Dracule sat at a table waiting for his students to arrive. He was recalling the fight he just had.

It all began with the sneak attack punch. He was unable to dodge it, not because it came to fast but because some force was restraining his body movements.

Then there was the sword attack that split his knife and draw blood. It wasn't sword energy, it was something else.

But what shocked him the most wasn't the fact that he was able to deal with his attack easily, no it was the sight of Luffy walking on water.

"Is it his own vision of Rokushiki Geppo, or maybe it's something else *sigh* I think I will pay Shanks a visit since he did mention Luffy's name in passing, maybe he can give me some answers."

Dracule didn't have to wait long before Zoro and Kuina appeared. He looked at them and realised there was something different about them.

"Interesting, very interesting they seem to have under gone some form of metamorphosis in such a short period of time…what did he do to them" he said to himself.

He stood up and approached them, he looked at Kuina then Zoro, then walked out without saying anything.

Dracule reached his boat and released it was too small to carry all of them.

"You can use this boat, it's the belonged to a pirate named Baggy…not that you care"

"I really don't…so when will you come looking for your crewmates?" he asked Dracule.

"When I am powerful enough, I will come find them, and maybe we can finish our duel without worrying about collateral damage"

"I look forward to that day" and with that said, he got on to the boat with Zoro. Kuina paused and looked at Luffy and said "stay safe until we met again"

Luffy walked up to her, kissing her he replied "Don't worry about me, there isn't much that can hurt me." She just smiled and with one more kiss, she got into the boat and left with Dracule and Zoro.

"I can't wait to see how powerful they get"

He turned his back to the disappearing boat and walked towards his ship.

When he got on board he was surprise by what he found there, it was Sanji with a bag containing his belongings.

"I thought you didn't want to join my crew"

"Yeah…I thought you were just a skirt chaser pretending at being captain. But after witnessing your fight earlier I released that you will do great things in this world and I would like to be part of that"

Luffy was planning to assemble the original crew of the straw hat because he felt that each of them plays a role, so accepting Sanji was a no brainer.

"Welcome to the straw hats." He said as he held put his hand for a hand shake.

"I am glad to be hear"

"I hope you have all your affairs in order because we are setting off right now."

With the sails of the going merry drawn, it pulled away from Baratie and set course for Conomi Islands, Cocoyasi Village.

The straw hat crew had now been two days in to their journey to Cocoyasi Village and every one was doing their own thing.

Nami and Kaya were in the bikinis enjoying a sun bath with Sanji hovering acting as a man servant, cratering to their demands.

Luffy thought this sight would bother him but he was confident in his manhood so he decided to do the one thing he really wanted to do ever since coming to this world, and was to fire a cannon.

"I have always wanted to fire on of these" he said to Usopp. He load a metal ball and pointed it towards the sea.

"Me to" replied Usopp as he watch Luffy light the fuse.

BOOM, came the sound of the cannon as the metal ball flow out and slashed in to the sea about 4 seconds later.

"That looks awesome, can I have a go?" asked Usopp.

Luffy helped Usopp load the cannon and watched him take aim and fire.

"That was so cool, I just wish we had something to fire"

"I agree but there is nothing out here in any direction"

"That sucks… now what do we do?"

"We demand Sanji to feed us"

"I like that idea"

Luffy then called out to Sanji, "We are hungry, feed us"

"I guess it time for lunch" said Sanji as he went in to the kitchen to prepare a meal.

After 2 hours of waiting the meal was ready every one seat at the table and began to enjoy.

Of a sudden Nami spoke up "Luffy, I have a question, I had you tell Dracule that you aren't a devil fruit user, so how are you able to do what you do?"

When he had Nami's question, he debated if he should tell them the truth. But looking around the table he saw the look and their faces, it was a look of anticipation.

Luffy sighed "it's difficult to explain, but what I can tell you is I able to use the natural energy that exists in the world to manipulate the different elements"

There was a look of confusion on their faces.

"Watch this, maybe you will understand" said Luffy as he raised both his hands.

In the right hand small balls of fire, water, wind, earth and lightning appeared and in his left hand there was small balls of ice, magma, sand and wooden.

"What you are seeing are elements I have control over. Awesome right"

Luffy enjoyed watching the faces of his crew change form confusion to shock and even hints of fear.

"It's that a bit too much" asked Usopp

"HAHA you haven't seen anything yet, all of you follow me" Luffy said as he left the dining area.

When everyone was on the deck, Luffy asked "Nami, which direction is you village form here and how long would it take to get there?"

"It's north west about a day out. Why do you ask?"

Luffy just smiled and placed his hand on the ship deck. He ship began to rise off the sea and float on to the air.

"What is happening?" was the questions they all asked as the ship began floating.

"Relax things are about to get really interesting" said Luffy. He then called on wind to act on the ship sail causing the ship to fly across the sky heading North West.

Luffy turned to his crew to see how they were fairing with the sudden air transportation and he liked what he saw, there was no fear, there were just smiles as the embraced this amazing experience.

"So much fun wooowhoooo"

"Why didn't we do this be for"

"I am flying, I am really flying"

Luffy laughed "I am glad you are enjoying yourself"

After a few minutes of flight Luffy brought the ship to land on the sea as Conomi Island appeared in the distance.

"We have reached" said Nami.