It had been one year since original Luffy turned in to Drake, and flow off in to the distance leaving clone Luffy with instructions to train the crew, so he assembled the crew and following the manual, he taught them all Rokushiki.

It was a hard year, Luffy's sex life was heavily affected. Nami, Nojiko and even Kaya were too exhausted after the training regimen so when he approached them they would send him a way.

"Can you believe that guy, during the day he barks at us pushing us to our physical limits then he comes at night looking to get laid" said Nami

"Yeah, there is no way someone can think of sex after that kind of training, all one would think about is a shower and sleep" replied Nojiko

"True so until we are done with the training, no sex" Nami said.

"I agree" replied Nojiko

It was now a year later and the crew had got the basics of Rokushiki as all of them could now use the Geppo with some advances in other Rokushiki techniques.

Usopp could use Geppo, Kami-e and even started to grasp hints of Haki, Nami and Nojiko could use Geppo, Kami-e, and Soru with Haki still out of there reach. Kaya could only use Geppo and surprisingly Kenbunshoku Haki. Sanji had the biggest development, he could use all the Rokushiki techniques expect Rokuogan and like Kaya, he could use Kenbunshoku Haki and to top it off partial Busoshoku Haki.

After such a massive improvement, he brought the training to an end because as of right now the straw hat crew is strong enough to dominate the first half of the grand line with no close rivals.

Luffy was now sitting in on a beach enjoying the view of Nami, Nojiko, Kaya and the now returned Kuina as they were playing in the blue sea water.

He was thinking to him "Tonight is going to a good night. Now that the girls have rested, it's time to resume where we left off a year ago, a Nami, Nojiko and Kuina feast with a Kaya dessert, after all Usopp is failing to step up"

A smile appeared on his face as he imagined four naked woman pleasing him, when he felt something that crushed his dream.

"NO, NO, NO not now, pleased not now" he shouted out loud.

The bikini dressed women turned and look at a freaking out Luffy, "what's wrong?" asked Nami.

Luffy turned and looked at her and the other bikini girls. Tears began to run down his face and he murmured "I was so close to the prefect night, I was just a few hours away from achieving a fivesome"

Nami saw the tears on his face and quickly ran to him, "What is the matter? What causing you to cry?"

Luffy sighed and said "don't worry about it, everything will be fine, I just need to check on something"

With that said, Luffy lifted of the ground and flow at supersonic speed towards the location of the disturbance he felt.

When he arrived, he found a man sitting on a cloud looking to the sky, it was Drake.

"So you are back" said Luffy.

"Yeah, my trip was a lot more successful than I thought"

Drake then turned to the clone Luffy …*Puff*…turning back in to Luffy original, he asked, "Are you ready to disappear?"

Clone Luffy looked at Luffy original and a look of shock appeared on his face. His Rinnegan had changed, it now had three diamonds joined to gather kind of like the logo for Mitsubishi, surrounded by three circles.

On top of that, the Rinnegan was no longer purple and black, but now purple with the black replaced by gold.

"What happened to you?" the Clone asked.

"As you can see, I have formed three sage paths."

He paused and then smiled and said "When I formed my third path, I went through a massive transformation. It turns out half of the path to sage god hood is sage demi god"

Clone was shocked by the response, "Are you saying you demi god?" he asked.

"Yes, I have touched the realm that is god hood. It caused the colour of my Rinnegan to change."

"How did you manage something like that?"

Luffy original laughed, "Before I tell you my tale, tell me how things progressed with the training of the crew."

Clone Luffy told him about the advancements in the power of the crew ever since he left about a year ago.

"So Kaya and Sanji can use Haki…impressive. What about Zoro and Kuina, have you been checking up on them?"

"Yes, both of them can use Busoshoku Haki. About a mouth age, Dracule asked me to take them back, so I did. I took then back the village, gave them the going merry and set then loose in the east blue. They are now real famous…. Or and Zoro sank the going merry"

"But enough about the crew, tell me what happened to you, how did you achieve two sage paths in just a years' time."

"Came sit with me" he said as he patted the cloud he was sitting on.

The clone came and sat next to him, he looked off in to the distance and said, "It all started a few days after I left Arlong Park and found out about the tribe of the D's."

....About a year ago…...

Luffy was about 100ft above the sea feeling the wind in his hair, enjoying some alone time. He had no idea where he was going, he just picked a direction and flow hoping that fate could take care of everything.

After wondering for a while he was struck by an idea, he stopped mid-flight and removed the map of Gol. D Roger that he found in Buggy's treasure room.

"May be I should go to amazon lily and see what was able to defeat Roger, his crew and the amazon's"

He smiled as he thought about the tall gorgeous Boa Hancock, "Oh yeah, let's go to amazon lily."

Drake was about to change his heading towards Amazon lily when a commotion on the sea got his attention.

He decreased his altitude to investigate.

When he was about 30ft above the sea, he saw about 100 marine ships engaged in combat.

"What could be serious enough for all these marines to be here?"

All of a sudden there was a flash of light as swords made of light fell from the sky in the sea. Then came another flash and a thick sheet of ice appeared on the sea surface.

"Light and Ice, that could only mean one thing…" he quick sent out his Sage sense and found what he was looking for, an afro haired man and another wearing a strip suit both wearing a long coat that had Admiral written on the back.

"Aokiji and Kizaru… who the hell is powerful enough to bring two admirals and 100 ships to subdue" he asked himself.

He was still processing this scene when Aokiji next words shocked Drake, Aokiji looked and Kizaru and asked "when will Sakazuki get here, we are barely holding on"

"He wouldn't get here in time, we are all on our on for now" replied Kizaru.

"SHIT… I guess we have no choose but to keep fighting" said Aokiji.

Luffy finally snapped out of his shocked state, "Okay I need to find out who this person is, only white beard was able to bring such a force to subdue him."

All of a sudden an earth scattering roar as the sea water parted revealing the biggest octopus to ever exist. It tentacles were the size of a small island and it head rose up to touch the clouds.

"Yup, that is big enough to bring 3 admirals and 100 ships….. a fucking Kraken…."