
Soon, preschool was over and it was the summer vacation. Then, gradually u realized how I missed my parents, how I missed Jenny.

I used to look forward to the weekends. Because James, auntie and uncle came every week without fail during the whole summer. Most of those days were spent at their house. Soon James became my whole world. His encouraging words were all the strength I needed.

Just like that summer had ended. I was then accustomed to the orphanage I lived in. I made friends there. James's visit every week made me proof among the other orphans. I used to feel sorry for them sometimes. At least I had someone from the life before joining orphanage.

Soon, the new academic year started and some of my friends went to school because someone had sponsored for their education. But, there were a lot of us who were in the other part of the list.

Primary school states for James and he visited that Sunday as usual. Before leaving, he asked, "You should come to school. When will you start?"

I had a very little idea of how the orphanage funded us. I said, "I will have to wait."

"No dear, don't worry, you will go to school starting next week," uncle had crouched down said. He then patted my head.

I looked at James. He was smiling widely like he had achieved something very great. "The seat beside me won't be empty anymore!"

I tried to control my tears but I could not. Auntie must have noticed because she soon carried me in her arms. "You always have us," she had told me back then. And I cried.

That day, when I was playing with James at their home later, I asked him when none was around, "Did you all your parents to help me?"

"Yup! And they said I thought right!" They must be very generous. In fact, they are very kind.

"I remember my parents," I said. He soon crawled over to me and hugged me. "Jessie, I miss them too," he said.

Months passed and it soon winter. I had a visitor on a weekday. I wonder who it would be. But, when I saw James, I couldn't understand why they were here today.

They took me to the park nearby. Then auntie to me in her lap and asked, "Can I be your mom and he your dad?" and she pointed towards uncle. I still could not understand.

"Dear, will you come to our house and live with us from now on?" Uncle asked.

I didn't know what to say. "Jessie, do you like it or not? We will be together always," James said holding my hand.

I smiled and tears were trying to come out of my eyes but this time, I could control them. "I like it very much," I said softly.

"Yay! I love you Jessie! You're the best!" James was excited with a happy face.

"No, you are," I said and then turned to the three of them, "Thank you so much for everything."

And then, we ask hugged together and I had a new family.

"Happy birthday, Jessica!" James wished me and only then did I have remembered the fact. I was suddenly very emotional. This boy, I will never lose him, no matter what.

Mom and dad also wished me then and I let my happy tears fall. Then, I was taken to their familiar home. We celebrated my birthday. I was five years old then. That was the day I called his parents mom and dad.

Since then, throughout the primary school, James and I were inseparable. Most of the time, I was the preferred child between the two of us. I would get the toy that I liked and James never once objected. But dad would scold the two of us equally if messed up something.

His parents were a little strict compared to mine. But when they scolded me equally, I felt belonged there rather than feeling wronged. And so, they had become my whole life. It never again felt empty. Even now, after so many years everything that has happened feels so surreal. If not for James, I would have been a completely different person. Someone who would have ended up far worse compared to the me now.