Battle on the Big Bridge (1)

Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!!

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Fallen into depravity, the brother single-heartedly pursued power.

Whether by the Cowled Bones, Red Eyes, Black Scales, or Abberant Divinity.

Bound together by the Darkness of the Void of Depravity.

It wasn't enough.

"I curse you!" He cried; still powerless before the thrones of the higher gods.

He would have his revenge; and save his sister.

* * * * *

[Time remaining until Demon Duke's summoning: 1 minute 49 seconds. Portal HP: 23%]

[Omega Dark Fireball cooldown time remaining: 1 minute 18 seconds]

* * * * *

Sam was bleeding, burnt and panting.

She was amazed that her clothes remained intact. It didn't make sense to her that the clothes were fine but her chest and arms were burnt - even though she had blocked the firey beam with crossed arms [1].

(3 crises in 2 months... My luck is so bad...) She complained silently; as she thought about what to do.

She circled round at top speed but conserved her last 8 or 9 seconds of Full-burst. When she tried to approach, the humanoid demon would fire a few Magic Missile spells at her. Try as she might to dodge, she could not avoid the waves of arcane bolts; getting injured further.

Blood flowed down her shoulders and arms where the missiles landed. And as she continued to bleed, her strength slowly sapped away.

She stumbled back - only 30m away from the demon boy. A distance she could close in less than a second - but one that seemed like an unscalable cliff looming over her.

(This... This can't continue! I can't, I won't - I MUSN'T lose!) She roared and charged forward, disregarding her sorry state.

Her blitz was met with a salvo of 8 Magic Missiles spells from her adversary - over 70 arcane bolts flooded over and seemed to cover the sky. The fresh round of spells was better aimed and closed off all her angles of approach - an indiciation that the demon was adapting quickly.

She decisively slid and rolled underneath the barrage, coming out with light grazes.

(15 metres more!)

She scrambled sideways and narrowly avoided 3 consecutive Flame Arrows which burst open the ground where she had just been standing. Then she kicked off and narrowed the distance by another 3m.

(12 metres...!) Sam could see his face crinkle in worry.

Then he smiled.


The ground she was about to step on split open - no, the earth was remoulded before her eyes into a spike that shot out at her foot. Despite it crumbling as soon as her foot landed on it; Sam's balance was successfully disrupted.

Which left her wide open to the next spell. Sato pointed at her and a dull grey beam instantly enveloped her: Curse: Slowness.

Without waiting to see the effects, Sam pressed forward to close the remaining 10+ metre gap. She felt a slimey stickiness try to adhere itself onto her skin - but it was shaken off.

It was the demon's turned to be thrown off. He looked panicked as he waved his hand; sending a Cone of Cold to envelop her.

Sam sucked in a deep breath; and let loose a great shout.


The shockwaves from transmitting tremendous vibrations into soundwaves shattered the ice crystals and subverted the cold winds; throwing them back at her opponent.

(I can do that too...?) As Sam successfully pierced her way through the onslaught; she wondered where the idea of using Disruption with her voice came from; even as she coughed a little blood from the stress on her lungs and throat.

But it didn't matter; she was now 2 metres away.

"You're dead meat!"

Right uppercut. Right jab. Jumping forward kick. Somersault axe kick. Left low kick. Reverse spin hook kick to the neck.

It was her turn now.

* * * * *

[Time remaining until Demon Duke's summoning: 1 minute 13 seconds. Portal HP: 23%]

[Omega Dark Fireball cooldown time remaining: 42 seconds]

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HP: 1,103/1,103

Mana: 352/1,511



HP: 542/3,871


Sam's furious combo knocked Sato up, backwards, left, right; culminating in the hook kick that wrapped around the back of his neck and dragged him in.

Dragged him into the path of a palm strike that filled his heart with trepidation.

Desperately gather his utmost mental fortitude; Sato forced himself to disregard the interruption and disorientation. He had to break free.

(Level 3: Sunfire!)

A wall of flames burst out; radiating from Sato as the centre.

The flames engulfed Sam; and the forceful wave knocked her back...


She emerged from the scathing flames just as she was before: ready to release a turbulent full-powered Disruption Palm.


[Ding! Host Sato has met the conditions for triggering Secret Spell: Absolute End!]

[Sato Adams casts Secret Spell: Absolute End!]

[The following effects are applied to host for the next 5 seconds: Invulnerable to all damage, negative statuses or displacement; mana-cost for all spells is halved; Mental Alacrity is applied!]

[Mental Alacrity: The caster's mind and soul are perfectly calm and able to function at 2x capability]

(A cheat-like skill!)

* * * * *

Sam used 1 more second of Full-burst over her entire body's skin, resisting 99% of the firey blast; then slammed her palm furiously into the demon's sternum.


The massive impact she was expecting did not occur - instead, she felt like her strike had landed on cotton.

Disoriented; her moment's hesitation was all the demon needed to counter-attack.

5 seconds left until Absolute End is over.

Red, Blue, Purple-black, Prismatic. Countless beams fired at her from point-blank range.

Faced with certain death; unwillingness rose in Sam's throat.

It's said that a level 15 warrior forged through countless life and death encountered would be able to massacre 10 other warriors with the same strength, items and abilities; due to their innate instinct for survival.

And Sam's primal instincts were stronger than anyone's.

Her face took on an emotionless look; appearing unflappable as she entered a serene state of tranquility.

She dodged. And dodged. And dodged and dodged and dodged.

4 seconds left until Absolute End is over.

Jumping up 5 feet. Cartwheeling to the left. Falling flat to the ground. Leaning backwards; twisting her body.

3 seconds left.

Spell after spell after spell; Sam dodged with god-like reflexes.

2 seconds.

Then instinctively, she held out her finger and triggered a split seconds Disruption - interrupting a magical circle that was just about to form and fire a wide-area skill.

1 second.

Then she slammed her fist into the ground at the demon's feet; dealing no damage - but throwing him off balance; and raising a thick layer of rock up in front of her - block the Sunfire blast.

0 seconds.

She *felt* something change.

She leaped forward; with a spinning hook kick aimed at drawing the demon into a combo - one he would not escape.

Just before she managed to connect; she noticed his body shimmered and 11 paper-thin stony layers form over his skin.

(Got you!)

Hooking him in, she released a flurry of 5 punches to his jaw - knocking his face up, down, left, right and up again. The layers of stone were chipped away and sent flying.

Catching his collar, she slammed him head-first into the ground, scattering more stone fragments.

Not letting go, she unleashed an arcing low-kick, knocking his head up and spinning him around until he was upright - suspended in mid-air.

Right roundhouse to the ribs; palm strike to the solax plexus; one-two hook punches to the kidneys.

(It's gone!) The stoney layer that seemed to be nullifying her blows fell away as dust. Then she caught his sleeve and dragged him into her signature combo.

Right then left hook to the jaw. Left kick to the side of his head, knocking him groggy.

Then the finisher - a world-eclipsing spinning axe kick to the crown of his head.

The ground beneath the demon exploded; sending a storm of dust covering everything around them.

Sam stood in the aftermath; panting; blood dripping all over from her ruptured skin, blood vessels and aggravated wounds.

Her breaths came heavy; and a slight tremble could be seen in her arms and legs; a sign that she had long exceeded her limit of 30 seconds of Full-burst. She could feel her bones creaking and muscles lethargic; on top of the self-inflicted damage from her over-use of Full-burst.

(Please... Stay down...)

Sam's eyes widened in dread.

Out of the dust; a silhouette rose.

The battle had just begun.

* * * * *

[Time remaining until Demon Duke's summoning: 46 seconds. Portal HP: 23%]

[Omega Dark Fireball cooldown time remaining: 15 seconds]

* * * * *



HP: 1,103/1,103

Mana: 352/1,511



HP: 128/3,871
