Luffy didn't let his inability to solve his current predicament put him down, for he had finally formed his truth seeking orb. With a thought it appeared in front of him.
"Okay let's see if this will work"
Luffy imagined the orb taking the form of a katana and the orb turned in to a sleek black katana.
"Nice, it worked" he reached out and held the katana. He could feel the power of the elements flowing through it.
He thought about fire and with a small swing of the sword, fire flow out of the katana blade.
"So freaking cool, I have to trying this out on a large scale." Getting off his bed with the black katana in hand, he ran up to the top deck.
When he reached, he found that the whole crew was on the deck and they were looking at something. He approached them and that's when he noticed there was a huge wreaked ship docked near the Baratie. Luffy saw the tattered jolly roger and remembered were it was form, "Krieg Pirates."
He looked at the deep sword marks left on the Krieg pirate ship's hall and he knew, only a sword master could do this.
"Wait if they are near that means…"
He quickly sent out his [sage sense] in all directions looking for something, and he found it. It was a small boat, on it was a man wearing a hat with what looked like a cross on his back a sleep.
"Hawkeye is coming" he said with a smile.
All of a sudden a voice shouted out, "I am Don Krieg and I will be taking all the ships here to recreate my fleet starting with the floating restaurant."
"Does any of you have a problem with that?" he asked.
"Yeah, I do" said Luffy as he jumped off his ship and landed in front of Don Krieg.
"You see I have just gotten this ship I can't just give it away" Luffy said.
"But if you bet me in a duel you can have it"
"Sure, if you want to die I will help you" replied Don Krieg.
Don Krieg removed his clock and under he was wearing goldish armour form his neck down to his legs and also his arms and fists. "Let's begin" he said. Punching his fists together, Don Krieg launched himself at Luffy swinging at him with his right fist.
Luffy responded by swing his black katana to meet Krieg's fist. When sword and fist collided, the sword just went through Krieg's fist across his arm and separated his head form his body at the shoulder area.
Krieg's head flow up in the air and land down on the Baratie deck. There was silence as everyone absorbed what had happened.
"Fuck me, this sword is sharp" said Luffy as he looked at the black katana.
He looked around and saw everyone looking at him with fear. "What I didn't know that was going to happen?" he said.
He looked at Krieg's decapitated body and he saw how clean the cut was. "This is a very sharp sword". He point his katana at the body and flames shoot out the tip turning it in to ash.
He then turned to the remaining Krieg pirates, "If you stay any longer you will become like you captain". Like the cowards they were, they all jumped back into to their ship wreak and set sail in the direction of the approaching Hawkeye.
Luffy turned to his crew, "crew meeting in the restaurant" he said as he entered the Baratie. Seeing there captain work in to the restaurant they followed.
When everyone was seated, Luffy spoke "we will be heading to Conomi Islands. Nami has a problem which we need to solve before we head to the grand line."
Luffy looked at Nami and gave her a small smile. She held his hand and nodded her head, she knew it was time to face her fears.
"Zoro, Kuina… a man is heading in our direction as we speak, his name is Dracule Mihawk, and he is the strongest swords man in the world"
Zoro and Kuina weren't the only one's shocked, everyone else was as well. This was the first time Luffy acknowledge some else was strong.
"I want you to observe our duel and see want you can learn from it" he said.
Dracule Mihawk destroyed what was left of the Krieg pirate ships and was planning to go have a drink with Shanks when a crew survivor spoke up " you may be strong but there is a straw hat man on the restaurant ship who can defeat you"
"Shanks is here, I thought he was on the grand line" Mihawk said to himself, he jumped in to his boat and head towards the Baratie
"I am coming old friend"
Luffy was waiting for Mihawk's arrival when Sanji appeared in front of him.
"I am sorry I over charged you yesterday, here is your money back, the meal is on the house." Sanji appeared to have a bump on his head meaning Chef Zeff must have knocked some sense in to him.
"HAHAHA... no hard feelings, so do you want to join my crew and sail the world"
"NO" Sanji said as he walked away.
Luffy was about to follow Sanji, when fog started to appear on the sea. The air was still as the wind seemed to stop blowing. Form the fog came out a small boat with a man standing on it.
The man disappeared form the boat and arrived inside the restaurant. He looked around until he spotted Luffy wearing a straw hat and appeared in front of him.
He looked at Luffy with his cold eyes and asked "Who are you?"