With the sun now risen, Luffy had arrived back at Syrup Village, he landed at set out to look for his crew. What he didn't know was his activates of the night were not a secret.
A few miles away from the sinking remains of the black cat pirate ship, Bezan Black just out of the [sage sense] range was a marine vessel. The marine had been following the Bezan Black for a couple of days hoping to catch its captain who went missing a couple of years ago.
Marine intelligence had long suspected that the captain Kuro of the black cat pirates had faked his death so that he could drop off the grid. However they picked up chatter that Don Quixote Doflamingo was planning on expanding his influence in the east blue with the help of a shipping tycoon called Klahadore.
After further investigation, they discovered that Klahadore had a striking resemblance to Kuro of a Hundred Plans, captain of the black cat pirates. They eventually found out how Jango used hypnosis on Morgan making him believe that he defeated Kuro.
The marine HQ a signed a vessel to monitor Kuro and see if he really is in business with Don Quixote Doflamingo. If he was, they would leave him because of Don Quixote Doflamingo identity as an Oka Shichibukai and if not they are to move in an arrest him.
During their surveillance on his ship, the marines noticed an unidentified man on the ship deck.
"Ma'am, there is something happening on the Bezan black." Said a marine to ship captain.
The captain walked in to the porotype video surveillance room design by Dr Vega Punk himself and began to watch the imagines coming in.
"Okay, what am I looking at…interesting… who is the mysterious stranger" she asked.
"We don't know, he just fell out of the sky"
"Hmmm" was the captain's reply.
Everyone in the room began to watch as the mysterious stranger was now being confronted by one of the ship's crew and with a wave of his hand the man spilt in two.
"A devil fruit user, probably a wind type fruit" said the captain.
The video then went on to show him pass his hand through a man's chest with on difficulty, then crush the neck of another followed by setting them on fire.
Everyone in the room was shocked by such brutality, but it wasn't over. The crew of the ship came out on the deck to fight but were captured by mysterious black chains. Those who escaped in to the sea were thrown back in to the ship by the sea (A/N: Moana).
The marines couldn't look away from the screen.
They watched as the mysterious stranger began to levitate off the boat, then strike a man with lightning and then finish of the ship and crew with a giant fire ball.
Silence filled the room as they watched the stranger levitating watching the ship burn. The video was able to display his face but all they could see was his purple eyes reflecting in the burn ambers of the ship. He then turned around and flew away.
"Was the video being recorded?" suddenly aske the captain.
"Yes ma'am" came a reply.
"Send it to marine HQ, the admirals need to see this" she said. The captain then went back to her office and closed the door.
When she closed her door, she fell on her knees and began to shake. It was the first time in her life she felt pure fear. The man in the video killed with just a wave of his hand.
One top of that he can manipulate wind, water because the sea water was clearly begin controlled to lift those who escaped and put them back in the ship, then there was the lightning and fire.
"What devil fruit gives someone that much power? Only an admiral can stop a monster like that… and then those eyes, there was no emotion in them what so ever."
"SHIT he can even fly…" she then proceeded to slap herself across the chick.
"Get you shit together Hina, you are a marine you have no fear"
BARABARA….BARABARA… came the sound of her den den meshi.
She picks up and answers "Hello"
"Hina, I need your help at Logue town. The pirate presence is increasing, how soon can you be here?"
"Smoker I am on an assignment right now, I can't leave my post."
Right then a marine walked in, "Ma'am, HQ ordered us to abort surveillance there is a big possibility Kuro will be dead before days end and we shouldn't engage the mysterious stranger until the footage has been reviewed."
"Turns out am free Smoker, I will be there soon."
Luffy located his crew at Usopp's house. When he opened the door they were all laying on the ground suffering the effects of hangover.
"AHH, just shut up" said Nami holding her aching head as she throw a shoe at him.
"Looks like you guys had a lot of fun without me."
"Any way all of freshen up and meet me down by the beach." Said Luffy as he walked out.
Two hours later the straw hat crew was gathered around a small bonfire that had some fish being cooked above it.
Luffy looked around the group and said "I have gathered you here today for our first meeting as the straw hat crew to discuss Usopp's problem."
Usopp was confused, "what problem do I he have?" he thought to himself.
"The love of his life is about to get married to another man. I feel like this will affect his efficiency in the crew…*dramatic pause*… so I say we storm the wedding, steal the bride, some grand thief vessel and then hit the sea for some awesome adventures."
"So are you all in or am I doing this by myself?" he asked his crew.
"We are in" answered Nami for everybody else.
Usopp spoke up "you don't have to do this for me"
Luffy looked at Usopp and then asked "Zoro, why are we doing this for Usopp?"
"Because it's the captain's orders and the captain wants Usopp to get laid"
Luffy nodded his head, "you hear that Usopp, am your wing man so go get cleaned up, today you get laid."
Kuina and Nami rolled the eyes "Is sex all that men think about?" they thought to themselves.
"YES" answered Luffy, Zoro and Usopp as if they could read their minds.
Luffy stood up, picked a stick and began to draw in the sand.
"This is the plan. Me, Kuina and Zoro will enter through the front and make a commotion while Usopp and Nami will sneak in the back, grab the bride, then make your way to the mansion's dock were you will steal a ship and wait for us 30 minutes east of the Island."
"Any questions?" he asked
"Good… eat up and have your things packed we leave this Island today."