"Who are you?" asked Mihawk.

Luffy looked at his cold eyes, any normal person would be intimidate, he wasn't. He formed a fist and punched out at Mihawk.

Mihawk saw the attack coming in slow motion but for some reason he couldn't dodge it. So he quickly brought his hands in front of his chest and formed an X right as the attack landed.

BOOM came the sound of an air shock wave as Mihawk was thrown out the restaurant by the force of Luffy's punch.

He landed outside on the small landing platform of the Baratie and tried to gather his bearing.

"What a powerful fist?" he said out loud. He then watched as the straw hat man slow walked out the restaurant.

"You took the full blunt of my fist and are able to brush it off, Damn you really are something" said Luffy.

"To be honest your speed and power got me off guard, you don't look like a fighter at all. If I may ask what is your name?"

"Monkey D Luffy *performs a gentleman's bow* and it's a pleasure to meet the in famous Dracule Mihawk"

"Yes I am. I gather form your attack earlier that you are one of those foolish souls that wish to duel me and make a name for yourself"

"Nah… give me one week in the grand line and even you will come looking for my autograph. The reason I want to duel you is because of them *points to Zoro and Kuina* they walk the path of the sword and I want to show them what a master level sword fight looks like, given I barely know how to use a sword…..but I will figure it out"

"So this is for your crew mates and not for yourself… interesting, then let's begin." He said as he draw a small knife for the cross around his neck.

Luffy laughed when he saw the knife, "you really aren't taking me seriously are you Dracule"

"Zeff would you so kind as to rise the second platform, I don't people to say I won because the conditions were in my favour."

Zeff nodded to one of his chefs who went inside and began to rise the second platform underneath the ship.

"This platform was design to create a beautiful dining area under the stars by the sea, but a duel can work as well" said Zeff.

With the second platform now risen, the battle area had increased.

Luffy held his hand out as the truth seeking orb appeared and then took form of a sleek black katana, and with a smile he "shall we begin."

Dracule as well as everyone present where shocked at how Luffy created a weapon from nothing.

"So you are a devil fruit user, is that why you are so confident you can beat?"

Luffy just raised his sword and said "Enough talk, let's fight." He disappeared and appeared behind Dracule and swung his sword at his back.

He responded by bring his knife to guard the attack. The moment it met the black blade of the katana it was cut in half. On seeing this Dracule pushed off the ground and distanced himself from Luffy.

He looked at his halved knife and said "You have a very sharp sword" he said.

Luffy laughed, "You have no idea." And on cue a blood line could be seen across Dracule's chest as a slash wound appeared.

"What the…" Dracule was shocked, there was no sword energy in that attack but he still took damage. He looked at the black katana in Luffy's hands, "how did he do it" he thought to himself.

"You are probably wondering how I did it right… I am sure you will figure it out"

Dracule no longer took Luffy as a joke, he draw his large sword, Black Sword Kokuto Yoru, "Now you have my attention". He them launched himself towards Luffy.

"Lucky me" replied Luffy as he went and received Dracule's attack.

When the blades met, there was a flash of light, followed by a bust of pressure causing the wooden deck below to crack. The spectators on the side were blown off their feet and fell down on their asses.

"Incredible" said Zoro and Kuina. This was the first time watching such as sword duel.

Luffy and Dracule were forced a part by their exchange. Dracule saw the sea now behind Luffy and he got an idea "Devil fruit user's weakness is the sea, so get him in to the sea"

He then risen his sword with one hand, the air around him began to distort and then made a down ward slash. This created a wave of greenish sword energy to shoot towards Luffy.

Luffy smiled because this was the same attack he used at marine HQ against whitebeard and the Moby dick. He brought his katana in front of him he then infused it with natural energy, wind and lightning and swung at the sword energy attack.

Luffy was able to receive the attack head on reflect some of it to the sky, however the sword energy that was left was able to push him of the wooden platform in to the sea.

Dracule was shocked when he saw his attack diverted in to the air, but this turned into a grin when he saw Luffy begin blown towards the sea. But his mind was blown when he saw what happened next.

Luffy performed a back flip and landed on the sea.

Dracule could believe his eyes, Luffy was standing on the sea smiling at him, "HAHAHA... you thought I was going to fall into the sea and be powerless, right"

"What the hell are you?" he asked Luffy. Luffy walked on the sea towards the wooden platform and jump back on to it.

He looked at the damaged wooden platform then at Dracule, "the world is a big place, not all power users are devil fruits users"

Luffy then waved his hand over the damaged wooden deck with wood energy and the wooden deck began to heal itself. "It would be wise of you to not think me a devil fruit user…I am far more powerful than them"

Dracule laughed and returned his sword back to his back "this was really an interesting day, but something tells me neither of us are going to go all out on this boat, so how about we reschedule."

"Sure, but before you go, I have a favour to ask of you."

"Why should I do you a favour?"

"Because I would owe you?"

"Thank sounds like a great deal, so what do you want of me?"

"I would like you to take Zoro and Kuina and train them in the way of the sword. Right now I am not powerful enough to train them and if they stay with me it will hinder there growth"

"Okay that seem easy" replied Dracule.

Luffy called Zoro and Kuina, "you will be going with him, he will train you for a while until I come find you, do you agree?"

At heart Zoro and Kuina were excited, after watching the fight, they to wanted wield a sword with such power so when a chance to learn from a master came, how could they turn it down.

"Yes I am willing" replied Zoro.

"I want to learn" said Kuina.

"Good, you must take chances whenever they came. But before you go I must talk with you both"

"I will be waiting in the restaurant for you to finish up" said Dracule.

Luffy looked at the duo and told then, "Follow me"

In captain's room crossed legged on the floor sat Kuina and Zoro. Behind them was Luffy with his hand on their back passing natural energy in to the bodies.

Not only was he doing that, he was also placing a seal on them, the seal of the flying thunder god technique. It was meant to help him find them when the time was right.

After the session was done he asked them how they felt.

"My body feels a lot lighter" said Zoro

"I feel a lot stronger" said Kuina

"Good, I open your energy path ways. Your body will be able to absorb a lot of energy and recover faster. This will make your training a lot easier"

"Now go say bye to your crew mates" said Luffy.