The Indifferent and not so simple First Miss (2)

Yet, before even reaching the restaurant, Xiaoyu, Mulan and Yuesu heard both men and women whispering.

"I wonder who that Miss is, it's a pity that she is cripple because she looks so beautiful" A woman standing in a crowded clothing shop commented when she saw Xiaoyu.

"Who cares if she is a beauty, if she can't walk then what good is she?" A loud mouth man yelled

"Your right" Second a drunk man while holding the wine in his left hand

"I don't care if she is crippled, as long as down there is working just fine then I don't mine and especially since she is a beauty" stated a young commoner man.

"I would only make here into a concubine since she is so lovely but never a wife because which noble would want to marry a cripple as their main wife" a noble lecher stated while staring at Xiaoyu with a sneer and lust in his eyes.

Because Xiaoyu had the veil on, no one knew who she was and just commented because of the jade white shin that look soft as a bun. Xiaoyu stayed inside for over two years so her once tan skin became pale and white.

Her neck which is slender, body which is willowy and graceful, everything else about her scream delicate and tender. So, although they cannot she her face, they know that she is a great beauty.

Yet, no matter what anyone says the lady in the wheelchair did not give them the time of day. Mulan and Yuesu was so angry that they feel like they could have rush up to them and fight but when they both glance at their First Miss and notice the indifferent look on her face they both sigh out of relief.

That's when they grasp that their First Miss is no longer simple, then they remember that First Miss had that same look when speaking to Mistress about her legs. Like none of what these people said have anything to do with her or like they are talking about someone else. But some people will never change.

"I am talking to you cripple!" yell the lecher while blocking Xiaoyu's way and touching his nose. He felt humiliated and his pride took a hit because he is the son of a duke, he was always spoiled by both parents and no one have ever ignored him before.

Especially women because of his position of being the first-born son of a well-known duke and his handsomeness.

Yet, here was a cripple that even though she dresses like a gentile bred noble lady. He has not heard of a cripple noble woman in the city or capital but she being a cripple had the nerve to ignore him, a first-class citizen.

However, if he had every found out that the person who he was shouting at was the famous decease general and the current famous general's precious daughter and granddaughter, he would have piss himself.

Because although Xiaoyu's grandfather is old, a lot of people still fear him and especially since he recently remind the capital and cities that he is still alive and kicking.

Everyone had to give him face and no longer discuss about the General's Mu Manor and daughter in public, not even the privacy of their own home because the walls have eyes and ears.