Battle on the Big Bridge (2)

Support my main contracted novel and winner of Writing Prompts #26 - The Legendary Mage!

Desolate Mage: A Legend Reborn!!

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Is it fated...? For my defeat? To lose everything...?

If it is fated...

Then what if I turn fate to my side?

O proud son of the heavens; what will you feel when the Heavenly Fate abandons you...?

Even if I do not see it; I am satisfied--

She will be free.

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[Time remaining until Demon Duke's summoning: 46 seconds. Portal HP: 23%]

[Omega Dark Fireball cooldown time remaining: 15 seconds]

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HP: 1,103/1,103

Mana: 352/1,511



HP: 128/3,871


(This mana shield... It's SUPER OP!) Sato got up and dusted himself off. He was just a little dizzy from being knocked around - but otherwise unscathed.

He yawned; it was pretty boring just watching himself get beaten around. And he didn't want to admit it, but also pretty scary; his yawn was to help himself feel braver about the whole ordeal...

Seeing that Sam was breathing heavily in recovery and not likely to attack anytime soon, he paused to check his and Sam's stats. Then sighed in relief.

It was relief that he had managed to trigger Absolute End, and had the presence of mind to layer Stoneskin on his body. Cold sweat poured from his brow when he thought about how he'd nearly died for the 3rd time.

(I don't think I'd have survived 4 more hits... It's a good thing he - she? Is out of steam...)

He had initially thought of using multiple Stoneskins, but it seemed the defensive spell could not stack nor be used twice in a day... That surprised him. Turns out the rules weren't exactly the same as D&D 3rd edition...

Now he just needed to stall for time until he regenerated mana, his trump card was ready - and for the portal to be ready for the Demon Duke's journey.

Sato nonchalantly triggered 12 Level 0: Earth Spike spells. Sam tensed up, then looked surprised as none of the cantrips were targeted at her - it only shook up the ground surrounding her in the shape of the numbers on a clock. Cutting off her path of escape.

(Now!) Sato unleashed a wall of Magic Missiles; layering 4 spells together to form a 6 by 6 grid of arcane bolts.

Due to the ring of spikes around her, the girl would have to forcibly break through and end up unable to avoid - or jump.

She chose to jump forward; then kicking off against the spikes, she sailed 20m through the air away from Sato. Right into his aim.

A Fireball the size of a bull soared through the air, moving far quicker than Sam's leap.

Sato smiled as he saw the girl's face turn pale, wide-eyed and aghast. There were no defensive or evasive manoeuvres left - unless she could fly.

[Ding! This is a complimentary service message from the system! Urgent red alert! Warning, 6 enemies detected! 1 enemy in close proximity!]


[Enemy has arrived!]

(?!?!? F***!!! When will I ever catch a break?!? And why is the "urgent warning" so long and wordy?!?)

The air between Sam and the Fireball flickered like a faulty CRT Monitor. Then a ripple could be seen as the air was displaced - to make room for a gleaming white knight in shining white clothes.


She waved her rapier in a slash that seemed to complete its arc too quickly - and the amplified Fireball vanished.

There was no clash, no explosion, no boom. The spells had just vanished.

(Dammit! Another strong one? Who is that?)

Her clothes were so shiny that Sato had to squint for a moment to make out who was obstructing him.

He was stunned when he saw her face.

Even in the evening sun, her luxurious golden tresses flowed down her shoulders; framing her sculpted, divinely beautiful face. Just above her high and perfectly formed nose, at the perfect ratio and placement for her face; were a pair of brilliant and piercing blue eyes. Matched with her flawless skin and her valiant appearance; Sato fell for her at first sight. Not.

As the white-clothed girl would land before Sam, Sato threw out countless Earth Spikes to rupture the ground where she would step foot and remove her footing. Then he pointed a finger at Sam and, confirming her trajectory, cast Level 3: Dark Lightning Bolt.

This time, it was a bullet that frustrated his plans. The bullet perfectly interrupted the lightning mid-flight - and insanely changed its angle and continued on towards him.

(F***! It's getting worse and worse!) Sato scrambled to dodge; and was knocked up into the air as the bullet smashed open the ground right beside him. Unexpectedly, the explosion was one of ice - numerous 2m long stalagmites jutted out from the point of impact, nearly impaling him despite his evasive action.

Sato saw the enemies his system had warned him about.

From the west; a powerful grey-haired man man dressed in a butler's outfit emerged, followed by a ruthless red-headed woman in chainmail. A quick check told him their levels: 24 and 19.

Then from the east; a short, balding man [Level 22 (System notification: True Level: 29)] with 2 ancient firearms emerged accompanied by a thin, tall moustached gentleman [Level 23] with a fencing sword.

Sato's eyes gaped as he saw the sub-text of the balding old man - Level 29 was just one step away from the gods!

Then the newly arrived white-clothed girl - Level 8; her stats and physical combat power were about the same as Samuel's...

(1, 2, 3, 4... 6. Wait, shouldn't it be 7 including Samuel? Where's one more person...?)


Sato had a bad feeling. He no longer tried to conserve his mana and hurriedly triggered 2 Blink spells consecutively to arrive back beside the planar portal.

Just in time - a bolt from the blue - literally - struck down from the blue sky; blasting open the earth where he had just been standing.

A second lightning bolt as thick as a barrel fell from the clear heavens; landing smack dab on where he emerged from after his first Blink.

He looked up in fear. He could see various paper charms and talismans, as well as a formation of 18 flags floating in the sky. A woman hovered in the middle of the formation; seated in a lotus pose.

The level 23 woman formed myriad hand seals; as if summoning the wind and storms. Thunder boomed in response to her esoteric motions; ringing out towards the horizon as dark, black clouds blotted out the sky and sun. It was as if the heavens were frowning; furious in their indignance towards the demon incursion.

Then the woman chopped down with 2 fingers - towards him and the portal.

The hairs on his arms and neck rose as he knew what was coming next.

The clouds swirled together, forming a gigantic funnel in the sky - one which was directly above Sato and the portal. One which he knew would release a lightning bolt 10 times larger than before.

(System!!!!!!!) Sato cursed his treacherous and sadistic system with various colourful words.

The wrath of the heavens descended in fury; in a pillar bigger than a house.


The gleam of a swords arc, impossibly wide and long flashed above the portal; where a delicate and long-fingered hand could be seen sticking out from the portal and holding a long sword.

The tempestuous deluge of lightning collided with the flimsy looking sword light - and was cut in half; split and flowing dozens of meters away from the portal.

Their already demolished surroundings were turned into a scene from a warzone; the lightning tearing up the ground for 5 seconds before petering out.

Immediately after the lightning exhausted itself, the portal shimmered and two humanoid demons stepped out gracefully.

[Ding! Congratulations! Major Helena and Marquis Zusthra have arrived! Tenenene!]

Sato couldn't find the energy to show his disdain for the systems poor imitation of a victory trumpet sound. His legs were no longer trembling - he couldn't even feel them as he lay flat on the floor; wobbly from the relief of surviving certain death.

[Unfortunately, that means host must hold out longer for the Demon Duke's arrival!]

(Whatever... The cavalry has arrived!)

Sato nodded; then struggled to raise himself up as the Marquis nonchalantly stepped forward, one step at a time, towards the apprehensive humans who had attempted to rain on his party.

To a casual observer, the Marquis looked nothing like a noble member of the demon worlds peerage. Apart from his well-cut black and purple military outfit hugging his muscular and tall body; there was no hint of power from the pink-skinned man.

Yet when he laid his gaze on them and casually strolled towards them; every step he took placed an instinctive pressure on all of the people. The 3 groups subconsciously moved closer to one another; and even began to back off slowly.

The femme fatale demoness approached Sato. She would look even more charming; if not for the red and black long swords in her hands.

"Good job, Captain." The level 24 demoness smiled as she gestured her red sword at Sato; causing a tendril of red energy to snake out of the portal and pump mana into his body. Within half a second, he felt fully recharged; and stronger.

Major Helena stepped forward to flank the level 28 semi-divine demon Marquis; standing to face the group of their 7 enemies across from them.

"It's our turn now."

* * * * *

In the midst of the carnage, a somewhat forgotten snow-white kitten with black paws frantically hopped here and there to dodge the stray spells flying over.

From time to time, she would let out a "Miao!" of frustration; especially when some of her fur was singed by a ricocheted spell.

Despite the mayhem and explosions, she was set on her destination - to reunite and protect her human; Sam.

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[Time remaining until Demon Duke's summoning: 2 minutes 9 seconds (+ 2 minutes). Portal HP: 23%]

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