Aokiji and Kizaru watched in amazement as the stranger who stopped to help them was now quickly disappearing in to the sky. In a few seconds, he was no longer visible.

"Who was that I wonder?" asked Kizaru.

"I don't know, but whoever he was, I really hope he is not a pirate or a revolutionary. Because if he is, we are in a lot of trouble…" replied Aokiji.

Kizaru replied the early fight in his mind and agreed with Aokiji, "That stranger is very strong, it would take all nine admirals to stop him even that may not be enough."

"True and with his ability to manipulate water, the sea isn't an ideal battle ground…*sigh*… that's a problem for another day, right now let's get our men home."

"Agreed and if we the admirals can't handle him, then those red eyed monsters in the capital will deal with him."

"Don't call them monsters, you don't want to get on their bad side." Warned Aokiji.

"But I forget what they call themselves" replied Kizaru

"The call themselves the Uchiha"

"Right…weird name if you ask me. So are we using the ship he made us?" said Kizaru.

They both looked at the ship that used to be a wooden dragon. It was massive with its out hall designed like dragon scales and its bow had a dragon head on it.

The ship looked like a dragon swimming on the sea. It would be later known as the sea dragon and the flag ship of the Aokiji fleet.

"Yes we are most definitely using the ship, it easy freaking awesome." Replied Aokiji.



While Aokiji and Kizaru were marvelling at the dragon ship, Drake was approaching the general area were the mysterious Island was located.

Now floating above its general location, Drake sent his sage sense in to deep sea and he found nothing.

"Did something happen to it? Or is it out of sage sense range" he asked himself.

He recalled the Kraken's memories and he was sure, this is the right location, he could feel it in his bones even though he couldn't sense it,

"I need to see for myself what is down there."

Wrapping himself in a wind sphere, he shoot in to the depth of the ice cold sea.

The deeper he went, the darker it became because the sun's light rays didn't penetrate this deep in the sea, but this didn't bother Drake.

This was because of the various elemental energies he could manipulate, it made him immune to them such as fire, ice, lightning, etc but he wasn't sure about Haki. He hadn't yet been in a Haki battle even if he had already battled a Haki user in Dracule.

Now 90,000 leagues under the sea, Drake finally reached the bottom of this sea region, what he founded shocked him.

There was an Island at the bottom of the sea and it was surrounded by what looked like a force field. He slowly approached it.

Standing in front of the energy field and put his hand on in and it went through.

"Interesting, water can't get in but I can…why"

Drake stepped through the force field, and on the other side was a village.

"How is this even possible? Well there is fisherman island so I guess it is possible."

He sent his sage sense to cover the whole village hoping to find any forms of life, but there were none.

The adventurer in him wanted to go house to house investigating the fact that there was a village surrounded by a force field at the bottom of the east blue sea but the cave in the distance with the rip in space and time was way more important so he walked towards it.

When he reach the cave entrance, he found a partially damaged monolith with text inscribed on it laying on the ground. And it read.

--- For as long they we have existed, the tribe of the D's have also been explores.

We explored almost every corner of our home world and dreamt of finding other extraordinary places.

That fateful day our wish was answered.

A man came from the sky, calling himself an immortal cultivator and an explorer of many worlds. He liked our exploring spirit and promised to help us achieve our dream.

Years passed before we were strong enough to archive other worldly travel.

So we---

Drake had reached the section that was damaged. He fought the urge to pull the hair out of his head in frustration.

Whenever he thought he found answers to what or who the tribe of the D's were, he would hit a wall.

With a sigh he left the damaged monolith and walked in to the cave until he reached a room with a raised platform.

He climbed the platform.

When he reached the top, something unexpected happened, the system sent him a message.

Ding…. dimensional gate way detected… would you like to access dimensional space.

"Yes" he replied with excitement.

A ball of darkness expanded form the platform and covered Drake up then disappearing taking him with it.

Drake began spiralling through space like something out of Doctor Who.

He was captured by the amazing sight of the space around him, when a voice spoke to him,

"Hey user, it's been a while. How are you doing?"

"I am great, I found this village under the sea that had a dimensional gate so I entered it"

"I can see that… such a wonderful place" replied the system AI.

"But why are you talking to me, have I reached the requirements yet?"

"NO you haven't, but under special circumstances I can appear and talk with you."

"Oh, so what's special this time?"

"Nothing special really, it's just that you are about to die…"

"WHAT…." He yelled out.

"Yeah, you really shouldn't have tried dimensional travel without the proper body."