Jaw drops all around.

Koby and the marines had no idea how Luffy blocked Morgan's axe, broke it and then sent him spiralling like a wind mill through the base walls.

"So powerful" they all thought.

"That was awesome, it's even more impressive in real life than in the manga and anime" thought Luffy as he deactivated his Rinnegan.

The first person to snap out of it was Commander Ripper.

"Men arrest those marines (the unconscious ones) and then go arrest Morgan, wherever he landed."

Ripper then turned to Luffy, "Thank you for your service to the marines, Morgan was a crook that needed to be put behind bars and with your assistance that's now possible."

"HAHAHAHAHA, thanking a pirate for his assistance, the marines really are something."

Commander Ripper was shocked "you are a pirate?"

"No, not yet. I am not really sure if I want to be a pirate, but I have promises I must keep *sigh* and they involve me being a pirate."

"Thank you for your help, but as Commander of the marines in Shells town I must ask you to live this island immediately, pirates will not be tolerated here."

Luffy looked at Commander Ripper and smiled

"Of course pirates and marines shouldn't mix, right." He then turned around and began walking out of the base when suddenly stopped and asked

"Oh before I go I would like to ask, in which direction is Shimotsuki Village"

Commander Ripper looked at Luffy with a cautious look, "Why do you want to know?"

"Don't give than look, l have no malicious intent am just looking for someone who I thought I would met on this Island." Hearing his reply Ripper was put at easy.

"Just head north form the port and you will reach Shimotsuki Village" he said.

"Thank you and good bye" and with that Luffy left the base.

Koby stood for a few minutes as he watched the disappearing back of Luffy. "He didn't even say good bye"

"Marines and pirate aren't supposed to be friends. But since you haven't filled the recruitment papers you not a marine official… so go see your friend off"

Koby looked at the Commander with a smile and with a firm nod of his head, he run after Luffy.

Luffy walked the streets of shells town deep in thought.

"I will head to Shimotsuki Village and see if Zoro is still there, maybe he never left. If I can't find any trace of him, I will just head to Orange town am sure that's where Nami is heading."


"I really hope he is in Shimotsuki Village"

Luffy finally reached his destination Food Foo restaurant. After his fight or more like his ass whooping of Morgan, he was hungry like he hadn't eaten in a month.

Luffy sat at a time and order like before everything on the menu, plus two.

Koby was running towards the coast thinking Luffy was about to leave by boat, but as he run by the window of the Food Foo restaurant he saw someone with a mountain of food in front of them.

"Luffy, thank god you stopped to eat, I thought you leave before I thanked you for ever thing you have done for me… and also for being my friend."

Luffy looked at the chubby, short pink haired boy with glass, laughed and said

"Koby, Koby… if you want me to buy you a meal, just come out and say it, you don't have to get all sentimental on me."

Hearing Luffy's reply he laughed and sat down at the table. The two friends enjoyed each other's company for they would not meet for a very long time.

"That was amazing right Koby."

"Yes, this place has great food"

"Pirate why are you still on this island? I thought I asked you to leave" suddenly came the voice of Commander Ripper.

Luffy being called a pirate out loud caused a ripple in the restaurant.

"He is a pirate, is he hear to rob us?"

"AH, a pirate, why are the marines not arresting him"

"Yeah, all pirate are evil and must die"

Luffy was shocked by their reaction. "I guess it isn't like the anime were Luffy defeated Morgan and got the respect of the town. I guess there reaction is normal, after all pirates are evil"

Luffy's thoughts were interrupted when something hit him in the face. He turned found the culprit. It was a young girl with pig tail, brown hair and black eyes.

"Leave my mother's restaurant you bad pirate" she said. This was followed by a woman coming and pulling her away saying

"Rika stay away from him, he is dangerous". The woman was here mother Ririka, she rushed over to protect her daughter.

When he saw this, even Luffy was kind of hurt by this treatment. He stood up, leaving payment for his meal he grabbed his bag pack and left the restaurant heading towards the sea.