This is one of many…..

Am writing this to thank very one who has read my fictional story and drops some love.

And also addressing some of the comments and messages I have been receiving.

1. Release schedule: honestly I have no schedule I just write and post. But my goal is at least 10 chapters between Mon- Fri…..i don't do weekends.

2. Yes the story is a harem, the characters are there why not use them.

3. I know when I post the chapters have soon errors in them, I will address them when I get the time.

All that's above was the minor staff, now for the serious shit


A lot of people have been having problems with the MC being OP and having the Rinnegan and elemental control by chapter 12, and to that I say…..that sounds a lot like a U problem….

OP problem:

This is a fan fiction not a novelization of one piece, if you want a character that learns after his ass has been fucked…. Then read the original material.

I will be using some of the original story line material form the manga and anime but that doesn't mean I am going to reproduce an already existing work of art.

I will take some creative differences. For example: Kuina lives, Kaya joins the crew, Luffy has a threesome with Nami and her sister… etc staff like that.

Why can I do all this…*takes a deep breathe*….. BECAUSE IT'S A FUCKING FAN FICTION.

Can't you just enjoy it?

Rinnegan, sage system and elemental control:

How does he learn to control the elements just by being near them, like water, wind etc.....simple, in the world around us exits elements, fire, water, wind….


It a sage system, a god tier OS that probably was created by Celestial sapiens. All you have to do is observe something and you can learn about it…

As for the Rinnegan and its abilities… these came as result of the sage system…

Yes the OP, god tier sage system can do anything.

As for why the MC is not going around pulling planets form the sky, resurrecting the dead… etc I would like to turn your attention to his Stats.

These are provided by the sage system a cap on his abilities, I thought that was self-explanatory…take video games for example, you can't use a level 20 weapon if your level 4.

So even though Rinnegan has awesome abilities the MC is still capped by his Stats…..

I know people are going to read this and still have a problem, which is fine, to each his own and all that.

And to those that like reading an entertaining story I hope you stay with me...…. Else when I begin Volume 2 because I feel I might lose a lot of readers when it begins


But I will stick with my story or just drop it.

But if you like it, then the story will go on.... I will not change what I have already written or have planned.