In front of Rinnegan, nothing can escape its sight. So when Luffy asked about Zoro and Helmeppo said he had no idea who Zoro was, he believed him.
"Fuck, a major plot change already. Was it something I did?" he thought.
Luffy had so many theories running through his head as to why Zoro wasn't here.
"Maybe in this new one piece world, Zoro was never born or maybe he never become a pirate hunter or he is already dead."
Even deep in thought he noticed movement form Capt. Morgan.
Capt. Morgan could final breathing again and also got back movement of his body. He looked at Luffy with his back to him thinking
"This guy is very strong and now that I have pissed him off I don't think he will let me off. I have to attack him when his guard is down." He began to wait for his opening to strike.
"HEHEHE… he is probably waiting for an opportunity to launch a sneak attack, bring it, it's time to finish the Shell town adventure and move on to new things" thought Luffy.
Earlier in a prison cell Koby was in turmoil. Because of him, his only friend was walking in to a trap and could get hurt.
"Why am I so weak?" he thought as tears run down his face (A/N: Yes people… Koby was a cry baby).
"No I mustn't give in to weakness, I must become strong. I need to find a way out of this cell" he thought when he heard a BOOM sound then he felt the building shake.
This was followed by "HONEY AM HOME".
"That is the sound of Luffy, *more crying*he really did come to rescue you me. He really is a good friend." But he heard caused him to feel fear.
BANG.BANG.BANG… came the sound of gun shots.
Koby fell on his knees. He knew it was the sound of gun shots. He thought Luffy was either dead or seriously injured and it was all his fault.
"Hey kid, what's your name and where are you from?"
Koby looked at the door to his cell and saw a marine looking at him. Koby ignored him, he had lost his faith in the marines and what they stand for.
"Kid did you hear me, what is your name and where are you from?" he asked again.
"Why should I tell you, all marine are the same, abusing their power and bullying the weak?"
The marine open the cell and walked in.
"I am Commander Ripper, I have reported Capt. Morgan and his son to headquarters and I have been order to take control of this base and imprison him. I want to know your name and where your form so I can send you back to your home."
"My name is Koby, I came here to join the marines but I was arrested. They wanted to use me to set a trap for my friend and it worked"
Ripper saw the look of pain on Koby's face and felt sorry for him. He was betrayed by an organization that he had enough faith in to join.
"Such a betrayal is hard to get over" he thought and as for his friend.
"Does your friend wear a straw hat?" he suddenly asked.
Koby nodded
"AHHAHAHAHAHA… don't worry kid, your friend is really strong. He was hit with bullets and they didn't hurt him. Even Capt. Morgan can't defeat him"
On hearing this Koby was so happy. "Of course his okay, how could I think Luffy would be beat so easily"
"So kid, do you still want to join the marines? As Commander I have the right to accept your application"
"YES SIR" Koby replied with excitement
"Good. Your first assessment as a recruit is to join us as we arrest Capt. Morgan."
Koby followed Commander Ripper and his men as they walked out in to the court yard.
When he stepped out he saw Luffy standing above a unconscious body of the blondie man who had ordered his arrest.
"LUFFY YOU ARE OKAY" he called out. Luffy turned around to see Koby waving at him and with a smile he waved back.
It was at this moment that Morgan made his move, launching off the ground with as much force as possible he shout towards Luffy swing his axe with a lot of force.
His axe connected with something bring a smile to his face.
However to his bemusement, there was no blood or scream. That when he noticed Luffy was holding the blade of his axes in between two fingers.
Luffy smiled as he saw the look of disbelief on Morgan's face.
"Nice try, but you are way to slow" with a twisting motion of his wrist, the axe blade broke.
Luffy began to gather wind energy in his hand [wind release: spiralling sphere].
A sphere of blue twisting wind energy about the size of a water melon formed in his hand, he then hit Morgan straight in the chest. This caused and explosion of wind and dust.
Morgan felt like his chest was on fire, he coughed up blood and he was carried off his feet. This followed by him shouting through a series of walls until he reached his office.
By this point he had passed out.