"Release the kraken" were the words that came to mind as Drake watched the mammoth of a sea beast destroy the marine ships.

But it didn't stop Aokiji and Kizaru from putting up a fight.

Aokiji would use his ice devil fruit powers to freeze the kraken tentacles while Kizaru would summon light sword to attack it. But even with their combination attacks they were still on the losing end.

The Kraken seem to have evolved to a point were its body was covered with harden armour, and it also had quick regeneration when it was injured. This made defending it an impossible task.

Aokiji turned to Kizaru, "Retreat, there is no way we are defeating a monster like that."

"I agree, even with Sakazuki here it would be impossible. Its regeneration ability makes it impossible to cause it major damage"

With the retreat command issued, the remaining ships began to make a retreat, but the kraken wasn't having any of that, it followed them.

Drake was about to let the marines fight their own battle, but he remembered how Aokiji interacted with Nico. True he killed her friend Saul, but he let her escape and never arrested her whenever they met.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to help" he said out loud.

Drake began to slowly reduced his attitude towards the fight.

Even as Aokiji and Kizaru were fighting the Kraken, they were on high alert and quickly noticed a man floating down form the sky.

"Are you here to help, or are you here for other reasons?" asked Kizaru.

"I am here to help" he replied

"That's all well and good. So what can you do besides floating" asked Aokiji.

Drake laughed, "Just stand back and watch"

Drake pointed at the Kraken and called on the water to obey. At his command water rose up and took form of a massive water dragon. He ordered it to attack the Kraken.

ROARRRR… came the sound of the dragon as it attacked.

When the two clashed, a shock wave was sent out across the ocean knocking ever one but Drake back.

"Step one complete" he said.

The admirals and what was left of the marine fleet were shocked seeing a water formed dragon subduing the kraken.

They turn to Drake who was now down one knee with his hands on the water and eyes closed.

"What's he doing now?" asked Kizaru.

Drake was sending his sense 75,000 feet to the sea floor looking for massive amounts of earth. When he reached the bottom he combined the water with earth and formed a massive wooden dragon.

With a smile on his face, he called it up to the surface.

The sea water split apart as another roar came revealing a wooden dragon. He cancelled the water dragon technique and ordered the wooden dragon to take its place.

When the wooden dragon coiled around the Kraken, it tried to break free, but it was no use. The harder it fought, the tighter the wooden dragon gripped it.

Drake then clapped his hands together, this caused the wooden dragon to begin absorbing the life force of the Kraken.

The Kraken began to shrink and shrivel as its life force was being sucked by the wooden dragon then sent to Drake. It life force was filled with a lot of energy and also it memories.

This beast had lived for over a1000 years and seen a lot of history.

Drake catch glimpses of the so called void century or a least the little that happened on the sea around where it used to stay. As he saw flashes of its memory something major caught his attention.

It was an island, one that rises every 1000 years.

On it was a cave that contained a rip in space and time. Though this rip, a group of people walked out.

A man who is clearly the leader smiled and laughed out "We clam this world in the name of the D tribe."

A beautiful woman walked forward and said "you know the beast clan already rules this world right."

"Don't worry, we are here to fix that little problem" replied the leader.

It's at this point the Kraken got scared at quickly left the area ending its memory of the invading D tribe.

The memories from the Kraken ended and he was back in the real world. He looked at the now withered remains of the Kraken, "Thank you for that peek in to history"

Drake was recalling the Kraken memories hoping to find something he might have missed when;

Ding… summoning jutsu acquired… came the sudden notification form the system.

"I have gained a lot today" he thought to himself.

With a wave of his hand the wooden dragon turned on to a huge ship.

He turned to Aokiji and Kizaru and said "You can use this to transport what's left of your fleet. No sea king will attack you"

Before, Aokiji and Kizaru could respond, Drake lifted of the sea shoot off in to the direction of the Island from the kraken's memories.

He had a smile on his face, a rip in space and time was his chance to may be acquire the path of space and time.