Nathan Drake has always been a One Piece enthusiast. It has been about 8 years since he first started watching the anime series.

Unlike most anime fans who began there journey with the hit anime series Dragon Ball Z, Nathan began his journey with Naruto and then later found a new love with One Piece.

Over the years of watching these two shows, Nathan has always wondered what it would be like if a Naruto character happened to appear in the world of One Piece, would they dominate or vice versa.

And although there have been cross over special with Toriko, Goku, Naruto, and Luffy, Naruto never really shines especially with Goku around, he is a god after all.

So Nathan's dream of a Naruto character in One Piece will for ever be a dream or, so he thought.


When Nathan went to sleep last night was he sleeping in his Amerisleep AS3 the best bed money can buy, but when he woke up this morning he was in a barrel half filled with apples.

He was still trying to process how he got in to a barrel form his bed when he had a voice in his head speak.

Purging host of gomu gomu no mi… purge complete… installing new system…sage mode now online.

Nathan felt a rush of power running through his body, with all his strength he pushed with his against the narrow barrel and he popped out the top experiencing sweet freedom, he wasn't a fun of small tight space.

"HAHAHA I am saved, I thought I was gonna to die in there" yelled Nathan.

A property bar then appeared showing:

Sage Mode +0

Attack+100, Strength +70, speed+70, stamina+70, reflexes+70, durability + 70, perception +25

"Interesting…those are nice stats to begin with…gomu gomu no mi that should be the rubber devil fruit…replaced by sage mode that is awesome controlling the sea should be 'a walk in the park' " said Nathan with a smile. It was at this point that reality hit him


He got out of the remains of the apple barrel and run towards a barrel that had fresh drinking water in it and so his reflection, a good-looking face with a scar with two snitches under his left eye, messy black hair with a straw hat on his head, sleeveless red vest with blue short trousers and slippers.

"I really am Monkey D Luffy, with the powers of a sage from Naruto it my dream come true, HWAHAHA I will get the one piece in a week tops then off to world domination, beware Imu, am coming for your crown" said Nathan to his reflection.

It was at this point he released that he was in a room and they were four people in it, three ugly looking adults and one pathetic looking kid with glasses.

Silence filled the room as Nathan looked at this odd group of people.

"Who are you?" he asked them

"WHO THE HECK ARE YOU" they all yelled

"And why are you in the wine barrel"

But before Nathan could reply there questions, a felt a weird sensation (which he would later call [sage sense]), his instincts told him something was approaching fast and was going to break the wall.

He jumped away, clearing the area when the wooden wall was smashed in to piece with the debris hitting the three men and the kid.

Nathan looked at the source of this distraction and so the soon to be one of the hottest women in one piece 'iron mace' Alvida. She was tall round and big like a wrecking ball.

"A few weeks from now she will be downright hotness, may be then I will look her up" thought Nathan

"So instead of working you are in here drink wine that belongs to me." She said.

"No captain we would never" said adult A.

"We were just checking to see if the wine was for a quality worth your beauty when an intruder attack us" added adult B.

"It is all true captain Alvida goddess of the sea" ass kissed adult C.

Alvida looked at Nathan and asked.

"Who are you? Are you here for the bounty on my head?"

"My name is Nath…Monkey d Luffy a pirate like you so no am not here for your head and… *turns to look at adult C*… you really think this… *points at Alvida*… is what a goddess looks like, you must be blind."

"I am a goddess isn't that so Koby" smiled Alvida menacingly to the kid in glasses.

"Yes, the most beautiful in the sea" Koby replied.

Luffy walks up to Koby and looks him in the eye and says

"Is this the kind of future you want? To become like Adult A, B and C over there, kissing up to a monstrosity of a woman for the rest of your life."

"No" he whispered

"Louder I can't here you, speak like a man not a little bitch"

"I SAID NO, I DON'T WHAT TO BE WITH THIS MONSTER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE" yelled Koby at the top of his lungs.

A silence set in, Koby broke out in to a cold sweat when he realised the words he had just spoken.

"KOBY YOU UN GRATEFUL BRAT, JUST DIE" said Alvida in anger as she swung her iron mace at the tiny Koby.

Before it stuck him Luffy reached out with his left hand and stop it with easy, he looked at Koby and said

"You have taken the first step to being a man"

He stood there for a second to let the heroic pose of him holding the mace with easy sink in to Koby's mind, then using his right hand, he formed a palm and quickly struck Alvida in her belly. It created a sonic boom as Alvida shot off the ship flying in to the air over the horizon and turned in to a star in the distance.

Seeing her fly away Luffy was in shock he looked down at his hand

"I didn't even use 10% of my strength at it was enough to send her flying, man I hope she is alright, I would hate to think I robbed my eyes of seeing a future beauty" he thought.

On seeing there captain 'catch major air' the pirates stumbled to their ship and began to flee.

"Man am going to enjoy this world" thought Luffy.

While he was thinking of the future, something on the port side of the ship caught his attention, it was a girl with orange hair on a small boat in the sea with bags filled with treasure.
