When Luffy took an attack stance, he saw a look in Zoro eyes, the look of someone finding a worthy opponent to inspire their growth as a warrior.
This made Luffy decided to show Zoro the difference in skill and power, so using his speed he appeared to disappear and reappear behind Zoro, he then brought his wooden sword to hit Zoro at the back of his head causing him to lose consciousness.
"He still has a long way to go, but staying in this village will hinder his growth" were just some of Luffy's thoughts. "It's time for him to leave"
"I guess it's my win old man" he said as he turned to Koushirou.
"It would seem so. So what do you want as your reward"
Luffy smiled and point at Zoro saying "I want him to join my crew."
Koushirou was surprised by the unexpected demand.
"That's not for me to decide, you will have to ask him when he wakes up."
"Naturally" replied Luffy. He walked back to the garden, making himself comfortable in the hammock waiting for Zoro to wake up.
Before Luffy could find a comfortable spot in the hammock, the doors to the dojo where opened and a bunch of people began entering. With loud voices interpreting the peace full setting of the garden, they were saying.
"The festival was so much fun, I can't wait for the next one."
"Yeah me to, I thought I won't have a nice time but I really did enjoy it"
"Do you thinking I have a chance with Lilly, she looked so beautiful in her Kimono"
"AHAHAHAHAHA… in your dreams, you look like a toad why would she choose you"
Luffy was so not happy with the loud conversations, clearly the disciples of the Isshin dojo had returned to the dojo and they wanted people to know how much fun they had had.
He had enough and wanted to tell then to shut the hell when he had a voice say words that would change everything.
"Father am home" said a female voice.
"Welcome back dear. Did you have a good time?"
"Yes, the flowers were beautiful, the food was great and I knocked some sense in a couple of grabby men, they might not be able to walk for a few weeks"
"You...*sigh* will I be getting a visit form the village chief"
"Yes, he said I have violent tendencies or is it rage issues, whatever, or and why is Zoro sleeping face down in the ground."
Koushirou looked at Zoro and slow shake his head.
"He accepted a challenge to the dojo and lost"
A look of shock appeared on her face. She had never seen Zoro lose a fight expect to her.
"To who?" she asked.
Koushirou just looked in Luffy direction and said nothing. He watched as his daughter walked to wards Luffy.
"I hope she doesn't angry him" he thought
Luffy had footsteps approaching.
Kuina knew in the martial arts world losing a dojo duel meant losing the dojo sign which was a disgrace to its master and disciples. She had to get there honour back.
"My name is Kuina and I challenge you to a duel to redeem the Isshin dojo". She said when she reached Luffy.
Here her name caused Luffy shock. He didn't expect another plot change so soon.
Luffy's mind went in to over drive as thinks started to make sense "So she didn't die, meaning Zoro never leaves the village thus he wasn't at Shells town are there any more plot changes I wonder"
He took a closer look at her and released that she indeed looked a lot like Tashigi, no wonder Zoro would freak out whenever he saw her (Tashigi). Although they looked a like, Kuina's cheat is a lot bigger than Tashigi.
"Did you hear or are you deaf. What are you a feared to fight a girl?"
Luffy's mind was jolted back in to reality by Kuina's comment.
Sitting up from the hammock and looking Kuina, he smiled and said "you aren't strong enough to defeat me, but you can try".
The look of fury on her face showed she was offend by the comment.
"Quit it Kuina who aren't his match" said Zoro as he finally regained consciousness. He had no idea how what happened, but it didn't take a genius to know he lost.
"There is a big difference between you and me" Kuina angrily replied
Zoro raised his hands in defeat, "have at it"
Kuina turned to Luffy, "So do you want to duel or what"
Luffy stood up and said "let's do this." Kuina walked in the dojo and returned carrying a sword, with a white handle and scabbard.
"Wado Ichimonji"
"Oh, you have had of this sword before?"
"Yes I have"
"It has been in my family for generations, any way enough talk lets fight."
Kuina took her battle stance and began to watch Luffy waiting for him to make a move.
Luffy sneered at her as he stood there with one hand holding the wooden sword and the other in his pocket. "Here I come."
Luffy launched off the ground towards Kuina swing the wooden sword with full force.
Kuina raised her sword to guard the attack which was a big mistake. The moment Kuina guarded the attack, she was hit by a huge gust of wind that sent her flying hitting a sakura tree in the garden before she fell to her knees.
She looked up at Luffy and tried to speak, but all that came out was a cough of blood.
"KUINA" said Zoro and Koushirou as they run to check on her condition.
"You bastard you didn't have to go all out" yelled Zoro.
"How dare you harm my daughter, I will kill you" said Koushirou as he picked up Kuina's sword.
Luffy looked at them and just laughed, "It's so funny to think that you are trying to threaten me old man. If I wanted to truly harm your daughter she wouldn't be breathing right now."
He looked at Zoro, then Koushirou and finally the in pain Kuina and said "Kuina let me ask you a question, have you ever lost a fight."
She shakes her head and says "No, I always win"
"I had a feeling, my lesson to you was in humility. When one always wins a fight, they let it go to their head. So my beating your fine ass was to show you that in this great big world there is always some more powerful than you."
Kuina internalised what Luffy had said and she realised that because of her winning every fight without a challenge, her sword was becoming weaker, she needed to challenge herself.
"With all that said, I would like you and Zoro to join my crew"
Kuina and Zoro were shocked, they didn't expect Luffy to ask them to follow him.
"Why us? "Zoro asked
"Because the two of you will reach the axis in the way of the sword and *dramatic pause* I really need to make some friends, the sea is a lonely place."
Luffy saw a look of hesitation in their eyes, so he made his final pitch.
"Let me ask you this, do you think you will develop your sword by staying here. I know you want to be the strongest sword's man and woman in the world but you won't achieve that dream buy staying here."
Luffy paused so that they could absorb his words.
"Join me, and you will become the strongest sword welding duo in the world, I can grant it"
"How can you grant something like that?" Zoro spoke up.
Luffy smirked and then unleashed 100% of his power. This caused dark grey clouds to gather in the sky, the ground began to shake, the area around him become void of oxygen making it impossible for anyone to breath.
He with draw his power, then he spoke "Because am the strongest captain in the world, its nature for me to have the strongest crew."
Everyone present had a look of pure fear on their face, they had no idea that a care free looking man could be so powerful, he was indeed holding back during his early fights.
"HAHAHAHAHAHA… Roronoa Zoro reporting for duty captain."
"What about you Kuina are you joining me and Zoro on an adventure?"