Looking at the thunder clouds through Rinnegan was a beautiful sight. It was like there were waves of red energy and blue energy flowing in the sky and whenever they met, lightning would be formed.

What Luffy was really seeing was the warm water rising to the sky cooling forming ice. The then the ice beginning rub against itself creating charged particles that turn in to lightning when there opposites meet (positive and negative).

Luffy noticed that standing under the light show didn't give him any understanding in lightning release, he felt like he was wasting his time.

It was like the heavens had his inner thoughts for a bolt of lightning the size of a human arm was lobbed form the heavens towards him.

"FUCK" he yelled as lightning hits him. It sent electricity through his body.

DING… lightning release unlocked…

"So I must physically experience the element to unlock it, what a fucked up system."

Luffy's eyes began to sting. It was like some dropped hot pepper in his eyes.

"AAAH… I was kidding system, you aren't fucked up, so please stop this" but the pain didn't stop, it just intensified.

Luffy began to cry tears of blood. This went on for a few minutes, then the pain stopped.

"Finally it finished" thought Luffy. Wiping the blood form his eyes he saw his reflection in the now clam sea, his Rinnegan had evolved.

Luffy's Rinnegan which was the most basic one, just having six circles had now changed. It now had a black four sided diamond (♦) in the centre of his eye.

It wasn't the only changed major change, one of the six circles was gone, it was now only the black four sided diamond and five circles.

DING… first path complete [Elementalist]…requirements for second path not met…

"Elementalist! What's that?" and on clue another notification appeared but this type it was different form the ones seen before

DING… [Elementalist] tutorial: An elementalist is one who can manipulate the elements of water, wind, earth, fire and lightning with only a thought.

He felt power flowing through every inch of his body. He felt the elements around him just waiting for orders so like any curious person he wanted to test his power out.

Luffy was about to take his new powers for a test run he senses something, a creature under the water and it was approaching his position really fast.

When it surfaced form the water Luffy took a good look at it. It had a massive head of a bear and equally massive lower body of a sea lion.

"Sea king, the perfect test subject" he said with a smirk.

Luffy channelled the energy form his body willing it to creating lightning arcs around his hand, with a thought he willed the arcs to converge on one finger. This created a golf sized lightning charged ball. He point his finger at the sea king and shot the lightning ball at its head.

When the lightning ball reached the sea kings head, it went straight through like a hot knife through butter no resistance what so ever. The sea king's head was smoking with hole in it. It fell back in to the sea dead were it become food for other sea animals.

"This power feels really good. HAHAHAHA… although I wonder what the requirements for the next path to unlock." He thought to himself.

"Never mind that, I later see what my properties look like now"

Luffy checked out his new properties

Sage Mode +1

Attack +500, strength +350, speed + 350, stamina +350, reflexes +350, durability +350, perception +125

"Interesting…I am still a stage one sage. That's unfortunate" thought Luffy, but he couldn't dwell on the matter, he had to get on with his mission.

"I need to get to Shimotsuki Village real fast and see if Zoro is there because I feeling like Nami is going to get herself in trouble if I don't get to Orange town soon."

Luffy looked at his refection in the clear blue sea water to see his new Rinnegan one more time, It looked so cool.

Luffy willed his Rinnegan to deactivate. But it still remained.

"Why isn't the Rinnegan going away? It always goes away when I want it to" that when it released something that caused his mind to begin spinning.

In the Naruto world, any being that had awoken Rinnegan or in planted like Pain, the Rinnegan stays always activities with exception of the Uchiha whose Rinnegan evolved from Sharingan.

The reason the Rinnegan would go away was when he willed it was because Luffy hadn't fully awoken, but now that I has completed his first path, he has fully woken. This meant that Luffy's Rinnegan would always be active.

"Thanks a lot for the explanation ghosttown, I never would have solved that mystery"


Luffy didn't let the always active Rinnegan bother him, after all in this world they are a lot of people with weird eyes like Hawkeye Mihawk, he had other thing to worry about, such getting to Shimotsuki Village fast.

"Wait a minute, I have an idea"

Luffy used the earth manipulation to reduce the weight of his body. This cause him to float off the sea and rise 30ft in to the air.

"HAHA… it worked, now to apply a bit of movement" he said as he gather wind around him forming a wind barrier around him, he shot off flying at mach speed towards Shimotsuki Village.