It was just another lovely day to enjoy good wine and great food on a luxury ship, with clam winds and smooth waters.

No one was enjoying themselves like the beautiful woman with orange hair and a white party dress that enhance her curvaceous body. Unlike other people what she was enjoying was the amount of wealth that was on the ship and she was going to steal it all.

As she was enjoying the view out of the ship's window thinking over the execution of her plan, a man approached her.

"Excuse me miss would you like to dance?" he asked.

She was about to decline the offer when there was a loud boom and an object struck the side of the ship, it caused the ship to rock violently throwing everything around and about.

"Cannon fire, the perfect distraction, now is my time to act" thought Nami as she quietly mixed in to the chaos that had now arisen.

With a change of clothes Nami was already in the ships treasury packing everything in to her sack, but she was interrupted when she had a voice outside.

"HEY, I have found the treasure room" said a random guy

The men who were most definitely pirates start off form were Nami left off and began packing the treasure in sacks. Knowing that she had couldn't win in a fight against them she used her petite figure to hide in one of the treasure sacks and wait for an opening, to make and escape with the treasure they so kindly helped collect for her.

The men transferred the loot by zip line to the treasure room on their own ship and it was at this point that Nami came out of her hiding spot, she realized that she in another treasure room with even more loot, this put a smile on her face, but she now had a new problem.

"How do I get off this ship with all this treasure?"

It was like the god of thieves was looking out for her because she had a rally call being issued

"All hands report to the deck, Capitan Alvida has found one of her crew stealing form her, it promises to be a good show"

As the crew all rushed out to watch Alvida beat a fool, the path was clear for Nami and she began moving the treasure one by one in to a small ship until all six sacks full of treasure were loaded, lowering it in to the sea she began to smile at the loot scored in her latest adventure.

As Luffy looked at the orange hair girl, he smiled.

"Nami… and she has gold, I need me some gold"

He then turned to Koby pointing to the starboard side of the ship

"Get that small boat ready to sail, the marines are coming we must leave"

As Koby readied the boat, putting some food and water on it, Luffy jumped on the railing on the port side looking at the sea below him.

"Sage mode don't disappoint me" he said as he jumped into the sea.

Luffy half thought he was going to plunge in to the sea when he landed, but like he had hoped when he landed he stood on the water like he was standing on the deck of the ship.

"HAHAHAHA sage mode for the win, and I didn't have to master Chakra control it all comes naturally. I wonder what else I can do?" putting that a side for now he walked towards Nami's boat.

Nami was so focused on tying down and securing her treasure she didn't notice a man walking on water heading in her direction.

"Now that my treasure is secure time to head off before people begin to realize there are missing some of their shiny little treasures" she said with a smile.

"You won't mind if I help myself to some of your loot" a voice suddenly said.

Nami turns around to see a man wearing a straw hat with a smile on his face, and strapped on his shoulder was one of her well-earned stolen loot, before she could act, he jumped off the boat did a back flip and landed on the luxury ship.

"Hey, that's my treasure give it back" she said, but all the thief did was remove his hat and perform a bow, then he spoke

"Thank you beautiful for the donation to 'Luffy's charity for upcoming pirate kings' and may the odds forever be in in your favour"

She tried to understand what he was saying when she notice he was pointing at something, she looked in the pointed direction and realized that Navy ships were approaching fast.

Looking at the luxury ship she notice that her thief was on longer there, he had and escape, she released the sails of her boat and made a quick easy form the approaching navy ships.

"I will find you straw hat thief" said Nami.