Crushing bones

While I was walking toward the boss I was thinking about my current situation, I'm currently in lead according to my stats but that doesn't mean I will stay in lead, I have to promote my strength further if I want to keep the lead, after this I should go and grab some quick levels so I can reach level 10 and go to town, once I'm finally in town I can properly use all my knowledge I gained from Gab.

"Girls you stay back, once I start fighting the boss you must stay away, you can watch but don't involve yourself with danger."

"Do you think we are so weak that we can't defend ourselves from this boss?" Asked Sasha.

"No, three of you could probably defeat it, I just don't want to be burdened protecting you while I fight I want to finish this quickly."

"Why are you so sure you can finish this boss quickly, aren't you too arrogant?"

"I already defeated a boss stronger than this, and that was before I had a class, now I'm even stronger so of course I will have confidence in ending this quickly."

"Suit yourself; don't ask for our help if you run into trouble."

"Just don't burden me and everything will be fine."

As I walked further inside I noticed a shadow of a person not far away in front of me, as I entered his agro range he turned around and glanced at me.

"Oh new specimen for my experiments, welcome young one you are just in time, I just learnt something new and you look like a perfect test subject for me."

"I'm afraid your wicked deeds end here necromancer."

"Oh a courageous one, I wonder if you will still have that courage once you become a skeleton."

"Enough bullshit, let's fight." As soon as I ended my sentence I charged at necromancer with a swift leg strike toward his head.

My kick failed to connect because necromancer managed to dodge it barely but that doesn't stop me from continuing as I spun around and sent flurry of kicks toward him. Noticing flurry of strikes heading toward him necromancer gave up dodging and raised his hands in hopes of blocking my kicks, unfortunately for him it's still too slow for me. My kicks connected with him and he was sent flying until he smashed into stone wall to his right.

"Now you angered me young one, rise my army of dead, you shall have no rest until you destroy my enemy."

As he finished his chanting bunch of skeletons started rising from the ground, I did a swift count and there was total of 20 skeletons rising, I hurried and shattered skulls of 4 skeletons before they managed to rise from the ground but I wasn't quick enough and rest of them raised from the ground. Luckily for me I wasn't alone, with a leap my puppy already beheaded one skeleton and was prepared to pounce on another one but it was unaware of skeleton behind him.

I picked up bunch of stones from the ground and threw them with precision toward skeletons nearing the puppy.

Crack. Crack. Crack.

Three heads cracked but that wasn't enough to kill them, but at least they aren't targeting my puppy anymore and they are charging at me.

"Hey puppy, aim only for the heads, that's where their soulstone is."

It's a basic knowledge about skeletons, every skeleton has a soulstone hidden inside its body, and most basic skeletons have them inside their heads.

I used my footwork and evaded charging skeletons while successfully tripping one, before they managed to turn around I kicked two head and sent them flying towards the necromancer who already started casting magic behind my back, with two heads smashing into him I managed to interrupt his casting and buy some time to destroy more skeletons before I switch back to him.

"Once you enter battlefield with this many opponents you have to have clear understanding of each and every of your enemies positioning and their current actions, most importance takes mage class opponents, you don't have to finish them quickly but you must not allow them to finish casting, magic requires a lot of focus in the beginning so interrupting them isn't that much of a problem."

I didn't forget to lecture girls while I was fighting. While I was speaking I managed to destroy 5 more skeletons and my puppy decapitated 3 more, 5 more to go. I rush to nearest skeleton, first I struck it with my knee into his spine from the back and as it bended backwards I rose my leg high and with downward swipe decapitated it, it's head fell on the ground and I used it as a ball and kicked it at an approaching skeleton, the head I kicked crashed into another skeletons head cracking it but being destroyed in the process while that skeleton stood there in a daze for a second, that second was enough for me to reach it and with a spin I kicked its neck disconnecting his head from the body.

While I had my fun with those two skeletons my puppy successfully decapitated one more skeleton and only two remained, I turned around and noticed necromancer casting another spell, it was nearing its completion so I used stone in my hand and hit it square in the head, interrupting it once more.

I ran toward another skeleton and jumped high as I used my knee to strike its head and drag its whole body downward with my body, crashing its head with my knee, my puppy finished of the last skeleton as it growled at the necromancer in the corner.

"Now it's just us necromancer, let's see how many tricks you got hidden." I said with an evil grin on my face as I slowly walked toward panicky necromancer in the corner.