Luffy seat on the front deck deep in his inner mind, as the night sky turned in to day. When he finally open his eyes, a smile appeared on his face.

"I have done it" he said out loud. With a single thought a black orb appeared in front of him.

"AHAHAHAAHA…. Yes, I am officially a weapon user now" he said as the black orb floated in front of him.

DING…. Elementalist perfection reached…., came the notification, followed by, DING…. Second path requirements reached… second path unlocked

"Sweet, finally the second path is unlocked."

He began to think about wanted his second path could be when another system notification appeared.

Ding…..system update [duration: 10 seconds]…

When the notification appeared he felt a wave warm of energy wash over him. It was like the energy prepared his body for the next stage of his growth.

"HAHAHAHAHAH… this is an awesome feeling, lot better than sex"

"Would you like sex sage to be your next path…" came the voice of the system. This is the first time the system ever asked anything, most of the time it just announces his power ups.

"Would you like sex sage to be your next path..." it asked again

"Fuck no" replied Luffy, why would he waste a path on sex, he is doing just fine.

It then occurred to Luffy "Can I choose my next path?"

"Yes, the host reserves the right to choose their path form this point forward." For the second time that day, the system did something new.

"You can now talk to me?" he asked

"Yes, the system has host-system interaction function. But this is only the trail vision. To unlock full vision you must met the requirements."

"Of course I have to, you wouldn't wanted to make it to easy" he said

Luffy them asked, "How long will the trail vision last?"

"5 minutes at with point you will pass out form energy depletion, so I adverse you to ask all the question you need answers to….fast"

Luffy began to panic, only 5 minutes to think up questions he needs answers took, he needed more time.

"4 minutes 28 seconds left think fast"

"Ok I get it…how do I choose my next path?"

"Something will call to you, try to understand it and the system will take over from there, which is how you learnt elemental manipulation"

"How did I get Rinnegan?"

"It was a reward form the system, each host gets a different reward, the host before you got a dragon soul and went on to become a true god dragon sage….. 3 minutes 10 seconds left"

"Wait there were other hosts before me…then how did I get the system?"

"When a host dies or reaches a point where the system has nothing left to offer, the system uninstalls and moves on to a new host though random selection"

Luffy was sad after hearing that, he was not that special after all. The system could have gone to anyone.

"2 minutes 0 seconds left"

"What is the highest realm I can achieve?"

"That is determined by your path. But most who don't die become gods."

"So I can become a god."

"Yes, but things will get harder with each path you open and even harder with the path you choose."

"1 minute 40 seconds left"

"Are you the only system out there?"

"NO, there are multiple systems in the multiverse, for example in this world alone there are 2 system users"

"WHAT" he shouted out loud "there 2 users in this world… who are they?"

"Sorry, I can't answer that, privacy is granted to all system users as well as the functionalities of their systems… 59 seconds left"

Luffy's mind was buzzing but he didn't have time to process this much information his trail was all most running out.

"Is it possible for me to pass on skills to other people?"

"Yes, but you haven't met the requirements to do that. However you can trying passing natural energy though then, see what happens…. 40 seconds left"

"You keep saying requirements not met, what are these requirements?"

"I can't answer that… but I can give you a hint. Do you want me to give you a hint? …. 20 seconds left"

"Yes, quickly" he replied

"I will give you two hints that are connected. First is a balloon being filled with water at a tap and second is your stats."

"What!!! where is the connection?" he asked

"Trail over" and with this words form the system Luffy was covered in darkness as he blacked out. He had run out of stamina.

…Moments later…

Luffy woke up and the fast thing he saw was Nami, Kuina and the rest of the crew standing around him. He sat up and released he was in his room.

"Are you okay?" they all asked at the same time.

"We have been trying to wake you up for the past hour but you weren't responding" said Nami

Luffy was touched by their concern, "yes am okay. I had a breakthrough and used up a lot of energy but I am okay now….really."

There was a sigh of relief form his crew.

"Could you all please leave my room, I have some thinking I would like to do" said Luffy.

They all made their way towards the exit, Kuina stopped and said "Don't push yourself to much"

With a smile he replied "I won't"

When everyone was out of his room, Luffy began to organise and process his thoughts form the interaction with the system. What stood out to him the most was:

Firstly, there are other system users even in the one piece world. The question is who are the one piece system users and what functionalities do there systems have?

Secondly, the existence of the multiverse. Are there ways to travel to other worlds? And if so, can I travel to Naruto and get me some cougar action with Tsunade.

Thirdly, I am not the first person to have this system.

Luffy sighed to himself, "I liked my life better when I didn't know all this, now all I have are more questions"

He looked up at the ceiling hoping to answers.

Pushing the questions aside for now he began to focus on the hints the system gave him.

He imagined a balloon being filled with water, it began to swell until it bust.

"How does it related to my stats?" … then the answer hit him.

The balloon bust because the flow of water wasn't stopped.

"I see, so the balloon is my body, and the water is the natural energy, take too much and I will pop. So guess the stats show how much my body can handle"

"So that means "requirements not met" means my body can't handle it"

Luffy thought for a moment when I an idea came to him, "what if the water wasn't flowing in to a balloon but in to a basin or a bathtub or even a swimming pool… it would hold a lot more water before it gets filled"

"I need to strengthen my body… but how?"