The Indifference and not so simple First Miss (3)

That does not mean that everyone is happy about this, especially the crown prince. Since Xiaoyu's mother visit his crown prince Manor and demand to dissolve the engagement of a died woman. He already knows of what his beloved did so what nonsense or joke is the people of the main family is getting at.

He is very thick-shined so he did not care what the mother of a decease cripple had to say and was not humiliated like they would like but instead he was happy. However, he never thought anything of it and discord it from his mind while already planning the outcome of this main family when he becomes emperor.

"Move or I will move you" I said without looking at this clown jumping up and down in front of me.

"Hahahaha! Did you hear this, guys? A cripple has the nerve to tell me, this young master to move" said the young master of the duke of house Wei while looking back at three other young masters.

"Mulan, Yuesu. Move this jokester" I said with a calm and indifferent looking on my face.

"Yes, Miss"

They look at the famous young master of duke Wei with pity, bowed and said, "Sorry sir, our family's Miss gave us an order and we cannot refuse. Please accept this apology"

The next thing that WeiYuChang knows is that he is on the ground and pain from his right shoulder. Because the maid called Yuesu moved so fast that he didn't see what happened but only felt this acute pain on his shoulder.

"What do you think you are doing, do you know who I am?" sneered Weiyuchang while trying to endure the pain because he didn't want his friends to think that is weak.

I put both hands on each of my wheels and push forward to the man on the ground. I look down on him beneath my feet and sneered back, "I know who you are, and it is because I know who you are that I can do this"

"Who are you?" he asked with fear and unwillingness in his eyes.