glance.

Morsé then let her left hand used the estoc, he knows his right hand wouldn't be useful now with the wound he received. But Mirai didn't stop out there even with the wound her waist and preventing herself from spitting blood because of her gut being hit! She still fainted a slash aiming in Morsé's neck it was hardly a faint though, if Morsé would not defend, his head would be severed!

Morsé quickly defend with his estoc to deflect Mirai's slash but the latter flashed a smile on her face, this is what she wants!

From the first collision, the first effect of the blood weeper made a small web like fracture on Morsé's estoc, it was invisibly small but An experienced fighter like Mirai it was easy to notice.


After the collision from the dagger and the estoc, Morsé's weapon broke in to two! Causing Morsé to flinch!


Morsé was about to grab a dagger sheathed on her left leg. But Mirai wouldn't let an opportunity go away. Quickly she gave a kick on Morsé chest making him stumble and fall. With thud Morsé's body fell on the pointed debris left from the door, unluckily it hit squarely on his back piercing to his heart.

He was dead.

It took four exchanges but all of those exchanges was on point.

Mirai was gasping when the battle ended, he was about faint but the good thing was she still have two bottles of high recovery potion. She quickly drank one.

Successfully defeated an enemy!

+5 battle experience

Sub-Quest: Rescue Milda, Complete!

Acquired Skill: Rejuvenation

Mirai sighed after looking at the notification flashing on her mind. 'Five experience? What a BS! My life was on the line and I get five points of experience? Hey Luna! This is ripping me off!' Mirai cursed inwardly but she knows it is exactly right she just felt depressed. Her wounds quickly recovered with the help of the potion and slowly her stamina also recuperates with the help of her newly acquired skill, rejuvenation.

She went to her mother side who was still shock from the scene she have just witnessed. Milda never knows that her daughter would be this strong.

"Mother it's time to live, it'll be more dangerous here!" Mirai helped her mother to stand and walk away from their home. Milda was still weak from her disease and needed some help to walk. "Thank you Mirai." Milda knows something is different from her daughter but remained to keep silent about it. All she cares for now was the two of them being safe. Before they leave Mirai quickly scavenge the spoils from Morsé's body, Milda was yet again shock from the scene but she knows it was typical for the strong to loot from the weak.

The strength boost effect from the blood weeper was gone and Mirai needed at least a few more minutes before being able to regain her full potential. She must go away from Their house immediately, she knows that the tracking spell was actively transferred to the debris lying on the ground stuck on Morsé's body. Sooner the tracking team of three assassins will come!

Outside the Ruby Empire walls

"Who dared to mess with my own blood and flesh!" A tall man wearing a fancy coat stomped on the ground which caused a little crater to appear. He had a slim figure but from his stomp his strength should be enormous.

General Murdock.

A swashbuckler from the Dark Elf race leading the wreckage for the Ruby Empire.

"You! You and you! Follow the tracking spell to my son Morsé capture the perpetrator for his death!"

Three shadows moved from the darkness

"Let see whose strong enough to resist for our attack. No one should be left alive!"


An army of 2000 drow warriors answered in unison!