Luffy got back to the roof to find Zoro, Kuina and Nami waiting for him. The remnants of the buggy pirates had quickly boarded there ship and went to look for their captain.

"Okay ladies and gentlemen it time to set off, our next destination is Gecko Island."

"Why are we going there? "asked Nami.

"Because that is where we are going to find a ship to travel the grand line."

"Wait you don't have a ship."

"Why is everyone surprised I don't have a ship? I didn't need a ship to travel, I can just fly anywhere I want to go."

There was silence as very one looked at Luffy like a mad man.

"Okay… sure up can fly" said Nami unconvincingly.

"I believe him" said Zoro.

Luffy walked up to Zoro and said "That is why you are my man. So Nami will you be traveling in our boat of will you be using yours."

"I will travel with you guys. Can some help me load my treasure?"

After moving Nami's things on to their boat, they set off.

"Can I ask you a question, how does this boat move without sails?"

Luffy smiled, "I able to control the flow of water at the point where the boat meets the sea, creating forward propulsion.'

"What?" she asked with a confused face.

"He is a devil fruit user that controls water" said Kuina.

"Interesting" she replied.


"PIRATES, PIRATES ARE ATTACKING" yelled a long noised warrior of the sea, his name Usopp. It was a daily route for him to run around the village repeating these words which angered the villagers.

"It's that dumb brat again."

"Today he will eat my frying pan"

"I am gonna stick this broom up his ass"

But they are never able to catch him, for he is fast on his feet.

After his daily exercise, Usopp would make his way up the hill to see the love of his life, Kaya.

Kaya moved on to the island about four years ago and the moment he saw her, he fell for her. He would sneak in to the mansion grounds to her bed room window where he would wow her with his stories.

For a time this was enough for him, as long as he talked to her everything was fine. That was until that day a year ago when Klahadore arrived at the mansion.

Klahadore owned a successful shipping business and Kaya's father wanted to secure a business merger so he betrothed Kaya to him with wedding to be held in a years' time, and the years' time was finally up.

Usopp would still visit her despite her engagement although it killed him to know, she would be with another.

"So Usopp warrior of the sea, what story do have for me today?" asked Kaya with the most beautiful smile.

"It's a story about a man who loved a woman and was forced to see her wed another man."

"*sigh* I told you I can't be with you, I don't want to disappoint my father.'

"What about your happiness?" he asked her.

"As long as my father is happy, I am happy"

Usopp left the mansion with an even more broken heart, if that's even possible.

He made his way to the beach to enjoy the midday breeze.

When he reached the beach, he noticed a boat was heading towards the Island, "I will play a prank on these fools to clear my mind." He climbed in to a bush by the beach, hid and waited.

The new comers arrived at the beach and Usopp set his plan in motion.

"Stop right there… my name is captain Usopp, leader of the 10k pirate army. Hand over all your belongings or prepare to perish."

"HEHEH… I have fooled them" he thought.

"PSST...I don't see your army… are they out for lunch" came a voice directly behind him.

Usopp froze of a minute as his face turned white, he turned around and there was a straw hat man with weird looking eyes behind him.

"BOO" he said. This caused Usopp to trying away but he tripped on his feet, entering an uncontrollable roll stopping right in front of Zoro, Kuina and Nami.

*nervous laugh*

"I was just joking, no need to take it seriously" he said.

"HA... please who would believe that a 10K man army and there captain would be on such a small Island." said Nami.

"True" nodded Kuina and Zoro.

"So Usopp, me and my friends are very hungry, do you know where we can find a place to eat?" asked Luffy.

"Sure follow me"

In side Meshi restaurant sat Luffy, his crew and Usopp and they were enjoying a lovely meal.

"This food is amazing"

"Yes it is"

"Some of the best food I have had in a while."

The gang really liked the food in that making small talk was a low priority until Nami asked Usopp, "So what is your story Usopp"

"I have lived on this Island all my life with my mother. I never really knew my father, he left when I was young to answer the call of the sea and become a brave warrior of the sea. I don't even know if he is still alive.

The mood around the table became heavy after Usopp's tales of woe.

"Don't worry he made it, and he tells people stories of his son and how he will do great things" said Luffy

"You have met my father?"

"Yeah, a few years back. Do you want to follow in his footsteps and become a brave warrior of the sea, I still have room in my crew"

Usopp thought about his life on the island and how it was going nowhere, his mother gave up waiting for his father and moved on with a new family, the girl he loves is getting married tomorrow. There was nothing left here for him.

"Yes I would love to+ join your crew."


The straw hats crew sat at the table enjoying beers as they listen to Usopp stories. They laughed and throw things at him whenever his stories become unbelievable.

The sun was setting outside the restaurant when Nami asked "So Luffy where on this Island is the ship you promised?"

"Didn't you see the mansion of the hill when we entered the village, am sure there have a ship we can use."

Usopp spat out the beer in his mouth all over Zoro's face, and said "NO, NO. NO, you can't go there"

"Why?" asked Kuina.

Usopp told them his second tales of woe.

"So she is getting married to morrow, that so sad, no wonder you want to leave." Said Nami.

"Yeah, the sooner the better, can you get a ship form somewhere else" he asked Luffy.

Luffy just smiled stood up and walked to wards the restaurant door, turning around he said "you guys enjoy yourself while I think up our next plan of action."

The crew watch as Luffy walks out wondering what was on his mind.

When Luffy exited the restaurant, he launched himself in to the sky and began to hover a few hundred feet above the village. He sent his [sage sense] out to the sea.

He found what he was looking for, a few miles of the coast to the north was a ship slow making its way towards the Island and it crew was releasing a murderous intent.

"The black cat pirates…hmmm… looks like tonight I spill blood" said Luffy with a sinister smile.

He flew off in the direction of the black cat pirates, for tonight they will seize to exist.