In a bed room on a bed was Nami on her knees and hands, with her jeans stripped off with Luffy behind her preparing to drill for water.

"Luffy are you sure we should be doing this here, the walls are so thin my sister will hear. Why don't we go back to the ship and have some privacy"

Luffy had what Nami was saying but why would he do that. The reason he wanted to have hot steamy sex with her here and now was because he knew Nojiko was outside the room with the door cracked a little open looking in. The idea was to fuck Nami hard enough to cause the peeper Nojiko to be affected by the sexual atmosphere so that when he makes his move she won't resist.

The other reasons for doing this because he (the clone) hadn't had sex with Nami yet, it was all the original. He had to test her for himself and beating the original to Nojiko's pussy was just a bonus.

"You say we should go the ship for privacy but you are already wet and ready to go, so why wait" So the clone Luffy placed his cock on the already wet pussy and entered the tight and warm tunnel.

Nami moaned as she felt the hot cock go all the way through her pussy to touch the entrance of her cervix. It sent a current though her and she cum immediately.

Luffy felt her pussy tighten and cum, causing him to think, "Shit we have just began and you have already cum… I am much better than the original"

Nojiko was no illiterate when it came to sex, so when she saw the huge cock of Luffy enter Nami and she moan then fall forward, she knew Nami had cum seconds after penetration.

"Fuck he is that good" she whispered softly. What she didn't know was Luffy senses could pick up the faintest of sounds, even her soft whisper

Clone Luffy had a smile on his face when he had Nojiko's whisper. "Just a little more drilling in Nami and the rich pussy deposits of Nojiko will be a go for mining"

He pulled out of Nami and was prepared to go when deeper though her pussy in to her cervix, when there was a bright flash of light than seem to cover the entire world, then the earth began to shake. This caused him to fall over on to his back.

When the shaking stopped, Nami got off the bed and looked out the window, "What was that?" she asked

"That was a cock block from a mile away" thought clone Luffy. He got to his feet and noticed Nojiko was laying on the floor in front of him with her eyes were glued on his still, firm and massive cock.

The earthquake had cause her to fall in to the room through the crack open door.

Luffy was looking at her lusting eyes, when she grabbed him by his cock and forced in to her mouth. He didn't resist the oral massage and began moving his cock in and out of her mouth. She grabbed his ass and forced more of his cock deeper in to her mouth, but having had his cock in Nami's tight pussy, he didn't last long before he shot his seed in to her mouth.

On receiving Luffy's warm cum in her mouth, Nojiko quickly got up and left the room. This all happens so fast that Nami who was still looking out the window at the mushroom cloud didn't notice.

Luffy looked at Nojiko's tight retreating ass in firm skinny jeans and thought, "I need to get in to those jeans".

When a voice form Nami spoke "I think that is Arlong Park"

She then turned and looked at him, "Luffy we need to go see what happened." She quickly got dressed and walked out of the room, Luffy did the same and followed her.

When they got in to the yard, Usopp, Kaya and Sanji were there and could be seen looking at the now dissipating mushroom cloud in the distance.

"Okay people, get ready we are going to investigate the cause of the explosion" said Luffy as he looked at his crew.

"Can I join you?" asked Nojiko as she walked out of the house.

"Sure sis… you have some cream at the side of your mouth" said Nami as she wiped the cream form Nojiko with her thumb then lick it.

Nami was shocked because it wasn't cream it tasted like cum, Luffy's cum to be more precise. She looked at her sister who was now blushing, then at Luffy who suddenly found the sky more interesting.

"Luffy, why is your cum on my sister's mouth" she asked.

"No time to explain, we need to get going" he replied

"OOHHH, trust me there is enough time" said Nami.

Luffy then raised his hands in defeat, "Okay this is what happened…"

Luffy didn't intend to finish that statement, he quickly gather wind around him, Nami, Nojiko, and the rest and shot off flying carrying them with him heading towards ground zero.

Original Luffy was floating in the air looking at the destruction, "hmmm I think I over did it. This an attack you use on an admiral not on a second rate pirate. I am sure I got the attention of the whole island"

He then sent his [sage sense] out to sea, he needed to find Capt. Nezumi's marine ship and make it disappear. He can't have the marines coming here to investigate, he wasn't yet ready to deal with them.

He found a ship a few miles from Arlong park coast line, and he flew towards it. Even before he reached it he could tell it was a marine vessel just form its paint work.

He land on the ship to investigate it. The ship seem to be abandon, there was no sign of life. "Did he take his entire crew to the party with Arlong… well that saves me the burden to 'taking care of witnesses'…"

As he was about to walk off the ship and sink it, he noticed a crate marked DON'T TOUCH, deliver to Cipher Pol training centres 007 and 009. Like any normal human being, he wanted to see what was in the crate, so he punched the crate open.

Inside the crate he found five weird looking fruits and a book. He looked closer at the fruits and had a realisation, "Devil fruits…"

Luffy smiled, he got his hand on devil fruits. He had planned to storm and murder black market traders until he got some devil fruits. He wanted to experiment on them, find out the reason for devil fruit users weakness to the sea, solve it and then give them to his crew.

A crew of devil fruit users without a weakness to the sea and sea stones, the sea would belong to them.

Luffy then turned his attention to the book, it was skill training manual for a martial arts skill called Rokushiki.

"HAHAHA… looks like fate wants the straw hats to rule the sea." He packed the fruits and martial arts skill book in his bag, then placed his hand on the deck reducing the weight of the ship.

He flow a few feet from the marine ship and watched it float off in to space. He knew if he sank it, there might be some debris that the marines may find and track back to this island and he couldn't have that before his crew was powerful enough.

With the marine sea vessel now a space vessel he flow back to what remained of Arlong Park.

Clone Luffy and the straw hat crew landed and the remains of Arlong Park.

"AHH…" cried everyone as they landed .Unlike Luffy flying without anything carrying them was a new experience.

Nami was the first person to recover, she looked at Luffy and said "next time warn us before you do". Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, while Nojiko asked "What the hell… how did you do that?"

"I will explain later… and don't think I have forgotten about the cream…we shall talk later." Nami replies.

She then walks towards Arlong Park remains. All that was left was lava pit that was steaming as sea water was filling in to it.

"What happened?" she said.

"Looks like Arlong pissed off the wrong person" replied Nojiko.

Nami turned and looked at Luffy, he was the only person she knew that could do something like this, but he was with her and apparently her sister, so who did it.

She looked at the lava pool and reminded her days locked in a tower drawing maps for the man that killed her mother and the loneliness as there was no one by her side.

That is when Luffy came and hugged her form the back and whispered in her ear, "His gone now, no one will ever hurt you again as long as I am here."

Nami smiled, she had finally found her support.

Luffy let go of her and said "Will all of excuse me, I will be right back". And with that he flew off the ground in to the sky heading towards the sea.

Floating in the air in front of him was Luffy original.

"So you just had to cause a big commotion as you took care of Arlong" he said.

"My bad…in my defence I didn't think my small sun would go off like a nuclear bomb." Replied original Luffy.

"So are you cancelling the shadow clone jutsu?" asked the clone.

Original thought for a moment before he replied "NO… I plan on heading out in to the world by myself for a while. I need to find my second path"

"So what so you want me to do?" asked the clone.

Luffy removes a book form his back pack and throws it at the clone and says "I need you to train them all in this martial arts"

Clone looked at the book, he then received memories from the original about how he got the book and devil fruits, "I understand…how long will you been gone"

"About a six months. By then Zoro and Kuina will strong enough in the way of the sword."

"And the devil fruits?"

"I need to experiment with them for a bit, then I will give them to the crew"

The clone understood the originals objectives, and even he was inspired.

"So have you had sex with Nami yet… I have a feeling it's the fast think you would do"

"I was just about to begin when you dropped a nuke on Arlong Park"

"HAHAHAHA… now that's some next level cock blocking"

"That's what I also thought, but I did get Nojiko to give me a blow job… It was glorious"

Original Luffy was a bit pissed with his clone getting a step ahead of him, but he knew there was still Nico Robin and Boa out there.

"She is all yours for now, after all you will stop existing when I return"

"WOW… you already planning on killing me… that's cold bruh"

Original Luffy just sighed, his clone was so much like him it really pissed him off, weren't they supposed to have their own personalities.

"Before you go, I what to ask you something?" asked the clone

"Go on what is it?" said the original Luffy.

"As you travel about, are you going to move as Luffy or as some body else?" asked the clone.

Luffy looked at his clone and smiled, "No, we can't have Luffy getting famous yet and Nami and rest can't know you are a clone so..."


Luffy had transformed in to a handsome brown headed man with green eyes. He then asked "so what do you think?"

Luffy looked at the new face and said "I didn't expect to see my face form my world here…. I really was handsome"

"Yes, we were… for now I will move about as Drake and you will stay as Luffy here and complete you tasks"

"HAHAHA… deal stay safe"

Drake smiled and shot off in to the horizon, his mission find the second path of his Rinnegan.