In a mansion on the hill was a garden decorated with flowers, chair placements and an arch that leads to a podium where a minster was waiting. It was a typical wedding set up.
Kaya stood in front of a mirror looking at her appearance in a white dress, she looked so beautiful. But unlike most women celebrating their wedding day, she was not happy. She was marrying a man she had no feelings for so that she could make her father happy.
"Why me? Don't I deserve happiness?" She thought to herself as an image of a long nosed, afro haired, story teller of a man appeared in her mind.
"I hope he finds happiness, a least one of us should be happy" she said out loud.
A voice suddenly replied, "How can I possible find happiness without you."
Kaya turned around, an on the windowsill sat the love of her life, Usopp.
"What are you doing here?" she asked.
"I have joined the straw hat crew so I am leaving the Island and I probably won't be coming back for a while."
"Oh… I see, are you here to say good bye?" asked as tears began to run down her face.
"No, I am here to kidnap you and take you with me. How could can I just stand and watch you marry someone else?"
Kaya was surprised by his reply. Kidnapping is too extreme of a way to show his love for her, but it gave her an idea.
"If I was kidnapped form my wedding, then I wouldn't have broken my word to my father. Yes this could work" she thought to herself.
"Usopp I give you permission to kidnap me"
"Ahh… okay" said Usopp. He walked forward carried Kaya, princess hold style and then went out the window.
When he landed on the ground he was surrounded by 10 mansion guards or more like what is left of the black cat pirates.
"Miss where do you think you are going, your fiancée is waiting on you"
Usopp didn't expect to get discovered so soon, it is a good thing he had back up.
Nami appeared welding a bow staff knocking out 2 guards before they even released what was going on, it was enough to create and opening
"RUN" she said.
Nami, Usopp and Kaya in hand ran towards the mansion docks.
"GET THEM NOW" said one of the guards. But the guards couldn't move for the solid ground became as soft as sand and they slowly began to sink in.
Then came the sound of silence as the guards were all sucked in to the ground.
Nami, Usopp and Kaya got to the dock when they noticed no one was following them.
"HAHA we lost them, quickly get on the ship it's time to leave" said Nami.
On hearing the commotion outside Kuro walked out the room, when one of his men approached him.
"Sir we are under attack by an unknown group of individuals"
Kuro felt an anger that he had never felt before bubble up from the darkest point in his soul. The one thing that pisses him off the most is when his plan doesn't proceed as intended.
"Looks like I have to do everything myself, Where are the intruders now?" he asked.
"They in the gardens"
Kuro went to his room and picked up a long wooden box, then went down stairs and out in to the garden.
When he arrived at the garden what his saw unsettled him.
…a few moments earlier….
Luffy and his crew reached the mansions gate an hour before the wedding began.
"Usopp, Nami, you will fine Kaya in her room. Be careful there are guards on that side of the house."
Nodding their heads Nami and Usopp went to carry out their side of the mission.
Luffy looked at Kuina and Zoro with a serious face and said "Kuina, Zoro, there is something I want to tell you. The employees of this mansion are all pirates. And I want them dead, will this be a problem?"
A grim appeared on Zoro and Kuina's face. "No problem" they said.
"Good, let's get started." Kuina and Zoro nodded and then went on the mansion to carryout there orders.
Most of the pirates were in the garden waiting for the ceremony to begin. When they spotted a three sword green haired man and a pretty dark blue haired woman carrying a white sword.
The duo didn't say anything they just draw their swords and began cutting down anyone in sight.
SLASH, SLASH, PLASH, PLASH… came the sound of swords cutting pirates in to pieces. Some tried to put up a fight but it was useless, the duo were just too strong.
Luffy entered the garden and found died pirate piece all over the ground.
"So how was it?" he asked them
"It was too easy"
"I agree, we would like a challenge"
"Worry not, your challenge is about to walk in."
On cue, Kuro walked in to the garden.
"You have missed up my well thought out plan, do you have any words before I kill you."
Luffy laughed and said "Kuro captain of the black cat pirates and now it's only surviving member."
"I see, so up wiped out my crew right"
"Yes, a few hours ago, but I think I just helped you out didn't I"
"Yes, I was planning on killing them all, you know to clear up my past so to say."
Kuro then open the wooden box and in it were a pair of black gloves with long blades attached to them. He put on his gloves and took a battle stance, "Let's finish this" he said.
Zoro and Kuina prepared themselves to attack, when Luffy said "Zoro, Kuina stand down, he is already dead"
Zoro was about to asked what he meant, when there was a sound of a gun shoot followed by Kuro's brain exploding out his head.
"What where did that come from?"
"Look up"
In the sky was a woman carrying every kind of weapon ever made on her back minus a tactically nuke. She was standing on the back of a huge man in an orange jacket with his teeth showing, floating in the air.
Luffy saw them and thought to himself "Baby 5 and Buffalo…interesting"
"Don Quixote Doflamingo, doesn't entertain failure and you Kuro failed to deliver" with that said, she and Buffalo flow away.
"So Kuro was in bed with Don Quixote Doflamingo… I didn't see that coming" thought Luffy.
"Who the fuck were those?" asked Zoro.
"Our future enemies when we get to the grand line. Don't worry about it for now, it's a problem for another time."
A few minutes later, Luffy and the duo made their way to the beach by Usopp's house where their new ship, the going merry was waiting for them.
"So did you take care of everything" asked Nami as Luffy, Zoro and Kuina boarded the ship.
"Yeah, everything worked out just fine"
"So where to next? Are we heading to the grand line?"
"Not yet, we still haven't had the date you promised me back in Orange town" he said with a smile.
Nami smiled back and said "That is true. So do you have any places in mind?"
"Yeah, there is this restaurant on a ship, I hear they serve great food"
"HAHA… sure, but I don't have a dinner dress"
Luffy grabbed Nami by her waist and pulled her towards him and held her close with zero distance between them. He could feel her soft breasts pressed against his body causing him to harden.
"Control yourself" he thought to himself.
He then lifted Nami's face to look her directly in her brown eyes, "I will be focused on your beautiful face, not what you are wearing"
This comment caused Nami to blush as she pushed her face into his chest to hide her face.
"I can't wait for the date" she said.