Call for Help

Ezekiel yelled as he ran away from his father calling for his beast to return. The Gold-Horned Antelopes hearing was very good, so it would be able to hear him, and would come as soon as possible.

He never stopped running towards the village though, because he needed help from the hunters there also. His Antelope could not completely save his father after all. It would only be able to protect him for so long, and even if it fought off the Lynx, it would not be able to heal David's injuries.

The Antelope arrived at his side about five minutes later, as it waited for instructions. It ran over here as fast as it could once it heard Ezekiel calling for him. It wasted no time, and stopped looking for herbs as soon as it heard Ezekiel's voice.

Ezekiel was still running, and did not even stop to command the Antelope, he just quickly commanded it to go try and save his father.

"Go back to where you last gave me an herb. My Father should be there fighting off a Lynx, and I want you to save him. If necessary I will have to ask you to give up your life in order to make sure he lives." Ezekiel gasped as he was giving out instructions.

Although he did not want to send out his beasts just to die, but his father was more important to him, than the antelope was, so he had to make sacrifices.

The Antelope nodded as it understood, then turned around and took off into the forest jumping over bushes, and weaving through trees. It was going at its max speed on its way back to the fight, as it could sense how important this order was to its master.

Ezekiel pushed on, as he made his way towards the village. He was running faster than he ever had before, as adrenaline pumped through his veins. He was tired, and wanted nothing more than to fall to the floor and rest, but thinking of his father made him struggle on.

After an unknown amount of time Ezekiel realized he was at the entrance of the village. He had been running on autopilot, and was oblivious to his surroundings.

There were two aunties who were walking down the street and saw him stumbling through the gate in exhaustion. They quickly set down their baskets of groceries and when the hold him preventing him from falling over.

"Hey, Ezekiel! Are you alright? What happened to you?" One of the Aunties frantically questioned him. She looked towards the other aunt and said "Go call his mother" the other aunt was watching him in a daze, so she yelled "Quick!". Being shocked out of her stupor she nodded as she turned around and ran towards Ezekiel's house.

Ezekiel was gasping for breath as he said "Help...My...*Gasp*...My Father...*Gasp*...You need to go save him...*Gasp*...He was attacked". Ezekiel was only able to say this much before he passed out.

From the distance you could see Ezekiel's mother running over, and she came with tears in her eyes as she grabbed the now passed out Ezekiel. "*Sob* *Sob* I knew letting you go to the forest was a bad idea *Sob*" She clutched Ezekiel to her chest as she was crying.

David's friends came, along with some other hunters from the village. "What happened? We were told someone was in trouble?" They asked as they looked at Ezekiel who was passed out.

The aunty who heard Ezekiel's plea described to them what he said.

Hearing what she said caused Cyrene to cry even more as she began to fear the worst. The hunters of the village wasted no time and immediately set out to go find David, and hopefully save him.

They did not need directions, because it would be easy to follow Ezekiel's trail, as he was chaotically running through the forest towards the village. Even though they did not know what attacked David as of yet, they were still determined to try and save him.

Cyrene cradled Ezekiel as she cried. Eventually she had someone help her carry him to their house, and they set him on the bed in his room. They got the village doctor to check up on Ezekiel, and he just said he was exhausted and would need rest. He gave Cyrene some medicinal herbs and told her to grind them up, before putting it into some soup, and that would help him recover faster.

She sat next to Ezekiel's bed as she began to nurse him back to health. She was patting him on the head fixing his hair, as she gazed at him lovingly. "I am just glad you are safe...*Sniff*...And your father would be too." Her eyes started to water as she thought of her husband.

She looked out the window as she said "Just come back home please, This family needs you".