Nami was having yet another bad day.

It all started when she left Shells town, or more like when she was forced to leave Shells town. When the marine called the straw hat man, she left before the marine could identify her.

Shortly after that she was stranded out at sea. This was because she left shells town before she could restock her supplies, leading to she drifting helplessly at sea.

Fortunately for Nami a small boat appeared in the horizon, it was her salvation and it seemed to be heading in her direction. This brought an evil smile to her face.

"Looks like will be getting myself a newer and better boat. I best prepare them a warm welcome."

Nami loosen her top and even poured a little sea water on it to make her cleavage and breasts really pop out emphasizing there volume. She then laid on the side of the boat in a weak defenceless pose.

"Now to wait for the prey to take the bait."

The Tightrope Walking Funan Bros weren't the brightest of the buggy pirate's crew. They were screw ups and god only knows why captain Buggy kept then around, then again buggy probably needs bodies that are expendable.

"Hey guys there is a stranded boat in the distance, look over there" said bro A. Bros B and C also saw the boat.

"Let's go check it out. We might be able to get some easy money form a weak target."

They began to steer there boat towards the stranded boat.

When they reached a few metres form the boat they released that there was a orange hair woman laying by the boat side and on hearing there approach, she raised her head and talked to them "Can you please help me, my boat was hit by a big storm damaging it, so I have been stranded here for days and I haven't eaten or drank anything in a while"

Bros A, B and C heard her plea but all they did was swallow saliva. This was because their minds were captured by the weak, defenceless looking Nami whose top was now almost transparent and they could see faint outlines of her breasts.

But that wasn't all, sweat was running down her head to her neck then down her cleavage making this sight impossible to look away from. The bros had fallen in to a trap and they didn't know it yet.

"Don't worry miss, we are here to help" said bro A as finally snapped out of his fantasy.

Nami put her most beautiful smile "Thank you, I will reward you for your kindness the moment we get to land. Can you please help me with my bags?"

The Bros helped Nami on to their boat because she was too weak to move, then they began to move her bags as well. They were hoping their reward involved Nami taking her wet clothes off.

Nami waited patiently as she watched the horny idiots moved her things on to the boat. She was waiting for a chance to make her move. This chance came when her things were all transferred on to the boat.

She pulled a rope that untied the boat's sails that caught a gust of wind jerking the boat forward and quickly putting distance between her, the idiots and her damaged boat.

Nami looked at the bros who now had a look of shock as they watch their boat get stolen. She said to them "Thank you for the boat and I hope you enjoyed the 'fan service' because you will never see it again."

The bros could only watch with the mouths open in disbelief as the boat disappeared in to the distance, now they were the stranded ones.

Shortly after words, Nami made it to her destination, Orange town. She hid the boat and made her way in to the centre of town. She was shocked by what she so.

Nami knew that this town was now occupied by Capt. Buggy and his crew but she had no idea the kind of damage they had caused on the town. Building were destroyed, whole streets, shops and home were abandon as people fled the pirate's rampage.

"I really hate pirates all they know is pain and destruction" thought Nami as she walked through the remains of a once beautiful town.

Nami attention pulled towards voices coming in her direction, she quickly head in an alley and waited for them to walk passed. A few seconds later she had footsteps as they arrived.

"…trust me, I saw it myself, buggy is planning on setting off after he bleeds the town dry" said pirate X

"So he really does a map of the grand line, I can't wait to get there and make a name for himself" replied Y

Nami waited until the footsteps fade away and got out of her hiding spot.

"A map of the grand line, I must get my hands on it."

Nami could only imagine how much wealth was waiting for her on the grand line. It would be enough for her to get here village back with a little surplus for her.

"Now where would Buggy keep the map?" This is when she noticed a tall building that had a huge jolly roger of the buggy pirates.

"BINGO" she said with a smile as she walked towards the building.

"I am thinking I shouldn't have tried to steal the grand line map" was what Nami was thinking as she sat in an iron cage.

She was able to get in to buggy's office where the map was, but so was a guard dog, well lion to be more specific. The lion was able to rise and alarm (ROAR) that alerted the pirates who surrounded the office making escape impossible.

The pirate captured Nami and took her to the roof where there Capt. Buggy put her in to an iron cage. He then began to question her.

"Who sent you to steal my map?"

Nami didn't reply as she thought of a story to get her out of the situation she was in.

Nami looked at Buggy with tears running down her face, and said, "I was only following the orders of my captain. He told me to steal it or he will kill me, I had to do it…*sobbing* I had no choose."

"Don't worry, your captain won't be forcing you to do anything anymore" said buggy with an understanding nod of his head.

Nami was smiling on the inside, she was able to fool Buggy, or so she thought.

"Because am going to blow you away with a buggy ball. Men bring out the cannon and a buggy ball, we are going to have our self a show."

Nami's eye expanded and her face turned white in fear as she watched the huge cannon being pointed at her and the loaded with a buggy ball.

"Any last words, thief" asked Buggy with a menacing smile as he held the fire to light the fuse.

Nami, saw her life flash before her eyes… her sister's smile, the orange garden and finally Belle mere her mother.

"I will be seeing you soon mum…" she thought, and with a smile she welcomed her fate.

BANG came the roar of the cannon.