Luffy, Zoro and Kuina had finally made it to Orange town and it was just as he had expected, deserted.
"Is this place a ghost town?" asked Kuina
"Yeah, it does feel like a ghost town" replied Zoro.
Luffy wasn't paying attention to the dialogue, for the moment he stepped into Orange town, he felt like something was off.
"Is it because of Nami?"
Luffy sent out his [sage sense] to find Nami's location. He found her and she was trapped in a cage with a cannon pointing at her.
"SHIT, SHIT, SHIT…" Luffy launched of the ground taking flight creating a bust of air pressure that blow Zoro and Kunai off their feet. He covered a distance of 100m in a second to place himself in front of the cannon.
On arriving, everything seem to move in slow motion, he saw the look of realisation on Nami's face as she knew that she was going to die, with her eyes closed and a smile, she waited for death.
He turned his attention to the buggy ball that was shooting to words him and Nami, "I really hope this works" he thought as he clapped his hands together he creating a thick two layer wall of earth and metal.
The earth wall absorbed most of the explosion form the buggy ball with the metal wall providing an extra layer of protection.
"PHEW…It actually worked" said Luffy, he turned to Nami whose eyes were still closed, smiled and said:
"Hello gorgeous, we met again. Did you miss me?"
Nami was surprised when she had a familiar voice, opening her eyes she saw the straw hat man with the same smile he had when they meet in shells town.
"Are you also dead? ... *she looks around*… is this the afterlife" she asked.
"Nope you're still alive."
"Really, because the last time I saw you your eyes weren't purple"
"Yeah a lot has happened since we last saw each other, we catch up over a meal if you are interested."
"Getting out of this cage and we can call it a date."
Luffy ripped up the iron cage with easy.
Nami walks out of the cage, she looks at him with a curious look, "you are a lot stronger than you look. So what's you name any way"
"The names Luffy."
"Okay Luffy, can I ask you a question?"
"Sure, ask a way."
"How did that *points to metal wall* appear here, it wasn't here a few seconds ago."
Luffy was about to reply when he sensed an incoming attack. He grabbed Nami by her waist and jumped high in to the air.
BOOM came the roar of another buggy ball as it went through the metal wall to destroy what remained of the cage Nami was in just a few seconds ago.
"AHH put me down" said Nami.
Luffy slow floated down to the ground and released her.
"Next time warn me before you do that" said Nami as she tried to gather her breathe.
Luffy was entranced by the way Nami's chest went up and down as she tried to catch he breathe. The shape, the volume, how could one resist looking at them, even Luffy was having a hard time looking away, but lucky for him, he was saved.
"Interesting… you were able to survive that, I haven't seen anyone that can survive a buggy ball" came the voice of Buggy.
"So man with the straw hat, are you her captain, the one who sent her to rob form me?"
"Yes, the name is Monkey D Luffy, captain of the straw hats crew."
"Straw hat crew… I have never had of you before, but the straw hat does look familiar."
"We are kind of an upcoming crew, but we shouldn't be under estimated."
Buggy looked at Luffy and laughed, "Well I am sorry to say this is where you journey ends, no one tries to steal from me and gets away with it."
Luffy sneered "I would like to see you stop me."
Nami looked at Luffy and Buggy and knew a fight was about to break out, so she slowly backed away from both of them.
"You know what boy, the straw hat really looks familiar, where did you get it from?" asked Buggy.
"OH this old thing *removes straw hat form his head* it was given to me by an old friend, you might know him, Shanks."
Buggy on hearing Shank's name had an instant flash back to when he was on Roger's crew.
"PSSHT... Luffy, why is he standing there with a vacant expression" whispered Nami.
"He is having a flash back about the good old days"
"Flash back?"
"Yes, his mostly remembering the night he become a devil fruit user."
Luffy walked and stood beside Nami, "So while Buggy is having his flash back, there is something I want to ask you?"
"Go on"
"Will you join my crew?"
Nami was caught off guard. When most men want to ask her a question it's to go on some date so that they can show off, which ends with her robbing them blind.
The thought of joining Luffy's crew was appealing. He is kind and most importantly strong. She remembered how he ripped the cage open without any difficulties.
"May be he can help me with my Arlong problem. No I can't drag him in to my problems. I can just have a bit of fun before I have to go back to that monster" she thought.
"If I join your crew, what will be my role?" she asked
"It's said women have a great sense of direction, so you will be a navigator."
"HAHA… you really know me…okay today a cat burglar dies and a navigator for the straw hat crew is born."
"That would make a great misleading chapter title"
"I guess" she replied with a confused expression on her face.
"Welcome to the straw hat" said Luffy.
Nami looked in to Luffy's eyes and for the first time in a long time she felt safe.
Buggy's flash back ends, and he yells "Shanks gave you that hat, destroying you is going to be a lot of fun."
"Men let's take them down." Buggy and his crew began to move forward towards Luffy and Nami with their weapons drawn ready to kill.
BOOM came the sound of the door to the roof as it was knocked off its frame and from the now rising dust walked out Zoro and Kuina.
"You know for a captain you suck, how do you just leave without… OH" said Kuina as she noticed the beautiful Nami standing next to Luffy.
"That explains a lot" she said with a pained expression.
"You three can sort your shit out later, for now we fight" said Zoro as he launched himself in to the buggy crew.
SLASH, SLASH as one by one the buggy crew fell to Zoro's sword.
"They are so weak" he said as the last of buggy's crew hit the ground, now only Buggy was left standing.
"May be you put up a challenge."
Buggy smiles, "give me your best shot"
Zoro swings his sword at buggy separating his upper body form the lower body at the waist area.
"Weak. Is this the challenge you promised me Luffy" asked Zoro.
"It's not over you idiot" replied Luffy.
It's at this time Buggy detached his hand holding a dagger and sent it to wards Zoro's back. Kuina reacted fast and blocked the dagger.
"HAHA nice reflexes girl" said Buggy.
"Now all of you quake in to power of my devil fruit, Bara Bara no Mi" said Buggy as his body parts began to separate and float in the air.
Luffy eye's expanded to nearly twice there size and it wasn't because of the floating appendages. It was because with his Rinnegan Luffy was seeing a bluish string of energy connecting Buggy's head to his floating appendages.
"Puppet technique…"