Luffy was now about 100ft above east blue sea flying at supersonic speed, completing a week's journey in an hours' time.
Even at 100ft in the sky, Luffy could clearly see the forests, mountains and farm lands below.
"Finally I have reached my destination" he thought as he slowed down his speed and headed towards the ground for a landing.
Landing on the ground a few meters form the village he removed his straw hat which he had kept in the bag pack to avoid it blowing off in flight, put it on a headed towards the village to find Zoro. That was if he was even still here.
Luffy walked in to the village and it looked like a typical anime Japanese village with food venders, black smith workshops, a couple of houses that have paper like sliding doors, temples etc.
"The simplest way to get Zoro's attention was to go to Isshin Dojo and challenge them and hope he is there"
He stopped the first stranger he met and asked "Do you know where I can find Isshin Dojo"
The stranger pointed towards one of the hill saying the dojo is at the foot of the hill.
Luffy arrived at gate that had a sign post that read Isshin Dojo on top of it.
He took a deep breath he yelled at the top of his voice "MY NAME IS MONKEY D LUFFY AND ISSUE A CHALLENGE TO ISSHIN DOJO"
There was moment of silence as no reply came. Luffy stood there feeling like a fool. "May be I shouldn't have yelled like an idiot" but his mind was put to rest when the doors of the dojo opened and green haired man with three swords strapped to his waist walked out.
"Zoro, finally" thought Luffy when he saw him.
Zoro was enjoying a rare quiet day at the dojo. Today was the spring blooming festival and every one at the dojo had gone to attend the festivities expect him.
He wanted to stay and do some more training but that was interrupted by some idiot calling out for a challenge.
"*sigh* a challenger, it's been while since we had one of those. I hope he gives me a good work out."
Zoro opens the dojo main door to see challenger. It was a man wearing a straw hat. He didn't look like a fighter.
Zoro approached him asking "I accept your challenge. But we can't duel without the dojo master acting as a witness and he isn't in, so you have to wait."
"Okay. Do you have some where I can sleep well I wait"
"Yeah just head out back to the garden, there is a hammock you can use." Zoro replied.
Zoro watched as the straw hat man approached him making his way to the garden and that's when he noticed his eyes, they were purple with a diamond and circles in them.
For the first time in his life Zoro felt fear, this man was very dangerous. But Zoro never let fear or danger stop him from doing anything.
"I really can't wait for the duel" he thought.
Koushirou had had enough of the festivities so he went back to his dojo. When he arrived he found Zoro in the garden on high alert. He was watching the hammock which now had a person with a straw hat covering his face, he seemed to be a sleep.
"Zoro who is that?" he asked.
"It's a new challenger, so as by the rules we had to wait for the master of the dojo to witness the fight."
Koushirou was surprised, it had be a while since anyone came to challenge this dojo. He was glad someone finally came, his disciples need a challenge.
He approached Luffy, and said "young man, my name is Koushirou master of this dojo, and am here to witness this challenge."
Luffy got off the hammock and put his hat on, looking at Koushirou then at Zoro, he smiled and said "well what are we waiting for, let us begin"
"Those eyes look sinister, will Zoro be okay" thought Koushirou
Zoro and Luffy walked out in to a clearing near the garden and faced each other.
Zoro began to draw his swords when he realised his opponent didn't have a weapon.
"Do you plan on fighting me with just your fists?"
"I was, but I have thought about it and it will be unfair to you *turns to Koushirou* can I please borrow a bokken."
Koushirou throw a wooden sword at him.
"Okay, now let's begin" he said to Zoro.
Zoro draws all three of his swords and takes a battle stance. He was planning on going all out in this fight because he felt like this person warranted a serous approach.
Luffy looked at Zoro with his classic three sword style, a sword in both hands and one in the mouth.
"Let see how powerful you are" he said out loud. Zoro smiled and then jumped towards him.
Luffy watched as Zoro was coming towards him swing all three swords with ferocity creating small gusts of wind.
Infusing his wooden sword with some natural energy he met the three swords head on.
Luffy watched as shock appeared on Zoro face. Zoro expected the wooden sword to begin cut in half but it didn't, in fact it felt like he had hit a real sword.
Luffy applied pressure to the wooden sword and pushed Zoro back a couple of feet.
Zoro was excited, this was the first time a challenger took his first attack and even pushed him back.
"This going to be a great match" he thought.
"That was a descent attack, it's now my turn" said Luffy as he took a battle stance.
Zoro watched as Luffy took an attack stance, and he was prepared to receive his attack, or so he thought.
He watched as Luffy disappeared form right in front of him.
"What the…" he thought, followed by a sudden darkness.