Luffy watched as Zoro and Kuina dueled Buggy. He wanted to observe this version of puppet technique.

"This really is interesting, do all devil fruits have traces of Naruto in them… I will need to find more devil fruit users to test this theory out."

While Luffy was pretending to be a researcher, Zoro and Kuina were having a hard time dealing with Buggy. Buggy's devil fruit was making him immune to any of their sword attacks and they had no solution to the problem.

Zoro frustrated with the situation said "How are we supposed to defeat him if every time we try to hit him, he just splits his body up?"

Kuina equally irritated by the situation replied "I don't know, it is like his weird abilities are best suited to fight blade wielders."

She them turns to Luffy, "Do you have any solutions?"

"HAHAHA… you can't defeat the great Cpt. Buggy."

Luffy looked at Buggy and all he could think was "This guy doesn't even qualify for me to lift a finger *sigh* I feel like I am wasting my time here. If it wasn't for Nami, I wouldn't have come to this town. I guess should finish this quickly."

Buggy was pleased with himself. He was able to fight two strong warriors and still get an adventure, but they weren't his true target. The one with the straw hat was his true goal.

"Where is the straw hat man?" he asked when he noticed Luffy was not in his line of sight. He began to quickly look around till he found him standing next to a barrel.

"Are you even taking this fight seriously boy" he said.

Luffy turned to Buggy and said, "AH but you see Buggy I have already won the fight. You are so confident in your abilities that you didn't even notice you are missing some body parts."

Buggy released there was truth to that statement, he was missing a lot of body parts and the only part he could see were his hands.


"I put them in this barrel next to me."

"Give them back"

"But of course, catch" Luffy lifted the barrel and with all the strength the sage system could offer and he throw it across the ocean. The barrel streaked across the sky at near supersonic speed before disappearing.

"YEAH, that is how you throw. Tom Brady has nothing on me, WHAT"

"You idiot…" came Buggy's slowly fading voice. Buggy's feet were in the barrel and when he throw it, Buggy's hands and head followed it in to the sky.

Luffy looked at Buggy being pulled a cross the sky following his body parts, "Puppet technique is even more pathetic than I remember."

Nami and what was left of Buggy's crew all had their minds blown. He defeated Buggy so easily when Zoro and Kuina failed to even touch him.

"Who the hell is this guy?"

"He didn't given break a sweat" thought Zoro

"This was to be expect, he is just too powerful" thought Kuina.

Luffy didn't care for the looks of awe so he made his way towards Buggy's treasure room. When he enter he found piles of gold, jewels and precious art.

"WOW, to think Buggy was this rich. He probably stole all this form the citizens of Orange town. I should give it all back… is what I would say if I gave a fuck. This will be payment for my services."

He began to pack the gold and jewels and left the art, to him it had no value. Before he could leave the treasure room, he noticed a map on a table, picking it up, it was a map on the grand line, well only the fast half.

"I wonder if my water and wind manipulation can get us to the grand line across the clam belt, without having to go to reverse mountain."

Leaving the treasure, he made his way back to the roof to get his crew.

Along the way he noticed a door than said 'Buggy's Office stay out'.

"Well that's not gonna happen" he said as he broke the door and entered. Inside was your like any other office, but what got his attention was a wall safe.

"HEHEHE… score" he said as he punched a hole in to the safe. Inside the safe as nothing but another map.

Luffy picked up and looked at it contains. It was an Island with a trail leading to and X.

"It looks like a treasure map"

After further investigation, he noticed a faded signature that spelt out Gol.D Roger.

Luffy's mind was blown. He was barely able to contain his excitement,

"Is this a map to the one piece. DO I HAVE A MAP TO THE ONE PIECE?"

Luffy was already celebrating, he would find the one piece. This was something no one was able to do, but his celebrations were cut short when he saw what was at the back of the map.

There were words written in the same style, by Gol. D Roger and they read.

The item I was looking for is believed to be one this Island around the X marked region, but something powerful protects it. Even with the help of the Island's ruler, the amazon queen and her Kuja warriors, we were still defeated…. Rayleigh is forced to drag me off the Island, he say "not all treasure is worth your life". I write this to remind myself of those words and resist going back.

--Gol.D Roger

"Interesting, it isn't the one piece map, but this sounds a lot more interesting. Something the Roger pirates and the amazons couldn't defeat, I must go see this creature."

Luffy folded the map, kept it and went to find his crew.

A few thousand miles from Orange town was and Island covered with trees and someone was destroying them. The person in question was a large round woman with and iron mace, Alvida.

"DAMN you Koby for betraying me and as for that straw hat brat, I will find and crush you."

She had been stranded on this islands for weeks now adding on to her anger.

Today was a special day for her, as she was carrying out her daily rampage when she found an interesting looking purple fruit. The moment she saw it she knew it was a devil and she ate it.

This caused her body to undergo changes. Her round large body began to shrink in to a slim figure with beautifully defined curves and swollen round face transformed to that of a model.

Alvida saw her reflection in the blue sea and she smiled saying "Am beautiful"

Seconds later something fell from the sky. It looked like a wooden barrel. She opened it and inside where body parts.

"AHHH" she had a yell as a head and hands also fell from the sky. The body parts began to float and assemble themselves in to a clown faced man.


"Did you just say Luffy?" asked Alvida.

Buggy turned to the sound of the voice and saw a beautiful woman.

"Yes I deed" he replied.

The beautiful woman smiled at him saying, "May be you and I can work together. Interested"